So I can
a) sell my primes and get more money back (this is tempting it would be about $30k)
b) or wait and see if this model works (I don't think it's a scam but the model may not be sustainable) in which case at a pay rate of .0075/per prime/day I stand to make about $16k in the next 6mos.... I could also sell my excess paycoin that I can't stake to offset the risk on this
decisions decisions.
It comes down to how much risk I'm willing to take..
Do I think zencloud will go offline anytime soon - no I don't believe that is a risk so I'm not factoring it in (might be dumb but thats how I feel).
Coin not having a valuation of $20 - yes this is the main risk I am considering.. whether I'll be able to consistently sell at a minimum of $20/coin.. I feel like there's a definite risk here, and this is ultimately what will make my decision for me
The SEC is taking GREAT interest in Gawminers right now.. I'd watch out, especially after my huge report.
So after this is all over can paycoin(s) come out to play as anniversary edition?
I have to wait a whole year and I already ordered 10BCTaDAY a commemorative vest, well hell at least I'll have time to have the Johnny Cash logo embroidered.