What if you steal televisions from say best buy and sell them to people, would that make them legit?.. I think this is something Josh said or close to it, it seems like he deleted more of his posts so I can not find the exact quote. BTW great job on your (or is it you're, you are?) coin
It was just before he says he knocked off the appole [apple] store, he said he stole all the TV's from best buy.
"I went to my local best buy and stole all their TVs.” ~ Homero Joshua Garza
https://forum.gethashing.com/uploads/default/_optimized/c50/52b/400b2877b9_600x270.png"I just had to make a visit to knock off [the] appole store there.” ~ Homero Joshua Garza
https://puu.sh/hjFXO/ffed1366b0.pngEDIT For Indexing: GAWCEO, MrCEO, josg21, Homero Garza, Josh Garza, Homero Josh Garza, Homero Joshua Garza, H. Josh Garza, H. Joshua Garza, GAW Miners LLC, Business Technology for Cryptocurrency LLC, B.T.C. LLC, GAW HSI, GAW High Speed Internet, Geniuses at Work, GAW, ZenMiner, ZenCloud, Paycoin, Paybase, PayFlash, Hashlet, Hashstaker, Hashtalk, Mineral, Coinstand