I also don't like the site itself CCN as of course they picked the name to throw people off some, but like any blog I read it with a grain of salt. Sadly with today's big media quality I would argue they are no worse then CNN, Wallstreet etc as most media reports for headlines and page views not for content and investigative reporting.
See now that is helpful and I don't doubt the validity. This could be used as some of the proof people pretend to have. This could be entry one.
Just you will need to take it down later if those articles do come out in the future.
It's been more than a month now and all we've seen is a bunch of paid-to-spam press releases and a variety of interviews with bloggers.
People don't pretend to have proof, it's just most people don't feel like digging through 400 pages to find it.
Actually I don't think this would hold up in a court of law much less the court of public opinion as proof that gaw is a complete scam
However, I will not invalidate it like I didn't in my post above. I said this can be point one in a nice summary of all the proof people claim to have.
I find however when mob mentality rules and people just repeat things they delude themselves into thinking something that is just not based in fact at all.
I would imagine that with the passion I see here by some they would be able to quickly summarize all the proof to help the community and new readers to this thread.
After all isn't the point of this thread to educate and help people be warned of the evil GAW empire with more then just repeating the gate fueled rantings that just get repeated? I say a ummary with all the proof starting with that quote would be a good start and go further to saving everyone from themselves then rantings.
I look forward to more constructive posts and proof.
Heck if even the most passionate posters here can't start a summary of proof against GAW I can do it for them. However atm my list would be quite small.
Anyone want to add to the list of proof? Once again, thanks in advance.
Sounds like you are volunteering! Please read the entire thread and have a complete list of proofs for us. We'll put in on a sticky some where. Otherwise you'll just have to read the thread and decide things for yourself!
no no no I am not volunteering! Good try! I was saying when a long passionate thread is made like this it would really be well advised to have a summary of all the points to help the very people the tread is aimed at? Not many people are going to look through 444 posts to find any valid information.
I do thank the one poster above who at least gave about 5 points that had value. That is the type of community member that adds value to the topic for others to read and evaluate for themselves.
100 posts by bitter poster X agreeing with bitter poster Y back and forth post after post does me no good. Sorry I am not going to take someones word on the internet that they " just know " facts on a topic when it involves money. I instead invite them to state the reason they know so I can evaluate.
don't worry man. You are welcome here any time. We don't ban here and we don't censor, unlike HT. What responses you get will totally depend on who is here at the time you ask the question. I am personally too tired right now to rehash anything. But T0urist did a nice job listing a few of the arguments in a recent post you should be sure to review. I would also read all of eightcylinders posts on this thread.
I know there's not really a lot to do right now with paycoin being down and all so you are welcome to stick around!