And is he really claiming that they weren't part of the same church? Did we all just imagine that in a linked fever dream?
Eric Capuano was the "owner" (and developer) of Zenminer. Josh claimed to have purchased Zenminer for $8 million and that's how the whole hashlet thing started. Except there was no such purchase. I don't think Eric is involved in any of the post-GAW developments.
I don't know about the church. It's a bit weird that many of them (Josh, Adam, etc.) are from Texas but it's a big state. Absent hard proof I wouldn't assume they went to the same church.
Wasn't Adam involved in that church where the ganza's were giving that video lecture until the scam started to get exposed?
That video was about some local sect in CT/MA/VT or thereabouts and Adam's church was in TX... not related I think.