I'm going to post my full conversation with your CEO, and with your support troll Andrew nuygen shortly, too bad you can't ban me here. Welcome to reality.
Hey Panda, a few questions:
I've been trying to find some background information on these companies, one of which being GAWminers. I'm sure you know Reactor, as he posts regularly here. How can such an active member of the bitcointalk community have such problems with GAW unless they were true? Why would he make up stuff about GAW and potentially ruin his reputation; I don't buy that he could have been hired by a competitor. Even if he was bought off, his claims could have been easily been poked full of holes in he was in fact spreading FUD.
Why were they deleting all his posts? Why delete posts at all unless you don't want anyone seeing them. Why not delete all the questions regarding orders too (the ones that were actually making that thread unsearchable). To top if off, they created their own SELFMODERATED thread. That's a red flag if I've ever seen one. Leave the arguably most active cryptocurrency forum to make your own forum so you can moderate threads and delete bad posts? That's BS and you know it.
Then, there's the case with Gridseed. Apparently their CEO got into an argument with Gridseed regarding compensation for customers, and ended up cutting ties with them. I remember reading the whole essay Josh posted about it, thinking to myself "Wow, this guy is really going to bat for his customers" which made me consider them in the first place. That post has since been deleted on their self moderated thread I believe, and they've created their own self moderated forums (go figure). They've been selling Blades again for awhile now, needless to say, I guess Josh made up with Gridseed.
This guy seems to be either the most customer oriented CEO in the world, or the mega king of bullshitters. I hope the first is true. I really do hope that the "conspiracy theories" you're talking about are exactly that, conspiracy theories.
I was going to order from GAW but saw all the posts saying how bad their service is (sending Pi's separately and not changing the values for customs? rookie mistake guys) on multiple sub reddits and here on bitcointalk.
I completely understand you're just a contracted worker offering tech support for them, but defending the company so vehemently makes it look like they're on the defensive, which shouldn't be the case. If this was all lies and FUD, they've had to respond to it once and ignore it from there. At least that's how it should be handled in my professional opinion.
Also, before you comment on how I'm a new account, I'd like to state it here. This is a new account, I've only before been a lurker on bitcointalk, but decided to make an account for posting today.
I'm not trolling or trying to spread FUD. I just want to know if you can answer any of this, if you can't, that's understandable. I'm sure they don't let you into their boardroom meetings or anything.
All that said, I love the panda picture, god damnit I love pandas....
That's what I call a normal post, sadly moon is like a brick wall. I asked him if he actually got anything from GAW and why did he order another thing after 2 months of posting crap about GAW but he ignored this and said I'm yelling at him. So you can see this is just a waste of time. Sadly he has a lot of time and will continue to post so that in the end only his negative posts remain.
Back to your questions.
From what I know reactor's issues got resolved and he deleted his posts himself.
Personally I never supported the self moderated thread but it was their choice. I guess they wanted to make a clean announcement thread out of it and avoid off topic stuff.
I don't know anything about their issues with Gridseed, I'm not an employee and don't get any status updates.
Why am I defending them? My personal experiences were completely positive, every time I contacted Josh my questions were answered within a few hours. I talked with him on the phone, he sounds like a nice, passionate guy. Of course we dealt with money as well and he was on time with every payment, so I can't say anything bad about him.
The PI's went separately because they had a different supplier and wanted to send them ASAP, so instead of sending them to their base and repacking they sent from 2 places at the same time. It's easy judge this now, but I'd have a problem choosing a better option here.
I'm not attacking every new account
If you have some time just check these 3 accounts I listed a few posts back. Their ONLY posts were about GAW, and it wasn't even close to what you asked here. It was pure "don't buy from GAW" type of crap.
You're right pandas rule
Thanks for keeping it civil.