Cool. Did you ask what he plans on doing with those Prime Controller's other than using them to print free XPY to dump onto pathetically ignorant bagholder victims of this scam, exactly the same as Josh was doing? Do they bake bread or churn butter or something in addition to the task they are designed for?
This ^^^^^^^
Selling a few hundred thousand XPY.
So connecting the dots it appears to me that:
1) Matt caught Josh dumping "a few hundred thousand" XPY (appears to be admitted by Josh)
2) Josh claims that the dumps were to pay him (Josh) back for >> 1 million he has invested of his own money (putting aside the fact that even if true, it would be a major problem for Josh to try to repay his insider loan before paying creditors; in legal jingo either a "preference" or "fraudulent conveyance")
3) Matt tells Josh to turn over the PCs and coins, under threat of exposing Josh
4) Josh signs agreement to turn over coins and PCs to Matt, Foundation, etc.
5) Matt et al come out with a proposal to remove the extreme hyperinflating stakers down to 100% (with no cumulative staking interest)
6) Now Josh claims that he was extorted into signing agreement (as an aside, Josh really means "duress" as a defense to contract formation; and the duress defense is extraordinarily hard to win on absent extreme circumstances that effectively "deprive the contracting party of free choice" such as physical threats, fraud, etc.)
People need to grow a brain and see that Josh Garza is full of shit and needs to be dropped everybody move to new wallet that is the only way your paycoin is going to have value