I'm some pages behind - what was the 'big' announcement? Why did Garza change the forum domain? It's not like Google won't find him this way lol
Big announcement was that TeamXPY/Paycoin Foundation have put two Primary Controllers up on XPY.io where the first 250k to take advantage can store their coin on primary controller and get daily payouts from the scrapes. Each person can put in (or buy) up to 1000 XPY per day to have added to the controller so that everyone gets a chance to put some of their coin on the controller. At the end of the period (that normally would run 90 days?) you either get your principle back or can put it toward a bid for a controller in the next round.
IF you miss getting your coin onto the controller, you can buy coin from them and lock it up for 90 days at a 50% stake rate (backed by a different controller) or you can move your coin onto the site to stake at 25% rate. At end of the period, your principle is returned to you.
The program does not increase coin inflation (existing controllers are used), but does increase coin circulation (because staked coins would normally sit in scrape addresses). There are no fees for the program. Those with coins in a controller also get voting power over the future of the coin and chance to bid on next controller.
Hashtalk domain hop? Who the hell knows why! The new domain is owned by the cPIGs instead of GAW, so maybe he's trying to save it from confiscation by SEC (or maybe his original servers were confiscated by the SEC and he doesn't want to let it be known publicly and he threw this up from a backup tape.)
This new scheme of using PCs to pay an increased rate of stake is another ploy like BTClend to get as many XPY off of the open market as possible. It actually
decreases coin circulation for the short term, which is all the crooks running this scheme care about. Keeping the price alfoat by keeping coins that would otherwise be dumped into the market for ONE MORE DAY is all that matters to these chumps. In this case they are buying 90 days. Then they are brazenly offering 25% stake and keeping 75%? Ya, because they deserve that for doing nothing . What a joke. I know brain cells are few and far between with the remaining Paycoiners, but now that the released keys have been tested by the asshole shyster Cmilian and proven to work, there is no reason to not set up their own PCs and get 100% compounding stake. All they need to do is band together to get the 125k minimum. As far as o0o0's suggestion for outsider's to get one, I think that is the wrong approach. It would be cheaper and perhaps even profitable to simply set up a system to accept other people's XPY, and pay them some percentage above whatever the insider crooks are paying. Setting up an exchange front end like that is way beyond my tech skills, but I am sure there is someone in this crowd who could do it.