See, whcic contans the orginal wording.
but not proven
humero fraudsters
Countless mistakes, wow just wow.
Even in one sentence there are a handfull!
"I am tired of the trolls killing every oppertinty for paycoin to be sussecful befoe it even gets off teh ground"
What a "CEO" , lol
something is odd though, these appear to be new misspellings, almost like someone is trying imitate Homero.
[I hacked that account and am trying to see how big a fool I can make of him.]
Someone who bought it solely on the understanding of it going to a 911 charity did not buy it only to find out it went to some fucking shoe campaign.
Doesn't matter if that fucking genius you or this retard pretending to be him here, thought about it yesterday, today or tomorrow.
That is the point.
Let's whittle it down and make it even simpler:
1. Hey lets raise money for cats. Good idea. Hey cat lovers give us your money so we can help cats
2. Okay here is my money
3. Success we met our target and gave the money to help cats but we got a surplus what do?
4. Give the rest to help dogs. Good idea
5. Give me my money back I hate dogs asshole
>>snip a whole lot of shit excuses<<
The nouncemnt that it would be for charity came AFTER they were all sodl, so you make no sense
It can be found here:
The lie that results in the current situation can also be found there:
Note that the only posts abuto charity were after they were all sold.