You do not understand AT ALL, Mage. The number of unique addresses where coins were shuffled in and out of is ridiculous, and growing by the second- it is still going on full force as this is typed. Now you have to include a supposed theft of not only millions of coins, but also Prime Controllers which shit out thousands of coins a day. Which coins are you going to brand as legitimate? And who EXACTLY gets to decide? Josh? The people hand picked by Josh to distance Paycoin from him, as per plan? The "theives" who stole coins and Prime Controllers? What if Josh is tried and found innocent of all charges? THEN what? Are YOU going to pay the fucker back when he sues??? The things you have been suggesting as far as fixing Paycoin are completely fucking absurd and show no aforethought whatsoever. My suggestion is to either spell out an exact plan for your "fix" of Paycoin or never mention it again.
Yay, only 10 pages behind.
I think identifying and removing Prime Controllers and their coins is technically doable. Beyond that - you're right, it gets murky.
Note I said "technically". There would be serious issues, like how to make the current PC owners to give them up voluntarily or make the change "secretly" so that they don't dump before it's forked.
The primary issue I see is theft and respecting property rights. Homero created this coin and put the vast majority of them in his pocket.
Fact. He owns them, done deal, it's over. Not saying I think it is a good thing or that I support Homero or his scheme in any way, shape, or form (obviously), but what we are talking about here is taking someone's property. Just because some people decide they don't like him does
NOT give them the right to take his property. Example: If I were to start a Real Estate investment group with 100 shares, and held 49 shares and a group of investors held the other 51, it does NOT give them the right to hold a majority shareholder meeting and
eliminate my shares to increase the value of their shares, regardless of what they think of me. That would simply not be legal. Do you think Mage would think it is a good idea to pull some monkeyshit like that with Litecoin? It would boost the value of the remaining coins- RIGHT? Pure genius. Why not do it? Get at least 51% of Litecoin holders together and eliminate the coins of whomever does not support them, or does not get the memo in time to get "validated" or those that wish to remain anonymous. Poof, Litecoin gets a huge price per coin boost.
So you are saying that Josh should keep his Coins? What about if a person received the Coins through illegitimate means? Does that mean that the person should keep the Coins, especially if they have near infinite selling power with them?
You statement about litecoin doing is false, because if you were just doing it where you would cut off a certain part of the Coins that don't agree with your views then that part would fight against it and sell their Coins and attack the value so you wouldn't be gaining any value by doing it.