No other cloud service has come close and I dare say no other home minor has done better, so suck it up, accept the fact that the coin has support. I believe that BTC will always be the main coin, however if the market cap was showing correct figures you may find that this is No 3 not bad for a shit coin as some call it.
Most posters on this thread wish for the demise of Pay Coin, not because of the coin but they got banned from hash talk, if you really wanted crypto to survive you would be promoting crypto not trying to tear it apart.
How about we start 2015 with one thing and that is a crypto community that works together to bring the technology to the main stream, and not tear it apart from within.
As stated before i can make a clone coin set it at 1 billion coins and buy one of my coins for $100. My market success is now $100 billion dollars. Most posters here don't wish the demise of paycoin they wish to expose a scam that will hurt many.
That makes no sense... if we want crypto to survive we should promote any coin scam or not? Promoting a possible scam does more damage to the ideology of cryptocurrency than stopping it. How about we start 2015 with transparency on GAW's behalf to "promote" the faith and furthering of crypto. GAW can make it all go away so easily with just some real proof. Here's 2 possible starters.
1. Release the source of paycoin in its entirety... show the prime controllers exist in code and function as said. Show the hybrid flex.... show the thermonuclear transaction code. You can't sell a product with these features then say they will come later. Proof of concept my friend. It'd be like selling someone a placebo for cancer telling them the actual active ingredients are coming later but buy it now.
2. Demonstrate your petahash power of past mining. Show it to us. It hasn't been sold off yet SO SHOW IT. Mining is no longer happening at that power so there is no risk to customers or GAW anymore right? If you are moving to staking there is no more equipment to protect... show it powered off but in its entirety in a warehouse. Josh could say its sold and gone... how convenient. I predicted he'd remove the mining from the equation with staking to cover himself.
Anyone wishing to promote and encourage crypto would do this.