Well, for better or worse, hopefully this error to the global gene pool will finally receive a portion of the justice due to him. It has been almost 3 years since I first called Garza both out in public and although I honestly lost serious interest in this ongoing nightmare almost 2 years ago, it is what it is. Life is too short and BTC is now too valuable to only reflect on "what could have been" if various SCAM's like those of GAW, BCS, Crypsty, and numerous others didn't waste away our (virtual) fortunes, but you live and you learn.
Moving forward, this dragged out process should only keep all those concerned focused on calling out and making sure the latest wave of "questionable" ventures are kept in-check and not allowed to repeat the infestation of the industry many allowed GAW/Garza to do. Specifically, Marco Streng of Genesis Mining should be watched like a hawk as his scheme appears to reaching an unsustainable peak. Take this advisory from someone who he and his minion basically scammed in 2014 to further grow his small (at the time) outfit and to this day owes thou$ands in never-sent payouts.
With all this said, Happy Monday All! I may not be around much anymore, but I am still "reading the mail".
(If you don't remember me, read the first few hundred pages of this and related threads - circa 2014/2015)