you know whats got me? how did this vest wearing fucktard convince so many people out of their cash? hes not even remotely smart? its so mind boggling...
Normally when I buy into a company its because of the product, I don't give a shit about the ceo as they are in the background making sure it works, not go on the offensive with fucking terrible grammar and spelling mistakes that embarrassingly pollute his posts.
So for me BTC mining was the attraction, since then this bald headed vest wearing con job has changed everything on us, and locking up the funds so we cant escape, lies on top of lies, broken promises he just doesn't get it and thinks he can ignore it. So anyone buying into this shit now I feel sorry for them. And as far as I am concerned the only gaw supporters in this thread are paid supporters. Noticed that ?
As I said before I am glad idiots have bought his 20 dollar coin - means I can escape this ponzi early hopefully.
It wouldn't surprise me josh with his pre mine are staking it hard and selling peecoin themselves on the market to eat up the remaining 500k