I like this one. "Yea, let me know. I love what you guys are doing, but I need to know its legit. No offense in any way." Had to be nice to this kid to keep him talking, he was such a douche
I really like this poor oxman guy in the background, defending Garza like most people did, I got a lot of shit for asking questions. I'm still shocked people didn't catch on until later, so many people just kept defending this idiot.
Good save!
Maybe we can show this to the judge?
The reason people were conned was because Garza exploited his relationship with Stuart Fraser, (Chair of Cantor Fitzgerald) --- put him in the press releases and claimed he had $10m in backing.
Also, paid fanboys like Scott Fargo (above with Garza), who gladly published his lies on BITCOINIST & CRYPTOCOINSNEWS
....but yeah.....WE were idiots.
I think that sums it up!
It makes sense to go after Fraser in the GAW-suit. I hope they collect a bundle!
Winning that could lead to criminal charges.
Props to Allen Shinners.