Good talking to you Panda. I see you're at it again with your made up shit instead of responding on the subject. Keep going and have a nice weekend.
This part should be a sticky everywhere you go posting about GAW, because it sums up this whole conversation we had.
You lie GAW doesn't respect RMA, yet you say your miners are working and are buying more "because they are cheap".
GAW didn't honor my RMA. It's a fact. I'm sorry you didn't like it but it's a fact. I eventually sold the defective item via craigslist to someone who knew how to fix it. And - you'll like this - I included a USB cable with it for free
I say, get the list of things you didn't get and I'll send it to GAW for you, you ignore it.
Where did you offer to do that? I might have missed it. But see below.
I ask you what you want from the company you're attacking, you answer by asking me what I want from you...
That's because I'm clearly capable of asking "the company" myself, and did so many times via support. You keep interrogating me so it's a natural question - what do you want from me?
What is more, you lack basic understanding of the law, you have the right to express your opinion, but what you're doing here is a different thing. You're working hard every day to advertise against a legitimate business. You're actively approaching random people and influencing their choices, and you're doing this every single day since last month. That's why I'll say this again you're either mentally unstable or paid to do it.
"you lack basic understanding of the law" - not true.
"You're working hard every day to advertise against a legitimate business" - not true.
"You're actively approaching random people and influencing their choices" - not true but perhaps by "random people" you meant forum users and by "approaching" you meant me posting here.
"you're doing this every single day since last month" - not true.
"you're either mentally unstable or paid to do it" - not true but perhaps could be classified as an opinion.
My opinion is you never wanted to settle with GAW, and never cared about any refund, you're having fun trolling GAW threads.
My last word to you:
1. If your order was incomplete let me know what it is that you were lacking and GAW will send it to you, I'll personally support your claim.
2. If 1 is not an issue and you're just mad because they deleted your posts in a moderated thread, they had a right to do so, by posting in a self moderated thread you agree to this, just ask a mod.
3. I'm almost certain you won't settle for any kind of compensation and will continue this black PR, you were probably already compensated by their competition. We'll see in a few days.
That's a long last word. Love those.
1) I already stated that I do not have any demands to you or GAW, so you can lay that to rest.
2) When the CEO asked me to stop posting in the self-moderated thread I stopped, so I respect forum rules. That doesn't mean I must like the practice of deleting posts or any of the other questionable marketing practices employed by GAW.
3) Settle? You sound dangerously close to offering me a payoff for shutting up. I hope that's just a misunderstanding. How many figures are we talking about? Just kidding, don't get all excited now.