The great thing about the email dump is that it starts back when I'm almost 100% certain GAW Miners was a legit company. They actually hosted physical miners that people bought. They dropshipped, sure, but they were upfront about it. There was a little C&D bullying, but nothing like what came later.
Garza looked like he tried to be a good CEO, too. He was pissed when he got word of customer service fails in his company. He educated his executives. He had something called a business plan.
Then, they decided to make the hosted miners virtual. He just took that and owned being a scammer. Suddenly, the emails are about bullying people or guilting people into shutting up or dropping claims. He started cutting pay and overpromising equity. It's like once they decided to lie to their customers, all bets were off, and everything became part of a game to extract as much value from everyone as possible.
He's just an amazing character. He deserves a biopic more than an episode of American Greed. He got so brazen so quickly, and he's been able to maintain it for so long, that this scam deserves a place in scam history.
Nah he is a rank amature, about all his scam deserves is
his photo on post office walls. I have run the math in my head, from what I have seen on here and I have his total take set at a low end of $8 to 9,000,000 and high end of $15,000,000. He pissed most of that away like a monkey would with shiny trinkets, cars, private jets and general useless bullshit to stroke his image as a big wheel. I suspect he probably has less than $4,000,000 left and is deploying 50% of that to set up another scam in another name, in another country, the rest trying to live on. When the shit hits the fan he will end up spending that, bartering what is left to lawyers to try and keep his dumb ass out of prison... or his wife will file for divorce and claim it or even mistress may make a claim on it and when he throws them under the bus then he will have more legal fees. He thinks hiding in a non extradition country and off shore accounts and things like that will save him but it wont. The Federal Marshal run snatch and grabs all the time Overseas when a Federal Warrant is served. Also the banks even Euro banks now operate under a series of Homeland Security Laws and International Banking laws... so they know what where when and how much goes off shore. Look at what happened to Switzerland banking recently.
In the end he will be worse off than where he started..... thats how scammers always end up. My gut is telling me we will be reading about his "Suicide" shortly, but I think he will assume another identity and start over. Alot of the scammers do that in order to come back into the US, then a couple of years will pass and he will be busted because he got too arrogant, lazy and think the heat is off.
I could show you how the pro's work things but I suspect he reads this forum closely and I do not want to be giving him any ideas. Its rather fun watching him figure it out for himself, he is not near as smart as he thinks he is. So no ideas, its amature hour and let him play it out like I suspect he will