All this bitching about staking... no one seems to care that staking doesn't produce wealth. You can make all wallets stake at a gazillion % and it won't make anyone richer. The only way to get rich in the XPY ecosystem is to have a Prime Controller that stakes at a higher rate than others. Thus MrCEO throwing a tantrum due to losing his 350% cash printer.
Putting staking proceeds into CAF is like filling up a sieve with water.
im not totally up-to-date with what GAW promised with x product
but this all seems to me like the holes in the sieves mesh are different sizes hence anyone with higher stake would rebel against any action to down size them
also if you own x(large) amount of coins (weighted with time) the chance to generate consecutive blocks should increase. so its a kind of tug of war if you have 2 parties battling each other. if someone needs cash they will yield some ground (time in relation with coins)
im sure theres some time limit in peercoin but im not that familiar with it, this timing seems very weird to me tho
i havent thought about if theres bunch of active parties.. which could be reality according to HT (analyzer posting that there is a group that would battle current course)
i vote for TheMage to do the job necessary
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here lies the problem. i cant say what could be the best for the bag holders... :\ with public information available i would go for team xpy. but they could have their own agenda....
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it could all be extension of the fraud but at this point with bunch of agencys looking at them im pretty sure noone would try to scam by owning the chain. power struggle seems more plausible