On a less serious, more hilarious note: I found something you guys haven't managed to catch yet. If Garza is still in the U.S. he is hiding out in (possibly his family's) home garage.
See: http://www.brattleboro.org/vertical/sites/%7BFABA8FB3-EBD9-4E2C-91F9-C74DE6CECDFD%7D/uploads/2014_Grand_List_Fo-Ho.pdf
and: http://www.brattleboro.org/vertical/sites/%7BFABA8FB3-EBD9-4E2C-91F9-C74DE6CECDFD%7D/uploads/2012_GL_by_Owner_G-H1.pdf
Use Find: Garza. Note: Garage/Dwelling Unit 3.
I'm pretty sure he's renting out the Hillcrest property. It might be hard to kick someone out on such short notice. Not to mention that it possibly was used as collateral for a $200k loan from Fraser, so he may not even own it very much longer.