What makes you think they paid for it?
Technically it was purchased for $1
It was not a bribe for us to upgrade to the new wallet. As with every currency we list we would like to see it succeed. We thought opening a prime controller and being transparent about the funds gained and where they are going would be beneficial for the community.
No coins will be moved from our scraping address until we have come up with the best plan to benefit the community. Whether that is simply burning the coins or distributing them to our users has yet to be decided. We have agreed to not sell any of the minted coins. Our motive was not to profit from the prime controller
That's some Garza grade BS.
What part of your shitcoin exchange getting 1% of some shitcoins market cap for free benefits the community?
If you have a shred of integrity you'd burn 100% of the coins ASAP. But seeing as how profiting off of scams is pretty much your business, I doubt you'll really consider it.