Amusing how you see a coin launch with issues as proof everything there is legitimate. Intelligent people have already debunked the coins workings. Wheres the prime shit and hybrid flex? Is josh still saying its not a peercoin clone? Even though the readme said it was.....
Wheres those tooth fairy investors? Still not named?
I give your investment a few months before it all comes crashing down... your ceo seems mighty worried that the coin isn't selling for his $20 he thought... ever heard another company ceo act so irrational calling out troll hunts? I know bill gates, steve jobs and others used to do it all the time... o wait they didn't because they weren't cult leaders and ponzi scheme artists.
A few teething problems is pretty normal for a coin launch. What's important is how quickly the fixes come and how well the dev team communicates with miners/investors. I'd say GAW are doing a job there!