Hey guys, never posted here before, I have to admit i've been watching the fireworks here for several months though. My name is Matt Cartwright, I am the individual that this post was written about:
http://www.reddit.com/r/litecoinmining/comments/1yh23g/has_anyone_here_sold_their_own_rig_on_ebay_and/ I have been forced to remain silent for a while because of an ongoing legal action Garza took against my spouse and I to silence us. I am currently in a Pro Se counterclaim against Garza, you can confirm this by searching my last name in the leaked emails. You will find much hilarity in seeing Homero and his lawyers sweat about the fact that I just didn't give a fuck and didn't bother throwing my money at an attorney which is exactly what Garza was hoping for. I have fought him in court successfully so far without any legal representation.
I am not here to brag that I saw this coming, I am just making myself known now that I feel moderately safe to do so. I was originally offered the position of Founder and Chief Technological Officer of GAW Mining back in February, 2014, I very rapidly turned down that position upon getting to know our favorite slime-ball piece of shit Homero Josh Garza. I was also the one who did most of the initial research on Homero Garza and attempted to contact his landlord's at 14 High meadow circle to warn them of what was coming.
I attempted to stop him from taking the action's he has which have resulted in many investments lost. I encouraged the owner's of that property to help me file criminal charges with the local authorities and they were more concerned that Garza was running an unauthorized business at the time than the fact that he was committing criminal offenses out of their home. When I first made contact with them, the doctor's wife who owned the property actually interrogated me instead and never contacted me again or took any of my future calls. Garza outlined his original plans to me early on last year and I chose not to join in on his scam corp. Since I ended up fighting him I was sued and my small business was destroyed. I'm extremely proud of the work this forum and gethashing has taken on to bring this horrific trainwreck of a ponzi scheme down and I hope he will be brought to justice soon.
On a less serious, more hilarious note: I found something you guys haven't managed to catch yet. If Garza is still in the U.S. he is hiding out in (possibly his family's) home garage.
http://www.brattleboro.org/vertical/sites/%7BFABA8FB3-EBD9-4E2C-91F9-C74DE6CECDFD%7D/uploads/2012_GL_by_Owner_G-H1.pdfUse Find: Garza. Note: Garage/Dwelling Unit 3.
On another interesting and hilarious note that also ties Garza to Brattleboro, VT. Here is a recent Brattleboro Police Press release:
http://brattleboropolice.org/press-release/I think you guys will enjoy reading it. Not a lot of shit happens in Brattleboro, but when the Garza's are in town, anything can happen. I'm sure the Garza family is overjoyed that an entire city's press release is dedicated to one of their favorite children.
I will be happy to answer any questions on Garza's initial plans as of Feb. 2014. Feel free to contact me. Thanks guys.