useless gibberish
dude, can you try to keep this account a bit longer? It's annoying to put your accounts on ignore on a daily basis.
Btw, does that GAW PoS clone really create 1% stake PER DAY? It's hard to follow all the crap they promise, edit, delete and so on... If so, how can anyone believe that they would be able to maintain the price (if they ever reach the promised USD 20)?
And did they switch from "cloud mining" to basically running one single machinie with a XPY PoS wallet now or is that BTC mining still in business?
Anyways, glad that i never bought anything from them.
Nobody knows about BTC mining for sure, but they are still selling off S4 miners on and it has been hinted on more than one occasion that mining is the past and staking is the future. The only question is what will happen to unconverted Hashlets, 10% according to GAW. My guess is that they will continue with 1 satoshi payouts for a while and then offer another chance to "upgrade". Another option is just force everyone like they did with legacy hosted hardware.
Regular POS is 5% annually. "Cloud" POS is 0.972% per day (non-compounding). However you need to keep in mind that to achieve that rate for every 3 months of staking you have to spend between 50-100% of the value of the coin on a disposable HashStaker. A minor exception is a converted Prime, which lasts forever, but those cost 600% so in that case you'd be betting that this system will last for 2+ years and/or the exchange rate will go up significantly.
Best case scenario: one XPY at 0.03 BTC (~$10) + a cheap hashlet at $5 converted to a 3 month HashStaker = $15 cost. At the end of 3 months you will have 1.87 XPY, so you need the exchange rate to stay above $8 to break even.
Worst case scenario: one XPY at $10 + HashStaker at full retail = $22 cost. You need the exchange rate to stay above $12.
You can reduce the risk by dumping the "interest" daily, which is likely what most will be doing and you can guess what that will do to the exchange rate.
I calculated a few posts back that $0.5 million USD is needed to prop the HashStakers alone, not to mention regular staking. Basically you need GAW to make at least $0.5 million per day STARTING NOW to be able to sustain this. All other speculation about floors and exchange manipulation and magic future technologies etc is meaningless. Without cold hard income to back it up it will unravel sooner or later.