They would still need a sizable "floor" to support the price. Do they really have $100m of investors' money to do that? Why was hinted multiple times that HashStaker sales revenue etc go into the floor. Doesn't that worry you - taking money from customers to pay them back when they dump the coin?
Yes there is a risk involved like in all exchanges. But I think the solution is there too. What about the people that don't have paycoin or don't have subscribed to the hashbase and the "mining/staking" they will buy paycoin or btc to put in their wallets . So paycoin needs to be sold at a certain price and will that will again go into the funds to support the price. i think the floor will have several incomes like the stakers someone buying paycoin etc.... I'v seen several people ask if it would be possible to send their paycheck there. I know some people here find this stupid but think about it. Send your money there and you can use that in whatever means paybase will use to pay the merchant or pay bills with. What if you could pay your taxes with BTC or for that matter with any crypto without incurring large bank transfer costs. What if I wanted to pay something in JPY evenr tried that in a bank? This would be the ultimate exchange any currency in and you really don't need to worry about how the payment is being made to the party you are paying.
It may take a lot of regulations but what if the company that is backing GAW already has that covered? Bank? Financial institution?
Are you catagorically saying they they have fully complied with all financial regulations and if so in which countries?
Or are you just dropping more unsubstantiated hints like you did on hashtalk?
It's the kind of thing that has the masses over at GAW in the blind funk they're in.