
Topic: GekkoScience 2Pac/Compac BM1384 Stickminer Official Support Thread - page 22. (Read 177300 times)

Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Friends a question to see who guides me please. I am new in the world of mining and I want to advance a little more here. I have seen some of these devices Gekkoscience 2pak ..... but nothing concrete in itself. I would like to know if it is currently feasible to buy some of these equipment and put them under mine. Which currency is more feasible to mine, since these are something old and for bitcon they no longer serve. What software should I install that other equipment must be purchased? Please, if someone can instruct me in this ...
hero member
Activity: 699
Merit: 666

  ** dev 0: Failed to open, err -12

You need to complete the zadig process for cgminer to access the device.
Clear out any existing drivers, unplug, reconnect and start again.

The setup workflow should be very similar to this:

Activity: 2
Merit: 0
= cgminer on Windows =

(!)... If you have access to linux, use the mxe based cross compile example in the post above.

(!)... If you just want the windows executable, read a little past the cross compile section in the post above for a pre-built cgminer.exe.

Building the cgminer.exe binary for windows on windows can be a bit tricky (not for beginners).

Follow the steps below in exact order.  If a step fails, most steps after it will fail also.

Once you have a successful binary, zip up the whole C:\MinGW folder for safe keeping.  
Chances are these instructions won't work, as is, a few months from now due to normal updates, but you might still be able to git pull and build updates.

Environment Used:
Windows 7, (should work for all WinOS supported by MinGW & Git)
MinGW Installation Manager (0.6.2-beta-20131004-1 - Tested)
Git for Windows (2.11.0 - Tested)

MinGW Installation Manager : Download installer : mingw-get-setup.exe

    Install Options:
    default all - "C:\MinGW\"
    Mark for installation - "mingw-developer-toolkit", "mingw-base"
    Installation -> "Apply Changes"

From Windows Explorer: (or you'll get errors later)
C:\MinGW << Security (Edit)<< Users << Full Control  
Paste the following into Windows+R to get a MINGW32 shell and init the home directory: "C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\msys.bat"

From MINGW32 shell:
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/opt/git/bin:/opt/git/mingw64/bin:/opt/git/usr/bin/' > ~/.profile
mkdir /opt

Install Git for Windows

    Install Options:
    "Use Git from Git Bash only"
    default everything else -->>>

Return to MINGW32 shell and complete the build.

#--- From MINGW32 shell: "C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\msys.bat"

mingw-get install mingw32-libpdcurses mingw32-pdcurses

curl -O
curl -O
curl -O
curl -k -O

unzip -d pkg-config
unzip -d pkg-config
unzip -d glib
unzip -d curl

cp pkg-config/bin/pkg-config.exe /mingw/bin/
cp pkg-config/share/aclocal/pkg.m4 /mingw/share/aclocal/
cp glib/bin/libglib-2.0-0.dll /mingw/bin/
cp "C:/MinGW/bin/libintl-8.dll" "C:/MinGW/bin/intl.dll"

cp curl/curl-7.33.0-devel-mingw32/bin/* /mingw/bin/
cp -r curl/curl-7.33.0-devel-mingw32/include/* /mingw/include/
cp -r curl/curl-7.33.0-devel-mingw32/lib/* /mingw/lib/

rm -rf glib*
rm -rf pkg-config*
rm -rf curl*

#--- Going to intrusively tweak Mingw here.  Good time to have a backup of C:\MinGW.

sed -r "s/lcurl$/lcurl \-lcurldll \-lssh2 \-lidn \-lrtmp \-lssl \-lcrypto \-lgdi32 \-lz \-lwldap32/" /mingw/lib/pkgconfig/libcurl.pc -i

sed -r "s/winsock.h/winsock2.h/" /mingw/include/ptw32_errno.h -i
sed -r "s/0x0501\)/0x0001\)\n#include \n/" /mingw/include/ws2tcpip.h -i
sed -r "s/__struct_timespec_defined/_TIMESPEC_DEFINED/" /mingw/include/time.h -i
sed -r "s/\_UWIN \*\//\*\/\n\nstatic char* strtok_r(char *s, const char *d, char **n) { char *r; if (s == NULL) s = *n; s += strspn(s, d); if (*s == '\\\0') return NULL; r = s; s += strcspn(s, d); if (*s) *s++ = '\\\0'; *n = s; return r; }\n/" /mingw/include/string.h -i

#--- Install libusb

mkdir /opt/src
cd /opt/src
git clone git://
cd libusb
./ --prefix=/mingw --disable-log
make & make install

#--- Build cgminer

cd ~
mkdir -p git/vthoang; cd git/vthoang
git clone
cd cgminer

autoreconf -fvi
CFLAGS="-O2 -msse2" ./configure --enable-gekko

make -j 2

cgminer.exe --help

Install the zadig generic WinUSB drivers

If all is well, you can list and see the stick from cgminer.
cgminer.exe -n

The cgminer.exe executable build can be located in windows explorer at:

To transfer the executable for another system, you'll need the following dll(s) in the same folder as cgminer.exe


Hi I've bought on Amazon a Bitcoin USB-Stick Miner bitshopper GekkoScience 2Pac 5,5 - 25 GH/s (33 GH/s max.) (
I'd like to mine with it on Windows 7.
I've followed all the instruction and after several hours of job now I've a cgminer.exe.
If I run the utility zadig-2.3.exe that open a balnk windows and then I try cgminer -n I obtain this message:
C:\Program Files\cgminer>cgminer -n
 [2018-05-10 21:09:59.109] USB all: found 8 devices - listing known devices
 [2018-05-10 21:09:59.115] No known USB devices

So I've looke for a driver for windows and found
If I install this driver the message is:
C:\Program Files\cgminer>cgminer -n
 [2018-05-10 21:00:54.090] USB all: found 10 devices - listing known devices
.USB dev 0: Bus 2 Device 3 ID: 10c4:ea60
  ** dev 0: Failed to open, err -12
 [2018-05-10 21:00:54.100] 1 known USB devices

Nothing to suggest to solve this problem?
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
just a note on the freq settings. anything over 100 needs cooling. i ran mine at 200 and now at 225 for 7 sticks but i have cooling fans points directly on them.

sorry, i know that doesn't help your white light issue.

We have one of those portable bionaire air purifier/fans on all the time so I keep the USB right in front of the vent. Its never been hot

After about 25 or 30 seconds from start up (or 10GH mark), it turned solid white and the hashrate began to decline.

The led flashes white when data is sent back to the computer.  It should happen a few times a second at most.
Solid white generally means one or both chip are not working correctly, the flood of RX message you see in verbose.

It's not fixable on the software side.

Additional thoughts:

- The heatsink does not have good contact to the chips.
- The chips are faulty.  The RX: 00 and HW error messages are a sign the chip won't hash anymore.
- You might have a little luck excessively cooling it with an external fan. 

Is it possible that maybe the 2pac is not getting enough power?

-How can I assure the heatsink has good contact? Can I tighten it? I have thermal compound if needed.

- It's connected directly to the USB port in the laptop (no extensions or powerhubs) but the USB port is 3.0 (I've seen issues about that but don't know how to change it.)

-Should I adjust the meter on it? Its currently at the 1 o'clock position.

any other trouble shooting tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you guys for taking the time. Also, here is some more from the last run log. Not sure if it will help reveal whats going on but I have my fingers crossed.

Summary of runtime statistics:

 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.043] Started at [2018-05-10 03:21:28.311]
 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.043] Pool: stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.043] Runtime: 0 hrs : 17 mins : 58 secs
 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.043] Average hashrate: 2430.4 Mhash/s
 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.043] Solved blocks: 0
 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.043] Best share difficulty: 101
 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.043] Share submissions: 0
 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.043] Accepted shares: 0
 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.043] Rejected shares: 0
 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.043] Accepted difficulty shares: 0
 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.043] Rejected difficulty shares: 0
 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.058] Hardware errors: 140
 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.058] Utility (accepted shares / min): 0.00/min
 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.058] Work Utility (diff1 shares solved / min): 18.32/min

 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.058] Stale submissions discarded due to new blocks: 0
 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.058] Unable to get work from server occasions: 1
 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.058] Work items generated locally: 5321
 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.058] Submitting work remotely delay occasions: 0
 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.058] New blocks detected on network: 102

 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.058] Summary of per device statistics:

 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.058] GSD 0 (5s):0.000 (avg):2.430Gh/s | A:0 R:0 HW:140 WU:18.3/m
 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.058] 
 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.058] Stratum connection to pool 0 interrupted
 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.058] Cleared 2 work items due to stratum disconnect on pool 0
 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.058] Closing socket for stratum pool 0
 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.058] Failed to getaddrinfo for
 [2018-05-10 03:39:27.058] Pool 0 stratum+tcp:// not responding!

Thanks again my friends! Grin
hero member
Activity: 699
Merit: 666
After about 25 or 30 seconds from start up (or 10GH mark), it turned solid white and the hashrate began to decline.

The led flashes white when data is sent back to the computer.  It should happen a few times a second at most.
Solid white generally means one or both chip are not working correctly, the flood of RX message you see in verbose.

It's not fixable on the software side.

Additional thoughts:

- The heatsink does not have good contact to the chips.
- The chips are faulty.  The RX: 00 and HW error messages are a sign the chip won't hash anymore.
- You might have a little luck excessively cooling it with an external fan. 

Activity: 114
Merit: 0
just a note on the freq settings. anything over 100 needs cooling. i ran mine at 200 and now at 225 for 7 sticks but i have cooling fans points directly on them.

sorry, i know that doesn't help your white light issue.
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
Once you've revisited the notes above, send any new observations and the logs again.

When I first plugged the USB after your last message, it turned solid white right away so I let it sit unplugged for a few hours.

After a few hours I plugged it in and it turned solid green. I changed the frequency to 100MHz as recommended in the OP (I have also tried 75, 150, 175, 200, 250, and 300 on previous attempts). I then started cgminer by running the .bat file. The light began flashing and a hashrate began increasing until it hit 10GH.

After about 25 or 30 seconds from start up (or 10GH mark), it turned solid white and the hashrate began to decline. I let it sit to see what it would do. After about a minute or so, it flashed a couple more times and I saw the hashrate starting to climb. Unfortunately, it stopped climbing  almost as soon as it started. I let the miner run. Hashrate continued to decline until it reached around 2GH where I then stopped it and began writing this message.

First half of run log. Can post more in needed but the whole thing is about 200k characters. There were many other changes in the log but essentially it just kept dropping hashrate.

[2018-05-10 03:21:26.710] Started cgminer 4.10.0
 [2018-05-10 03:21:27.105] GSD 0: 2Pac BM1384 Bitcoin Miner (10019494)
 [2018-05-10 03:21:27.106] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:00:11
 [2018-05-10 03:21:27.107] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:00:11
 [2018-05-10 03:21:27.310] Probing for an alive pool
 [2018-05-10 03:21:27.311] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:21:27.313] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:00:11
 [2018-05-10 03:21:27.313] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-10 03:21:27.315] GSD 0 RX: 13:82:90:FF:0F
 [2018-05-10 03:21:27.315] GSD 0 RX: 13:82:90:FF:0F
 [2018-05-10 03:21:27.417] GSD 0: found 2 chip(s)
 [2018-05-10 03:21:27.535] GSD 0: setting frequency to 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:21:27.537] GSD 0 TX: 82:07:83:1C
 [2018-05-10 03:21:27.538] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:27.538] GSD 0: sending chain inactive for 2 chip(s)
 [2018-05-10 03:21:27.540] GSD 0 TX: 85:00:00:0F
 [2018-05-10 03:21:27.540] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:21:27.540] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:21:27.540] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:21:27.540] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:21:27.541] GSD 0 TX: 01:00:00:19
 [2018-05-10 03:21:27.542] GSD 0 TX: 01:80:00:16
 [2018-05-10 03:21:27.542] GSD 0: open cores @ 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:21:27.955] Stratum authorisation success for pool 0
 [2018-05-10 03:21:27.956] Pool 0 stratum+tcp:// alive
 [2018-05-10 03:21:28.189] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 250000
 [2018-05-10 03:21:28.190] Network diff set to 813M
 [2018-05-10 03:21:28.190] New block: 7914d4925a0a9923b9cdf68bf2f2ec80c0f38f24deeef88c6af432ead21c2dad... diff 813M
 [2018-05-10 03:21:28.312] Work update message received
 [2018-05-10 03:21:28.312] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:21:28.702] Network diff set to 190K
 [2018-05-10 03:21:28.702] New block: a82eeb34a511c182d455d5d5c62b494851c1c094267e36d564fe0458137c47ca... diff 190K
 [2018-05-10 03:21:28.702] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-10 03:21:28.703] Work update message received
 [2018-05-10 03:21:32.317] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-10 03:21:33.313] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:21:34.754] GSD 0: start work @ 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:21:34.975] GSD 0 RX: 50:DD:40:47:81
 [2018-05-10 03:21:34.975] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 50dd4047 @ 01
 [2018-05-10 03:21:34.975] New best share: 2
 [2018-05-10 03:21:34.975] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:35.210] GSD 0 RX: 4D:BF:EE:8B:82
 [2018-05-10 03:21:35.210] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 4dbfee8b @ 02
 [2018-05-10 03:21:35.210] New best share: 7
 [2018-05-10 03:21:35.210] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:36.296] GSD 0 RX: A2:B6:29:1F:87
 [2018-05-10 03:21:36.296] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: a2b6291f @ 07
 [2018-05-10 03:21:36.296] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:37.390] GSD 0 RX: 58:57:95:82:8B
 [2018-05-10 03:21:37.390] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 58579582 @ 0b
 [2018-05-10 03:21:37.390] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:37.396] (5s):4.121G (1m):542.5M (5m):113.3M (15m):38.03M (avg):3.781Gh/s
 [2018-05-10 03:21:37.564] GSD 0 RX: 3D:32:BC:88:8C
 [2018-05-10 03:21:37.564] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 3d32bc88 @ 0c
 [2018-05-10 03:21:37.564] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:38.064] GSD 0 RX: C1:10:0C:E8:8E
 [2018-05-10 03:21:38.064] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: c1100ce8 @ 0e
 [2018-05-10 03:21:38.064] New best share: 34
 [2018-05-10 03:21:38.064] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:38.072] GSD 0 RX: 44:4B:1C:B5:8E
 [2018-05-10 03:21:38.072] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 444b1cb5 @ 0e
 [2018-05-10 03:21:38.072] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:38.313] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:21:38.658] GSD 0 RX: 95:2A:10:CC:91
 [2018-05-10 03:21:38.658] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 952a10cc @ 11
 [2018-05-10 03:21:38.658] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:38.900] GSD 0 RX: 93:B2:8E:48:92
 [2018-05-10 03:21:38.900] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 93b28e48 @ 12
 [2018-05-10 03:21:38.900] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:39.024] GSD 0 RX: 43:27:EF:53:92
 [2018-05-10 03:21:39.024] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 4327ef53 @ 12
 [2018-05-10 03:21:39.024] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:39.656] GSD 0 RX: 9C:59:57:62:95
 [2018-05-10 03:21:39.656] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 9c595762 @ 15
 [2018-05-10 03:21:39.656] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:39.820] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:39.823] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:21:39.823] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:21:39.823] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:21:39.823] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:21:40.420] Network diff set to 165K
 [2018-05-10 03:21:40.420] New block: bf7da917990599dab7078d367dc122e47bf5dee712d4c593b3cca76c0ac14e31... diff 165K
 [2018-05-10 03:21:40.420] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-10 03:21:40.420] Work update message received
 [2018-05-10 03:21:40.490] GSD 0 RX: 93:2D:E0:6E:9A
 [2018-05-10 03:21:40.490] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 932de06e @ 1a
 [2018-05-10 03:21:40.490] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:40.504] GSD 0 RX: 18:A1:1F:A4:9A
 [2018-05-10 03:21:40.504] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 18a11fa4 @ 1a
 [2018-05-10 03:21:40.504] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:41.725] GSD 0 RX: 9D:AD:DB:46:80
 [2018-05-10 03:21:41.725] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 9daddb46 @ 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:41.725] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:42.329] (5s):10.84G (1m):1.848G (5m):394.3M (15m):132.9M (avg):8.578Gh/s
 [2018-05-10 03:21:43.292] GSD 0 RX: 48:47:30:16:86
 [2018-05-10 03:21:43.292] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 48473016 @ 06
 [2018-05-10 03:21:43.292] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:43.313] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:21:43.499] GSD 0 RX: B9:FA:1A:94:87
 [2018-05-10 03:21:43.499] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: b9fa1a94 @ 07
 [2018-05-10 03:21:43.499] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:44.107] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:44.610] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:44.711] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:45.055] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:45.415] New block: 57d02e1b4eef6b0ecfe59276e708b54f3158f4b11402ad50dbca3993326aea3a... diff 165K
 [2018-05-10 03:21:45.415] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-10 03:21:45.415] Work update message received
 [2018-05-10 03:21:45.418] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:45.519] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:45.719] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:45.768] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:21:45.768] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:21:45.768] GSD 0 RX: 05:E5:9F:70:91
 [2018-05-10 03:21:45.768] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 05e59f70 @ 11
 [2018-05-10 03:21:45.768] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:45.768] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:21:45.768] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:21:45.768] GSD 0 RX: 9C:B2:6D:05:91
 [2018-05-10 03:21:45.768] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 9cb26d05 @ 11
 [2018-05-10 03:21:45.768] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:45.870] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:46.174] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:46.477] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:46.485] GSD 0 RX: 00:37:34:24:93
 [2018-05-10 03:21:46.485] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 00373424 @ 13
 [2018-05-10 03:21:46.485] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-10 03:21:46.586] GSD 0 RX: 92:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:46.889] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:47.020] GSD 0 RX: 1E:18:96:6D:95
 [2018-05-10 03:21:47.020] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 1e18966d @ 15
 [2018-05-10 03:21:47.020] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:47.020] GSD 0 RX: 88:26:91:C3:95
 [2018-05-10 03:21:47.020] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 882691c3 @ 15
 [2018-05-10 03:21:47.020] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:47.020] GSD 0 RX: BC:75:33:6D:95
 [2018-05-10 03:21:47.020] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: bc75336d @ 15
 [2018-05-10 03:21:47.020] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:47.029] (5s):14.23G (1m):2.806G (5m):615.1M (15m):208.3M (avg):10.10Gh/s
 [2018-05-10 03:21:47.121] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:47.221] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:47.322] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:47.643] Network diff set to 177K
 [2018-05-10 03:21:47.643] New block: 000000000000201dfb92937425fcc9395110046bc7e437c5275fad3791aa8ec7... diff 177K
 [2018-05-10 03:21:47.643] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-10 03:21:47.643] Work update message received
 [2018-05-10 03:21:47.651] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:47.853] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:47.953] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:48.258] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:48.313] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:21:48.767] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:48.868] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:48.916] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:49.018] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:49.221] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:49.422] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:49.522] GSD 0 RX: 00:F8:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:49.578] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:49.624] GSD 0 RX: 55:39:1C:AA:82
 [2018-05-10 03:21:49.624] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 55391caa @ 02
 [2018-05-10 03:21:49.624] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:49.680] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:49.781] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:49.883] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:50.092] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:50.185] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:80
 [2018-05-10 03:21:50.185] GSD 0 RX: 0F:00:03:07:80
 [2018-05-10 03:21:50.186] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 0f000307 @ 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:50.186] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-10 03:21:50.186] GSD 0 RX: 0F:00:03:07:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:50.285] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:50.385] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:50.486] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:50.516] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:50.618] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:50.925] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:51.026] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:51.198] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:51.300] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:51.706] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:52.113] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:52.215] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:52.314] GSD 0 RX: DB:32:86:C6:8C
 [2018-05-10 03:21:52.314] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: db3286c6 @ 0c
 [2018-05-10 03:21:52.314] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:52.317] (5s):9.569G (1m):2.978G (5m):689.1M (15m):235.6M (avg):8.945Gh/s
 [2018-05-10 03:21:52.338] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:52.439] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:52.479] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:52.580] GSD 0 RX: 20
 [2018-05-10 03:21:53.191] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:53.314] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:21:53.597] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:53.800] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:54.124] GSD 0 RX: 86:FC:AA:CC:94
 [2018-05-10 03:21:54.124] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 86fcaacc @ 14
 [2018-05-10 03:21:54.124] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:54.124] GSD 0 RX: 8F:1E:D4:F0:94
 [2018-05-10 03:21:54.124] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 8f1ed4f0 @ 14
 [2018-05-10 03:21:54.125] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:54.226] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:55.225] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:55.442] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:55.845] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:55.947] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:56.149] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:56.957] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:57.767] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:58.314] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:21:58.349] (5s):6.079G (1m):2.965G (5m):731.5M (15m):252.9M (avg):7.720Gh/s
 [2018-05-10 03:21:58.502] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:21:58.502] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:21:58.502] GSD 0 RX: 41:EC:88:07:97
 [2018-05-10 03:21:58.502] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 41ec8807 @ 17
 [2018-05-10 03:21:58.502] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:58.502] GSD 0 RX: 27:63:A2:A4:9D
 [2018-05-10 03:21:58.502] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 2763a2a4 @ 1d
 [2018-05-10 03:21:58.502] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:58.502] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:21:58.502] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:21:58.502] GSD 0 RX: B7:DD:49:4B:95
 [2018-05-10 03:21:58.502] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: b7dd494b @ 15
 [2018-05-10 03:21:58.502] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:58.502] GSD 0 RX: 9D:D6:6B:EF:98
 [2018-05-10 03:21:58.502] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 9dd66bef @ 18
 [2018-05-10 03:21:58.502] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:58.502] GSD 0 RX: D8:08:37:D8:84
 [2018-05-10 03:21:58.502] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: d80837d8 @ 04
 [2018-05-10 03:21:58.502] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:58.604] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:59.315] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:21:59.342] GSD 0 RX: A6:03:C1:A0:88
 [2018-05-10 03:21:59.342] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: a603c1a0 @ 08
 [2018-05-10 03:21:59.342] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:21:59.443] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:00.326] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:02.234] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:22:02.234] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:22:02.234] GSD 0 RX: 15:F7:86:73:93
 [2018-05-10 03:22:02.234] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 15f78673 @ 13
 [2018-05-10 03:22:02.234] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:02.234] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:22:02.234] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:22:02.234] GSD 0 RX: D7:1E:35:D1:93
 [2018-05-10 03:22:02.234] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: d71e35d1 @ 13
 [2018-05-10 03:22:02.234] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:02.336] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:03.314] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:22:03.356] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:03.455] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:03.760] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:03.963] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:04.357] (5s):8.359G (1m):3.729G (5m):941.5M (15m):327.1M (avg):8.340Gh/s
 [2018-05-10 03:22:05.401] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:06.307] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:07.120] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:07.169] GSD 0 RX: 00:C0:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:07.270] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:08.315] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:22:09.713] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.364] (5s):3.967G (1m):3.389G (5m):923.1M (15m):324.9M (avg):7.148Gh/s
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.508] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.646] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0 RX: 2B:C9:E6:0B:82
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 2bc9e60b @ 02
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0 RX: 22:4B:81:F2:84
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 224b81f2 @ 04
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0 RX: 4E:FD:ED:25:88
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 4efded25 @ 08
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0 RX: 17:C9:C1:F2:8B
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 17c9c1f2 @ 0b
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0 RX: 28:30:11:23:90
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 28301123 @ 10
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0 RX: 1E:0F:F7:63:97
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 1e0ff763 @ 17
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0 RX: 00:05:8E:4C:98
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 00058e4c @ 18
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0 RX: BB:A9:7F:30:9E
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.647] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: bba97f30 @ 1e
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.648] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.648] GSD 0 RX: 9B:75:7D:4A:82
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.648] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 9b757d4a @ 02
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.648] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.648] GSD 0 RX: D6:FE:B1:D1:83
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.648] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: d6feb1d1 @ 03
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.648] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.648] GSD 0 RX: C3:B5:11:5C:8F
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.648] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: c3b5115c @ 0f
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.648] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.648] GSD 0 RX: CD:0D:8E:2F:92
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.648] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: cd0d8e2f @ 12
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.648] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.648] GSD 0 RX: AF:0E:DD:85:95
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.648] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: af0edd85 @ 15
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.648] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:10.749] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:12.983] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:13.000] GSD 0 RX: 23:D9:FC:12:81
 [2018-05-10 03:22:13.000] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 23d9fc12 @ 01
 [2018-05-10 03:22:13.000] New best share: 50
 [2018-05-10 03:22:13.000] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:13.000] GSD 0 RX: B0:4F:12:CA:81
 [2018-05-10 03:22:13.000] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: b04f12ca @ 01
 [2018-05-10 03:22:13.001] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:13.103] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:13.315] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:22:14.287] GSD 0 RX: 2F:50:D0:2A:8A
 [2018-05-10 03:22:14.287] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 2f50d02a @ 0a
 [2018-05-10 03:22:14.287] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:14.389] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:14.471] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:14.538] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:14.631] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:14.731] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:14.750] GSD 0 RX: 00:C1:8F:1C:D2
 [2018-05-10 03:22:14.810] GSD 0 RX: 8C:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:14.813] GSD 0 RX: AD:02:E0:2C:8D
 [2018-05-10 03:22:14.813] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: ad02e02c @ 0d
 [2018-05-10 03:22:14.813] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:14.841] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:14.933] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:14.968] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.048] GSD 0 RX: 60:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.148] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.182] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.209] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.224] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.244] GSD 0 RX: 43:B4:6E:AC:8E
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.244] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 43b46eac @ 0e
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.244] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.252] (5s):17.39G (1m):5.525G (5m):1.415G (15m):494.1M (avg):9.698Gh/s
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.268] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.288] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.344] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.347] GSD 0 RX: D7:4F:15:CE:8F
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.347] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: d74f15ce @ 0f
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.347] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.368] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.410] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.488] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.493] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.509] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.536] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.562] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.591] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.595] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.612] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.619] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.624] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:80:0F
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.625] GSD 0 RX: 00:03:07:80:0F
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.628] GSD 0 RX: 00:03:07:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.635] New block: 551f1e1e07a1d340b2ffff9d338fed55f7ac6ccc487dcd3a7bb0228e79070f80... diff 177K
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.635] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.636] Work update message received
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.652] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.671] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.689] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.714] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:95
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.714] GSD 0 RX: 07:F5:1E:92:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.749] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.753] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.774] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.828] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.844] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:44:1F:F4
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.860] GSD 0 RX: 08:92:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.915] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.923] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.927] GSD 0 RX: 00:8A:C0:03:D7
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.939] GSD 0 RX: 93:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:15.962] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:16.007] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:16.017] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:16.077] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:16.123] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:16.169] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:16.204] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:E0
 [2018-05-10 03:22:16.228] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
-----cut do to repetition-----
 [2018-05-10 03:22:16.575] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:C0:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:16.585] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:16.599] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:16.612] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:16.619] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:16.630] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:16.638] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:F8:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:16.653] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
-----cut do to repetition-----
 [2018-05-10 03:22:16.979] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:17.032] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:17.056] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:17.084] GSD 0 RX: 00:FF:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:17.130] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:17.157] GSD 0 RX: 00:0F:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:17.168] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
-----cut do to repetition-----
 [2018-05-10 03:22:17.918] GSD 0 RX: 0A:C4:92:05:9B
 [2018-05-10 03:22:17.918] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 0ac49205 @ 1b
 [2018-05-10 03:22:17.918] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:17.939] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:17.988] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.000] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.044] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.057] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.110] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.134] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.159] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.214] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.314] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.316] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.399] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.466] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.489] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.497] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.501] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.536] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:BA
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.537] GSD 0 RX: 50:E3:8E:9D:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.577] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.635] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.702] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.714] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.729] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.747] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.773] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.792] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.814] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.836] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.844] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.854] GSD 0 RX: 00:04:E1:5A:C5
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.864] GSD 0 RX: 80:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.889] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.903] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.913] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.921] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.946] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.959] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.968] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:B0:06:40
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.981] GSD 0 RX: 9E:80:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:18.994] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
-----cut do to repetition-----
 [2018-05-10 03:22:19.241] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:19.244] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:19.263] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:19.274] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:19.282] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:19.297] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:19.347] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:19.360] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:19.400] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:19.424] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:FE
 [2018-05-10 03:22:19.461] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
-----cut do to repetition-------
 [2018-05-10 03:22:19.611] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:19.664] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:19.753] GSD 0 RX: 00:40:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:19.767] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
-----cut do to repetition--------
 [2018-05-10 03:22:19.968] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:19.998] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:20:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:20.042] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:20.068] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:20.150] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:20.187] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:20.205] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:20.305] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:04
 [2018-05-10 03:22:20.377] (5s):10.21G (1m):5.350G (5m):1.448G (15m):510.3M (avg):9.073Gh/s
 [2018-05-10 03:22:20.396] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:20.496] GSD 0 RX: 00:07:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:20.597] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:20.698] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:20.768] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:21.101] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:21.203] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:21.404] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:21.506] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:22.010] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:22.110] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:22.474] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:22:22.474] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:22:22.474] GSD 0 RX: 58:1D:60:4A:88
 [2018-05-10 03:22:22.475] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 581d604a @ 08
 [2018-05-10 03:22:22.502] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:22.502] GSD 0 RX: 42:D8:F3:95:89
 [2018-05-10 03:22:22.502] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 42d8f395 @ 09
 [2018-05-10 03:22:22.502] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:22.502] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:22:22.502] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:22:22.502] GSD 0 RX: DB:29:B4:B4:88
 [2018-05-10 03:22:22.502] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: db29b4b4 @ 08
 [2018-05-10 03:22:22.503] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:22.603] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:23.007] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:23.090] GSD 0 RX: 00:34:46:C6:93
 [2018-05-10 03:22:23.091] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 003446c6 @ 13
 [2018-05-10 03:22:23.091] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-10 03:22:23.193] GSD 0 RX: 90:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:23.316] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:22:25.529] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:25.758] GSD 0 RX: 17:B8:AF:22:9B
 [2018-05-10 03:22:25.758] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 17b8af22 @ 1b
 [2018-05-10 03:22:25.758] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:25.758] GSD 0 RX: 57:3A:95:6E:9B
 [2018-05-10 03:22:25.758] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 573a956e @ 1b
 [2018-05-10 03:22:25.758] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:25.761] (5s):9.728G (1m):5.697G (5m):1.591G (15m):564.2M (avg):9.120Gh/s
 [2018-05-10 03:22:25.861] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:25.909] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:26.029] New block: 6e8db38711a79f079a168d6a5cd4895ed0df58a23c11bbf4de703849b0f32f30... diff 177K
 [2018-05-10 03:22:26.029] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-10 03:22:26.030] Work update message received
 [2018-05-10 03:22:27.460] GSD 0 RX: 00:80:0F:00:03
 [2018-05-10 03:22:27.461] GSD 0 RX: 07:4F:6D:8C:14
 [2018-05-10 03:22:27.461] GSD 0 RX: 9C:80:0F:00:03
 [2018-05-10 03:22:27.461] GSD 0 RX: 07:87:38:18:58
 [2018-05-10 03:22:27.461] GSD 0 RX: 9D:A6:76:3C:23
 [2018-05-10 03:22:27.563] GSD 0 RX: 81:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:27.665] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:28.317] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:22:28.645] GSD 0 RX: BF:B9:2A:E4:85
 [2018-05-10 03:22:28.645] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: bfb92ae4 @ 05
 [2018-05-10 03:22:28.645] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:28.645] GSD 0 RX: D6:29:10:5F:88
 [2018-05-10 03:22:28.645] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: d629105f @ 08
 [2018-05-10 03:22:28.645] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:28.746] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:29.811] GSD 0 RX: D7:47:77:58:89
 [2018-05-10 03:22:29.811] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: d7477758 @ 09
 [2018-05-10 03:22:29.811] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:29.912] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:30.390] (5s):7.552G (1m):5.686G (5m):1.651G (15m):589.8M (avg):8.855Gh/s
 [2018-05-10 03:22:31.030] GSD 0 RX: F8:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:31.128] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:31.130] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:33.317] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:22:36.261] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:36.397] (5s):3.745G (1m):5.174G (5m):1.619G (15m):585.9M (avg):8.073Gh/s
 [2018-05-10 03:22:36.813] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:36.916] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.121] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0 RX: 14:0F:17:C5:97
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 140f17c5 @ 17
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0 RX: 1A:B4:6F:06:85
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 1ab46f06 @ 05
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0 RX: 1A:2A:FD:88:86
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 1a2afd88 @ 06
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0 RX: 39:37:D5:11:86
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 3937d511 @ 06
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0 RX: AE:A3:24:41:9A
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: aea32441 @ 1a
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0 RX: D7:2E:23:9C:9B
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: d72e239c @ 1b
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0 RX: 89:D2:36:59:9C
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 89d23659 @ 1c
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.328] GSD 0 RX: C4:4A:B1:A0:9D
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.329] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: c44ab1a0 @ 1d
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.329] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.329] GSD 0 RX: AB:07:F3:C3:83
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.329] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: ab07f3c3 @ 03
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.329] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.329] GSD 0 RX: AF:3B:E8:E2:87
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.329] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: af3be8e2 @ 07
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.329] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.329] GSD 0 RX: C7:F6:1E:68:8C
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.329] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: c7f61e68 @ 0c
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.329] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.329] GSD 0 RX: D6:76:C3:AF:8D
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.329] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: d676c3af @ 0d
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.329] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.431] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.532] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.632] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.733] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.828] GSD 0 RX: 00:13:C8:94:8F
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.828] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 0013c894 @ 0f
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.828] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:37.931] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:38.132] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:38.317] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:22:38.336] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:38.437] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:38.539] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:39.045] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:39.146] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:39.247] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:39.348] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:39.754] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:39.954] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:40.054] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:40.255] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:40.356] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:40.456] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:40.659] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:40.712] GSD 0 RX: 00:57:CA:80:5D
 [2018-05-10 03:22:40.712] GSD 0 RX: 97:15:A7:E6:73
 [2018-05-10 03:22:40.712] GSD 0 RX: 99:20:05:79:A9
 [2018-05-10 03:22:40.712] GSD 0 RX: 99:BE:31:3A:9B
 [2018-05-10 03:22:40.712] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 99be313a @ 1b
 [2018-05-10 03:22:40.712] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-10 03:22:40.813] GSD 0 RX: 96:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:40.914] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:41.115] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:41.315] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:41.396] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:41.415] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:41.504] GSD 0 RX: 00:80:0F:00:03
 [2018-05-10 03:22:41.507] GSD 0 RX: 07:80:0F:00:03
 [2018-05-10 03:22:41.609] GSD 0 RX: 07:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:41.912] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:41.978] GSD 0 RX: 00:34:3A:78:2A
 [2018-05-10 03:22:41.978] GSD 0 RX: 80:97:BB:2D:D0
 [2018-05-10 03:22:42.078] GSD 0 RX: 82:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:42.279] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:42.381] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:42.405] (5s):11.02G (1m):6.505G (5m):1.980G (15m):714.6M (avg):9.042Gh/s
 [2018-05-10 03:22:42.481] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:42.582] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:42.638] New block: cdc73871692e9771522d431a350b28ddd7547e59f904e0e7fa51c3167bb9ce38... diff 177K
 [2018-05-10 03:22:42.638] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-10 03:22:42.638] Work update message received
 [2018-05-10 03:22:42.644] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:42.744] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:42.845] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:42.897] GSD 0 RX: 00:2A:CE:BF:49
 [2018-05-10 03:22:43.000] GSD 0 RX: 84:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:43.303] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:43.317] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:22:43.403] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:43.503] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:43.546] GSD 0 RX: 1B:42:2D:05:88
 [2018-05-10 03:22:43.546] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 1b422d05 @ 08
 [2018-05-10 03:22:43.546] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:43.546] GSD 0 RX: 10:FA:5A:1F:89
 [2018-05-10 03:22:43.546] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 10fa5a1f @ 09
 [2018-05-10 03:22:43.546] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:43.546] GSD 0 RX: 96:C4:33:80:88
 [2018-05-10 03:22:43.546] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 96c43380 @ 08
 [2018-05-10 03:22:43.546] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:43.647] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:44.658] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:44.758] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:44.960] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:45.160] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:45.261] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:45.362] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:45.453] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:4F:E4:72
 [2018-05-10 03:22:45.453] GSD 0 RX: 6B:8D:10:E0:9A
 [2018-05-10 03:22:45.554] GSD 0 RX: C8:91:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:46.364] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:46.558] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:46.666] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:46.766] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:46.868] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:46.968] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:47.068] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:47.169] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:47.269] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:47.278] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:22:47.279] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:22:47.279] GSD 0 RX: 38:A5:94:32:96
 [2018-05-10 03:22:47.279] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 38a59432 @ 16
 [2018-05-10 03:22:47.279] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:47.279] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:22:47.279] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:22:47.296] (5s):9.283G (1m):6.544G (5m):2.060G (15m):748.7M (avg):8.917Gh/s
 [2018-05-10 03:22:47.380] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:47.480] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:47.581] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:47.683] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:47.696] GSD 0 RX: 01:30:E6:D4:9B
 [2018-05-10 03:22:47.696] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 0130e6d4 @ 1b
 [2018-05-10 03:22:47.696] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:47.797] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:47.898] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:48.101] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:48.201] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:48.304] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:48.317] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:22:48.405] GSD 0 RX: 80:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:48.506] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:48.606] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:48.809] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:48.911] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:49.011] GSD 0 RX: 01:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:49.111] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:49.315] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:49.415] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:49.516] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:49.720] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:49.821] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:49.921] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:50.022] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:50.108] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:45:DE:20
 [2018-05-10 03:22:50.108] GSD 0 RX: DD:83:D8:59:86
 [2018-05-10 03:22:50.108] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: dd83d859 @ 06
 [2018-05-10 03:22:50.108] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-10 03:22:50.210] GSD 0 RX: 66:85:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:50.516] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:50.617] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:50.821] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:51.027] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:51.129] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:51.200] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:CC:EA:70
 [2018-05-10 03:22:51.302] GSD 0 RX: 59:89
 [2018-05-10 03:22:51.657] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:51.660] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:22:51.660] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:22:51.660] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:22:51.660] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:22:51.965] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:52.418] (5s):6.074G (1m):6.288G (5m):2.082G (15m):763.5M (avg):8.578Gh/s
 [2018-05-10 03:22:52.474] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:52.493] GSD 0 RX: 16:C4:EE:B1:90
 [2018-05-10 03:22:52.493] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 16c4eeb1 @ 10
 [2018-05-10 03:22:52.493] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:52.595] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:52.662] GSD 0 RX: 00:BC:7E:4A:AD
 [2018-05-10 03:22:52.737] GSD 0 RX: 90:00:A3:F1:41
 [2018-05-10 03:22:52.841] GSD 0 RX: 9F:91:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:52.942] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:52.987] GSD 0 RX: 00:A4:D8:C8:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:53.090] GSD 0 RX: 92:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:53.192] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:53.318] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:22:53.395] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:53.701] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:53.906] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:54.006] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:54.167] GSD 0 RX: 00:93:E9:EB:A0
 [2018-05-10 03:22:54.268] GSD 0 RX: 97:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:54.369] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:54.470] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:54.572] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:54.674] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:54.776] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:54.782] GSD 0 RX: 17:1C:F0:CB:99
 [2018-05-10 03:22:54.782] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 171cf0cb @ 19
 [2018-05-10 03:22:54.782] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:54.883] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:54.985] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:55.086] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:55.188] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:55.290] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:55.493] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:55.589] GSD 0 RX: 00:29:7A:64:F2
 [2018-05-10 03:22:55.589] GSD 0 RX: 9A:84:61:9E:ED
 [2018-05-10 03:22:55.690] GSD 0 RX: 9A:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:55.791] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:55.893] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:56.096] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:56.299] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:56.399] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:56.444] GSD 0 RX: 99:6B:7F:EC:81
 [2018-05-10 03:22:56.444] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 996b7fec @ 01
 [2018-05-10 03:22:56.444] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:56.546] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:56.645] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:56.746] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:56.798] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:56.855] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:22:56.855] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:22:56.855] GSD 0 RX: 55:7B:AE:56:81
 [2018-05-10 03:22:56.855] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 557bae56 @ 01
 [2018-05-10 03:22:56.855] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:56.856] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:22:56.856] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:22:56.856] GSD 0 RX: D8:5A:E0:01:81
 [2018-05-10 03:22:56.856] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: d85ae001 @ 01
 [2018-05-10 03:22:56.856] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:56.856] GSD 0 RX: 93:88:BC:D9:82
 [2018-05-10 03:22:56.856] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 9388bcd9 @ 02
 [2018-05-10 03:22:56.856] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:56.960] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:57.366] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:57.466] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:57.568] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:57.772] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:57.975] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:58.076] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:58.177] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:58.277] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:58.318] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:22:58.377] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:58.426] (5s):8.205G (1m):6.510G (5m):2.210G (15m):815.4M (avg):8.578Gh/s
 [2018-05-10 03:22:58.475] GSD 0 RX: 09:24:AE:A2:87
 [2018-05-10 03:22:58.475] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 0924aea2 @ 07
 [2018-05-10 03:22:58.475] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:58.475] GSD 0 RX: 4A:D3:1C:F6:88
 [2018-05-10 03:22:58.475] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 4ad31cf6 @ 08
 [2018-05-10 03:22:58.475] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:58.577] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:58.679] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:58.747] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:58.949] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:59.152] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:59.364] GSD 0 RX: 05:32:30:2A:8B
 [2018-05-10 03:22:59.365] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 0532302a @ 0b
 [2018-05-10 03:22:59.365] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:59.365] GSD 0 RX: 16:22:F1:2A:8B
 [2018-05-10 03:22:59.365] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 1622f12a @ 0b
 [2018-05-10 03:22:59.365] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:59.365] GSD 0 RX: B9:92:18:EC:8A
 [2018-05-10 03:22:59.365] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: b99218ec @ 0a
 [2018-05-10 03:22:59.365] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:59.466] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:22:59.471] GSD 0 RX: 4D:F7:F3:29:8D
 [2018-05-10 03:22:59.471] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 4df7f329 @ 0d
 [2018-05-10 03:22:59.471] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:22:59.572] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:00.180] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:00.281] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:00.381] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:00.482] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:00.685] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:00.770] GSD 0 RX: 07:EA:7B:56:8F
 [2018-05-10 03:23:00.770] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 07ea7b56 @ 0f
 [2018-05-10 03:23:00.770] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:23:00.770] GSD 0 RX: B5:56:48:C5:91
 [2018-05-10 03:23:00.770] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: b55648c5 @ 11
 [2018-05-10 03:23:00.770] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:23:00.872] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:00.973] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:01.176] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:01.252] New block: 18e5b7dbd2346c678457d87a8d6cb99ddab3569de354fa48f86be59a5f09d602... diff 177K
 [2018-05-10 03:23:01.252] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-10 03:23:01.253] Work update message received
 [2018-05-10 03:23:01.260] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:01.462] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:01.664] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:01.765] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:01.868] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:01.969] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:02.008] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:02.070] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:02.171] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:02.273] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:02.374] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:02.475] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:02.778] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:02.878] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:03.183] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:03.285] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:03.318] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:23:03.368] GSD 0 RX: 00:80:0F:00:03
 [2018-05-10 03:23:03.368] GSD 0 RX: 07:80:0F:00:03
 [2018-05-10 03:23:03.368] GSD 0 RX: 07:B2:5A:49:6D
 [2018-05-10 03:23:03.368] GSD 0 RX: 99:BB:EE:43:0E
 [2018-05-10 03:23:03.463] GSD 0 RX: 9C:00:00:00:3A
 [2018-05-10 03:23:03.463] GSD 0 RX: 6A:C6:04:9E:52
 [2018-05-10 03:23:03.463] GSD 0 RX: EB:57:83:9E:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:03.969] GSD 0 RX: 10
 [2018-05-10 03:23:04.170] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:04.271] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:04.372] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:04.433] (5s):9.806G (1m):6.956G (5m):2.392G (15m):885.8M (avg):8.757Gh/s
 [2018-05-10 03:23:04.471] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:04.575] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:04.878] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:04.978] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:05.080] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:05.183] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:05.282] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:05.483] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:05.583] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:05.886] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:05.899] GSD 0 RX: 51:86:B7:82:89
 [2018-05-10 03:23:05.900] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 5186b782 @ 09
 [2018-05-10 03:23:05.900] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:23:06.001] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:06.808] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:06.909] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:07.010] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:07.110] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:07.133] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:07.315] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:23:07.315] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:23:07.315] GSD 0 RX: 44:9F:5C:F2:8B
 [2018-05-10 03:23:07.315] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 449f5cf2 @ 0b
 [2018-05-10 03:23:07.315] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:23:07.316] GSD 0 RX: 39:14:78:4A:8C
 [2018-05-10 03:23:07.316] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 3914784a @ 0c
 [2018-05-10 03:23:07.316] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:23:07.316] GSD 0 RX: 0A:3D:7D:98:8D
 [2018-05-10 03:23:07.316] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 0a3d7d98 @ 0d
 [2018-05-10 03:23:07.316] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:23:07.316] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:23:07.316] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:23:07.416] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:07.517] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:07.617] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:07.718] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:07.818] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:08.123] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:08.225] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:08.318] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:23:08.327] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:08.427] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:08.527] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:08.829] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:08.929] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:09.029] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:09.130] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:09.231] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:09.322] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:4C:3E:C9
 [2018-05-10 03:23:09.322] GSD 0 RX: DF:93:0C:22:DF
 [2018-05-10 03:23:09.322] GSD 0 RX: 57:95:82:EC:59
 [2018-05-10 03:23:09.423] GSD 0 RX: 5A:96:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:09.523] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:09.623] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:09.824] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:09.924] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:10.024] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:10.124] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:10.225] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:10.440] (5s):7.620G (1m):6.844G (5m):2.457G (15m):917.9M (avg):8.578Gh/s
 [2018-05-10 03:23:10.528] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:10.832] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:11.135] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:11.405] GSD 0 RX: 00:15:2D:20:22
 [2018-05-10 03:23:11.506] GSD 0 RX: 81:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:11.811] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:11.911] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:12.115] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:02
 [2018-05-10 03:23:12.267] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:12.520] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:12.620] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:12.824] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:12.925] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:13.001] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:23:13.001] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:23:13.001] GSD 0 RX: 33:83:EF:AD:81
 [2018-05-10 03:23:13.001] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 3383efad @ 01
 [2018-05-10 03:23:13.001] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:23:13.001] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-10 03:23:13.001] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-10 03:23:13.001] GSD 0 RX: B1:FE:7C:22:85
 [2018-05-10 03:23:13.001] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: b1fe7c22 @ 05
 [2018-05-10 03:23:13.001] New best share: 76
 [2018-05-10 03:23:13.001] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:23:13.001] GSD 0 RX: 84:30:42:AD:87
 [2018-05-10 03:23:13.002] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 843042ad @ 07
 [2018-05-10 03:23:13.002] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-10 03:23:13.104] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:13.205] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:13.306] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:13.318] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:23:13.408] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:13.509] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:13.710] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:13.810] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:13.911] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:14.013] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:14.113] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:14.215] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:14.316] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:14.519] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:14.619] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:14.719] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:14.772] GSD 0 RX: FE:A2:6F:E8:89
 [2018-05-10 03:23:14.772] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: fea26fe8 @ 09
 [2018-05-10 03:23:14.772] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-10 03:23:14.874] GSD 0 RX: 8E:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:14.975] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:15.180] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:15.384] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:15.587] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:15.687] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:15.891] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:16.195] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:16.399] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:16.447] (5s):6.617G (1m):6.743G (5m):2.522G (15m):949.8M (avg):8.419Gh/s
 [2018-05-10 03:23:16.501] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:16.603] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:16.705] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:16.806] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:16.907] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:17.110] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:17.313] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:17.400] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:17.415] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:17.720] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:17.923] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:18.024] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:18.124] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:18.226] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:18.319] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-10 03:23:18.530] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:18.630] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:18.831] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:18.931] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:19.032] GSD 0 RX: 01
 [2018-05-10 03:23:19.134] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:19.235] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:19.336] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:19.438] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:19.539] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:19.639] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:19.842] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:19.922] GSD 0 RX: C0:80:0F:00:03
 [2018-05-10 03:23:19.922] GSD 0 RX: 07:1D:AF:76:0A
 [2018-05-10 03:23:19.922] GSD 0 RX: 90:14:84:1F:DA
 [2018-05-10 03:23:19.922] GSD 0 RX: 96:22:DB:FC:84
 [2018-05-10 03:23:19.923] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 9622dbfc @ 04
 [2018-05-10 03:23:19.923] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-10 03:23:19.923] GSD 0 RX: 99:2C:2C:B4:51
 [2018-05-10 03:23:19.923] GSD 0 RX: 9B:07:0F:BE:EA
 [2018-05-10 03:23:19.923] GSD 0 RX: 80:80:0F:00:03
 [2018-05-10 03:23:19.923] GSD 0 RX: 07:AD:37:60:58
 [2018-05-10 03:23:19.923] GSD 0 RX: 97:CD:4D:2E:1C
 [2018-05-10 03:23:19.923] GSD 0 RX: 99:B2:89:B5:33
 [2018-05-10 03:23:20.025] GSD 0 RX: 83:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:20.331] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:20.433] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:20.535] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:20.841] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:20.943] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:21.044] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:21.146] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:21.247] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:21.263] GSD 0 RX: 00:FF:CB:CD:86
 [2018-05-10 03:23:21.263] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 00ffcbcd @ 06
 [2018-05-10 03:23:21.263] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-10 03:23:21.273] (5s):6.053G (1m):6.521G (5m):2.539G (15m):963.8M (avg):8.212Gh/s
 [2018-05-10 03:23:21.334] GSD 0 RX: AF:87:00:00:00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:21.435] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-10 03:23:21.640] GSD 0 RX: 00:00

I tried starting the miner a few times afterwards but it always turns solid white a few seconds after I start CGminer
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
A couple of observations, notes, and comments.

* Stick with the most recent build : Feb 27, 2018 @ 1fccd3d.  I don't see anything here that suggest you should use a different version.

If I leave the 2pac unplugged for a long period of time and remove the battery on my laptop, The solid green light will turn on when I plug it in and if I start certain cgminers, it will start hashing but usually crash or go down in hashrate to a couple hundred megahashes after about 20 minutes or so.

* Remove the frequency parameter, 200MHz is way to high.  It's overheating and dying.

* If you don't see "Found 2 chip(s) on GSD 0", unplug it let it cool down and plug it back it.

Once you've revisited the notes above, send any new observations and the logs again.

Will do! Thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate it. Will make the changes and respond soon.
hero member
Activity: 699
Merit: 666
A couple of observations, notes, and comments.

* Stick with the most recent build : Feb 27, 2018 @ 1fccd3d.  I don't see anything here that suggest you should use a different version.

If I leave the 2pac unplugged for a long period of time and remove the battery on my laptop, The solid green light will turn on when I plug it in and if I start certain cgminers, it will start hashing but usually crash or go down in hashrate to a couple hundred megahashes after about 20 minutes or so.

* Remove the frequency parameter, 200MHz is way to high.  It's overheating and dying.

* If you don't see "Found 2 chip(s) on GSD 0", unplug it let it cool down and plug it back it.

Once you've revisited the notes above, send any new observations and the logs again.
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
b756f23 3rd run working and no crash [this one looked like it was working but the hashrate began to quickly drop]
[2018-05-09 14:22:22.533] Started cgminer 4.10.0
 [2018-05-09 14:22:22.917] GSD 0: Found at 2:2
 [2018-05-09 14:22:22.949] GSD 0 TX: 84 00 00 11
 [2018-05-09 14:22:23.052] GSD 0 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-09 14:22:23.052] Device serial GS-10019494 not responding
 [2018-05-09 14:22:23.054] No devices detected!
 [2018-05-09 14:22:23.054] Waiting for USB hotplug devices or press q to quit
 [2018-05-09 14:22:23.055] Probing for an alive pool
 [2018-05-09 14:22:23.055] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:22:23.611] Stratum authorisation success for pool 0
 [2018-05-09 14:22:23.614] Pool 0 stratum+tcp:// alive
 [2018-05-09 14:22:23.825] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 250000
 [2018-05-09 14:22:23.826] Network diff set to 113K
 [2018-05-09 14:22:23.826] New block: 0000000000000c5ed6b8a04e49964bd6ed3446f9859dd3f07b910133e42a3f47... diff 113K
 [2018-05-09 14:22:24.055] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:22:24.055] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:22:26.056] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 14:22:29.056] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:22:29.430] GSD 0: Found at 2:2
 [2018-05-09 14:22:29.478] GSD 0 TX: 84 00 00 11
 [2018-05-09 14:22:29.510] GSD 0 RX: 00 00 00 00 00
 [2018-05-09 14:22:29.553] GSD 0 RX: 00 00 00 00 00
 [2018-05-09 14:22:29.655] GSD 0 RX bytes(4):
 [2018-05-09 14:22:29.723] GSD 0 RX: 00 00 00 00 00
 [2018-05-09 14:22:29.824] GSD 0 RX bytes(3):
 [2018-05-09 14:22:29.926] GSD 0 RX bytes(2):
 [2018-05-09 14:22:30.028] GSD 0 RX bytes(4):
 [2018-05-09 14:22:30.089] GSD 0 RX: 00 00 00 00 00
 [2018-05-09 14:22:30.192] GSD 0 RX: 00 00 00 00 00
 [2018-05-09 14:22:30.283] GSD 0 RX: 00 00 00 00 00
 [2018-05-09 14:22:30.356] GSD 0 RX: 00 00 00 00 00
 [2018-05-09 14:22:30.439] GSD 0 RX: 00 13 82 90 ff
 [2018-05-09 14:22:30.439] GSD 0 RX: 0f 13 82 90 ff
 [2018-05-09 14:22:30.542] GSD 0 RX bytes(2):
 [2018-05-09 14:22:30.639] GSD 0 RX: 00 00 00 00 00
 [2018-05-09 14:22:30.677] GSD 0 RX: 00 00 00 00 00
 [2018-05-09 14:22:30.692] GSD 0 RX: 00 00 00 00 00
 [2018-05-09 14:22:30.794] GSD 0 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-09 14:22:30.795] Hotplug: GekkoScience added GSD 0
 [2018-05-09 14:22:30.796] Found 12 chip(s) on GSD 0
 [2018-05-09 14:22:30.805] GSD 0 TX: 84 00 04 00
 [2018-05-09 14:22:30.907] GSD 0 RX bytes(3):
 [2018-05-09 14:22:31.009] GSD 0 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-09 14:22:31.009] GSD 0: set frequency: 12.50 [00 83]
 [2018-05-09 14:22:31.010] GSD 0 TX: 82 00 83 17
 [2018-05-09 14:22:31.015] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 14:22:31.414] GSD 0: set frequency: 18.75 [01 03]
 [2018-05-09 14:22:31.415] GSD 0 TX: 82 01 03 13
 [2018-05-09 14:22:31.638] New block: aa7a41736c3f793966b7e22c40ad6a7ee31237348b496000553590b353096fff... diff 113K
 [2018-05-09 14:22:31.638] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:22:31.639] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:22:31.639] GSD 0: set frequency: 25.00 [01 83]
 [2018-05-09 14:22:31.640] GSD 0 TX: 82 01 83 0c
 [2018-05-09 14:22:31.845] GSD 0: set frequency: 31.25 [02 03]
 [2018-05-09 14:22:31.846] GSD 0 TX: 82 02 03 1b
 [2018-05-09 14:22:32.069] GSD 0: set frequency: 37.50 [02 83]
 [2018-05-09 14:22:32.071] GSD 0 TX: 82 02 83 04
 [2018-05-09 14:22:32.294] GSD 0: set frequency: 43.75 [03 03]
 [2018-05-09 14:22:32.294] GSD 0 TX: 82 03 03 00
 [2018-05-09 14:22:32.517] GSD 0: set frequency: 50.00 [03 83]
 [2018-05-09 14:22:32.517] GSD 0 TX: 82 03 83 1f
 [2018-05-09 14:22:32.773] GSD 0: set frequency: 56.25 [04 03]
 [2018-05-09 14:22:32.774] GSD 0 TX: 82 04 03 0b
 [2018-05-09 14:22:32.993] GSD 0: set frequency: 62.50 [04 83]
 [2018-05-09 14:22:32.994] GSD 0 TX: 82 04 83 14
 [2018-05-09 14:22:33.215] GSD 0: set frequency: 68.75 [05 03]
 [2018-05-09 14:22:33.216] GSD 0 TX: 82 05 03 10
 [2018-05-09 14:22:33.437] GSD 0: set frequency: 75.00 [05 83]
 [2018-05-09 14:22:33.437] GSD 0 TX: 82 05 83 0f
 [2018-05-09 14:22:33.692] GSD 0: set frequency: 81.25 [06 03]
 [2018-05-09 14:22:33.693] GSD 0 TX: 82 06 03 18
 [2018-05-09 14:22:33.912] GSD 0: set frequency: 87.50 [06 83]
 [2018-05-09 14:22:33.913] GSD 0 TX: 82 06 83 07
 [2018-05-09 14:22:34.056] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:22:34.132] GSD 0: set frequency: 93.75 [07 03]
 [2018-05-09 14:22:34.133] GSD 0 TX: 82 07 03 03
 [2018-05-09 14:22:34.356] GSD 0: set frequency: 100.00 [07 83]
 [2018-05-09 14:22:34.356] GSD 0 TX: 82 07 83 1c
 [2018-05-09 14:22:34.616] GSD 0: set frequency: 106.25 [10 87]
 [2018-05-09 14:22:34.616] GSD 0 TX: 82 10 87 0a
 [2018-05-09 14:22:34.837] GSD 0: set frequency: 112.50 [11 87]
 [2018-05-09 14:22:34.838] GSD 0 TX: 82 11 87 11
 [2018-05-09 14:22:34.956] New block: 00000000000062b1f718c81f683b93486bc716fe4d05f7dbfcfae3e7a73c1cca... diff 113K
 [2018-05-09 14:22:34.956] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:22:34.957] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:22:35.017] GSD 0: set frequency: 118.75 [12 87]
 [2018-05-09 14:22:35.018] GSD 0 TX: 82 12 87 19
 [2018-05-09 14:22:35.239] GSD 0: set frequency: 125.00 [09 83]
 [2018-05-09 14:22:35.240] GSD 0 TX: 82 09 83 0a
 [2018-05-09 14:22:35.497] GSD 0: set frequency: 131.25 [14 87]
 [2018-05-09 14:22:35.498] GSD 0 TX: 82 14 87 09
 [2018-05-09 14:22:35.720] GSD 0: set frequency: 137.50 [15 87]
 [2018-05-09 14:22:35.721] GSD 0 TX: 82 15 87 12
 [2018-05-09 14:22:35.945] GSD 0: set frequency: 143.75 [16 87]
 [2018-05-09 14:22:35.946] GSD 0 TX: 82 16 87 1a
 [2018-05-09 14:22:36.016] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 14:22:36.167] GSD 0: set frequency: 150.00 [0b 83]
 [2018-05-09 14:22:36.168] GSD 0 TX: 82 0b 83 19
 [2018-05-09 14:22:36.410] GSD 0 TX: 85 00 00 0f
 [2018-05-09 14:22:36.412] GSD 0 TX: 01 00 00 19
 [2018-05-09 14:22:36.414] GSD 0 TX: 01 15 00 0d
 [2018-05-09 14:22:36.416] GSD 0 TX: 01 2a 00 14
 [2018-05-09 14:22:36.418] GSD 0 TX: 01 3f 00 00
 [2018-05-09 14:22:36.419] GSD 0 TX: 01 54 00 03
 [2018-05-09 14:22:36.421] GSD 0 TX: 01 69 00 09
 [2018-05-09 14:22:36.423] GSD 0 TX: 01 7e 00 0e
 [2018-05-09 14:22:36.425] GSD 0 TX: 01 93 00 12
 [2018-05-09 14:22:36.427] GSD 0 TX: 01 a8 00 08
 [2018-05-09 14:22:36.429] GSD 0 TX: 01 bd 00 1c
 [2018-05-09 14:22:36.431] GSD 0 TX: 01 d2 00 1c
 [2018-05-09 14:22:36.433] GSD 0 TX: 01 e7 00 10
 [2018-05-09 14:22:36.433] GSD 0: Ticket mask set to 15
 [2018-05-09 14:22:39.057] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:22:41.016] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 14:22:44.058] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:22:46.016] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 14:22:46.650] Device reported nonce: 000015e1 @ 8d
 [2018-05-09 14:22:46.650] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:22:47.913] Device reported nonce: 1f6eccd1 @ 98
 [2018-05-09 14:22:47.913] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:22:49.059] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:22:50.460] New block: 1556e53a4620063560bfd15bf5449995b3dc75985594d626e708971f9201110a... diff 113K
 [2018-05-09 14:22:50.460] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:22:50.461] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:22:52.095] (5s):12.35G (1m):2.074G (5m):448.8M (15m):151.7M (avg):4.901Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:22:54.060] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:22:55.544] New block: 6fe98b62533ec8dd560b682a38bd57888d35f6e76c97034e43b88aa716954b08... diff 113K
 [2018-05-09 14:22:55.545] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:22:55.545] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:22:57.916] (5s):6.573G (1m):1.895G (5m):440.3M (15m):150.7M (avg):4.058Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:22:59.060] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:23:02.111] (5s):4.192G (1m):1.775G (5m):434.3M (15m):150.0M (avg):3.611Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:23:04.060] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:23:05.917] GSD 0: No valid hashes recently, attempting to reset
 [2018-05-09 14:23:05.997] GSD 0 attempted reset got err:(0) LIBUSB_SUCCESS / LIBUSB_TRANSFER_COMPLETED
 [2018-05-09 14:23:07.919] (5s):2.235G (1m):1.622G (5m):426.1M (15m):149.0M (avg):3.133Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:23:09.060] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:23:10.021] Network diff set to 85.3K
 [2018-05-09 14:23:10.021] New block: 00000000000085870778c8215c0cb255b7d7e710e2223c18fc5ec9f41e3cec28... diff 85.3K
 [2018-05-09 14:23:10.021] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:23:10.022] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:23:11.311] Network diff set to 96.1K
 [2018-05-09 14:23:11.311] New block: 0000000000004e92ae67a5caecc8c979b99c1a9b444e6d08921197ceb0ff3bd1... diff 96.1K
 [2018-05-09 14:23:11.311] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:23:11.312] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:23:12.124] (5s):1.425G (1m):1.519G (5m):420.2M (15m):148.3M (avg):2.859Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:23:14.061] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:23:14.220] Device reported nonce: 0a1fa0aa @ 89
 [2018-05-09 14:23:14.220] New best share: 20
 [2018-05-09 14:23:14.220] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:23:16.809] Device reported nonce: 181443a4 @ 80
 [2018-05-09 14:23:16.809] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:23:18.135] (5s):12.47G (1m):3.472G (5m):861.7M (15m):299.1M (avg):5.082Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:23:18.895] Network diff set to 104K
 [2018-05-09 14:23:18.895] New block: 000000000000186665f84e7dedb8f3f14e42962555029b86c6c9df7b24bc549c... diff 104K
 [2018-05-09 14:23:18.895] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:23:18.896] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:23:19.062] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:23:20.334] Device reported nonce: 09b66936 @ 98
 [2018-05-09 14:23:20.334] New best share: 25
 [2018-05-09 14:23:20.334] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:23:23.674] Network diff set to 114K
 [2018-05-09 14:23:23.674] New block: 0000000000001e4f40be9592a2983240729fe0b00127339f1f950468bef90689... diff 114K
 [2018-05-09 14:23:23.674] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:23:23.675] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:23:24.062] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:23:24.145] (5s):11.34G (1m):4.180G (5m):1.068G (15m):372.9M (avg):5.717Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:23:27.046] Device reported nonce: 1f2578e4 @ 88
 [2018-05-09 14:23:27.046] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:23:28.804] Network diff set to 124K
 [2018-05-09 14:23:28.804] New block: 00000000000013cafc80fe5149629ed6576ad0709dc064e44fae3587d9b00994... diff 124K
 [2018-05-09 14:23:28.804] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:23:28.805] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:23:29.063] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:23:30.154] (5s):11.13G (1m):4.841G (5m):1.272G (15m):446.3M (avg):6.237Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:23:34.063] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:23:36.164] (5s):5.420G (1m):4.403G (5m):1.247G (15m):443.3M (avg):5.717Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:23:37.165] Device reported nonce: 07d81585 @ 86
 [2018-05-09 14:23:37.165] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:23:39.064] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:23:42.174] (5s):10.73G (1m):5.066G (5m):1.448G (15m):516.3M (avg):6.157Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:23:44.065] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:23:46.041] Device reported nonce: 19dc168a @ 82
 [2018-05-09 14:23:46.042] New best share: 39
 [2018-05-09 14:23:46.042] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:23:46.963] New block: 6549431292d816cf7d40454ca5c97755d6f29fb6d38748cc88731c240031d122... diff 124K
 [2018-05-09 14:23:46.963] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:23:46.964] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:23:47.361] Device reported nonce: 0a827454 @ 92
 [2018-05-09 14:23:47.361] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:23:47.363] (5s):20.52G (1m):6.798G (5m):1.874G (15m):665.3M (avg):7.423Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:23:49.065] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:23:52.190] (5s):12.67G (1m):6.310G (5m):1.845G (15m):661.8M (avg):7.017Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:23:53.086] Device reported nonce: 00ff0442 @ 99
 [2018-05-09 14:23:53.086] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:23:53.086] Device reported nonce: c69617d0 @ 90
 [2018-05-09 14:23:53.086] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:23:53.770] New block: 7188fb788f2bc7f85657e1ec21bab34fbc7598473b00e841d208000f11827b54... diff 124K
 [2018-05-09 14:23:53.771] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:23:53.771] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:23:54.065] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:23:57.989] Device reported nonce: 1aa6a362 @ 89
 [2018-05-09 14:23:57.989] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:23:57.992] (5s):25.91G (1m):8.871G (5m):2.483G (15m):885.0M (avg):8.778Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:23:58.500] New block: 0000000000002b126ec0dad37648d49776c6767cd552ebfaa3162bdd295e1311... diff 124K
 [2018-05-09 14:23:58.500] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:23:58.501] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:23:59.065] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:24:01.106] Device reported nonce: 01372f90 @ 98
 [2018-05-09 14:24:01.107] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:24:02.205] (5s):20.63G (1m):9.337G (5m):2.673G (15m):956.7M (avg):9.101Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:24:02.828] Network diff set to 141K
 [2018-05-09 14:24:02.828] New block: 000000000000563b0c5cf117a4d253c100781b445f9db52ff545f71f852d6ae1... diff 141K
 [2018-05-09 14:24:02.828] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:24:02.829] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:24:04.066] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:24:08.213] (5s):9.958G (1m):8.491G (5m):2.621G (15m):950.4M (avg):8.576Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:24:09.067] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:24:10.258] Network diff set to 160K
 [2018-05-09 14:24:10.258] New block: 0000000000006e82c421e535df05587e5e99531993e7faa402b63256790a5cd6... diff 160K
 [2018-05-09 14:24:10.258] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:24:10.259] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:24:14.067] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:24:14.223] (5s):4.726G (1m):7.718G (5m):2.569G (15m):944.1M (avg):8.108Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:24:14.988] Device reported nonce: 01787e27 @ 97
 [2018-05-09 14:24:14.988] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:24:16.649] Device reported nonce: 0a03c6c2 @ 83
 [2018-05-09 14:24:16.649] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:24:19.068] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:24:19.957] New block: 3933b9a748c4157fdeaf8b1ed88846ddca2acbeb38f88d6507164b20fb72a313... diff 160K
 [2018-05-09 14:24:19.957] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:24:19.958] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:24:20.233] (5s):13.92G (1m):9.086G (5m):2.968G (15m):1.089G (avg):8.872Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:24:21.320] Device reported nonce: 1bcd3ee0 @ 80
 [2018-05-09 14:24:21.320] New best share: 73
 [2018-05-09 14:24:21.320] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:24:21.320] Device reported nonce: 20fde9e3 @ 82
 [2018-05-09 14:24:21.320] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:24:24.068] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:24:24.496] Device reported nonce: 07ac5688 @ 92
 [2018-05-09 14:24:24.496] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:24:24.496] Device reported nonce: 1a153bde @ 9a
 [2018-05-09 14:24:24.496] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:24:24.496] Device reported nonce: 1c09186b @ 83
 [2018-05-09 14:24:24.496] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:24:26.242] (5s):33.01G (1m):13.41G (5m):4.030G (15m):1.461G (avg):11.25Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:24:29.069] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:24:31.025] Network diff set to 175K
 [2018-05-09 14:24:31.025] New block: 0000000000000afc27d29aa0ed1d5f1e4471803e43b1bc898f27d9a9a6dce0a1... diff 175K
 [2018-05-09 14:24:31.025] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:24:31.026] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:24:32.251] (5s):15.68G (1m):12.19G (5m):3.951G (15m):1.451G (avg):10.72Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:24:34.069] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:24:38.259] (5s):7.532G (1m):11.08G (5m):3.873G (15m):1.441G (avg):10.24Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:24:39.070] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:24:41.081] Device reported nonce: 05ea82c9 @ 95
 [2018-05-09 14:24:41.081] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:24:41.081] Device reported nonce: 07128c96 @ 9c
 [2018-05-09 14:24:41.082] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:24:41.082] Device reported nonce: 1573fcb4 @ 84
 [2018-05-09 14:24:41.082] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:24:41.082] Device reported nonce: 2056a7f0 @ 89
 [2018-05-09 14:24:41.082] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:24:41.082] Device reported nonce: 15f87ab4 @ 8b
 [2018-05-09 14:24:41.082] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:24:44.071] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:24:44.268] (5s):42.35G (1m):15.42G (5m):4.927G (15m):1.812G (avg):12.25Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:24:49.071] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:24:50.272] (5s):20.52G (1m):14.02G (5m):4.830G (15m):1.800G (avg):11.75Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:24:53.826] Device reported nonce: 1f25235b @ 88
 [2018-05-09 14:24:53.826] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:24:54.071] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:24:54.081] New block: 9980ca2995d4e440bdbfb73a89905ab6ac2ba6f96d0dcdd2865eda0073b421fe... diff 175K
 [2018-05-09 14:24:54.081] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:24:54.082] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:24:56.280] (5s):14.48G (1m):13.77G (5m):4.959G (15m):1.864G (avg):11.74Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:24:59.072] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:25:02.286] (5s):6.904G (1m):12.52G (5m):4.862G (15m):1.851G (avg):11.29Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:25:04.072] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:25:06.288] New block: 84fe4731b4a81055ff0e460f8ecb899d14c7d61050c36ec8ae1e9afef2b2fce3... diff 175K
 [2018-05-09 14:25:06.288] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:25:06.289] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:25:08.295] (5s):3.429G (1m):11.39G (5m):4.767G (15m):1.839G (avg):10.88Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:25:09.073] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:25:11.221] New block: e195f68f3200bf894ee59c972f11c479c3c4291e2974416cb38aa9246a245ede... diff 175K
 [2018-05-09 14:25:11.221] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:25:11.221] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:25:11.887] GSD 0: No valid hashes recently, attempting to reset
 [2018-05-09 14:25:11.958] GSD 0 attempted reset got err:(0) LIBUSB_SUCCESS / LIBUSB_TRANSFER_COMPLETED
 [2018-05-09 14:25:13.489] New block: 46f7171c237a2670e6462b8e7c6924a001cb6959619a965f0dc3e0bbd4e8c678... diff 175K
 [2018-05-09 14:25:13.490] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:25:13.490] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:25:13.835] (5s):1.907G (1m):10.45G (5m):4.681G (15m):1.828G (avg):10.52Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:25:14.073] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:25:15.427] Device reported nonce: 041ba460 @ 80
 [2018-05-09 14:25:15.427] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:25:18.311] (5s):7.468G (1m):10.78G (5m):4.837G (15m):1.895G (avg):10.65Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:25:19.073] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:25:22.020] Device reported nonce: 0932a728 @ 88
 [2018-05-09 14:25:22.020] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:25:22.020] Device reported nonce: 070fb564 @ 8c
 [2018-05-09 14:25:22.020] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:25:22.020] Device reported nonce: 1dfcb7aa @ 94
 [2018-05-09 14:25:22.020] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:25:23.408] New block: 43dbb798aa8f84f7f0e2a97f93d3daa1592ee743463e94c1626f6f60a4a28a39... diff 175K
 [2018-05-09 14:25:23.408] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:25:23.409] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:25:24.074] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:25:24.321] (5s):23.47G (1m):12.97G (5m):5.418G (15m):2.110G (avg):11.44Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:25:29.074] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:25:30.328] (5s):11.16G (1m):11.79G (5m):5.312G (15m):2.096G (avg):11.07Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:25:34.075] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:25:35.884] Network diff set to 157K
 [2018-05-09 14:25:35.885] New block: 0000000000001fc5f73378c5420cec260ebc111d425250642ec861c672601d7e... diff 157K
 [2018-05-09 14:25:35.885] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:25:35.885] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:25:36.335] (5s):5.492G (1m):10.73G (5m):5.208G (15m):2.082G (avg):10.72Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:25:39.075] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:25:39.758] Device reported nonce: 170bd5c3 @ 84
 [2018-05-09 14:25:39.758] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:25:41.062] New block: 54d97d697d3bdd26a5bb7e6c5113c0690b522f660a5e26a8df8f467b90f58dfe... diff 157K
 [2018-05-09 14:25:41.062] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:25:41.063] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:25:42.343] (5s):7.743G (1m):10.77G (5m):5.330G (15m):2.144G (avg):10.74Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:25:44.076] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:25:48.350] (5s):3.701G (1m):9.794G (5m):5.225G (15m):2.130G (avg):10.43Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:25:49.076] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:25:54.077] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:25:54.358] (5s):1.854G (1m):8.914G (5m):5.123G (15m):2.116G (avg):10.13Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:25:57.853] GSD 0: No valid hashes recently, attempting to reset
 [2018-05-09 14:25:57.864] GSD 0 attempted reset got err:(0) LIBUSB_SUCCESS / LIBUSB_TRANSFER_COMPLETED
 [2018-05-09 14:25:59.078] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:25:59.200] Network diff set to 158K
 [2018-05-09 14:25:59.200] New block: 000000000000689282f0eb65fdf2d1c53fd2e615eacb85222cb7d1a6b8c99a07... diff 158K
 [2018-05-09 14:25:59.200] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:25:59.200] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:25:59.768] (5s):1.053G (1m):8.198G (5m):5.033G (15m):2.103G (avg):9.875Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:26:04.078] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:26:04.369] (5s):657.8M (1m):7.634G (5m):4.957G (15m):2.093G (avg):9.669Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:26:09.078] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:26:09.768] (5s):374.3M (1m):7.022G (5m):4.870G (15m):2.080G (avg):9.438Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:26:09.947] Device reported nonce: 03649468 @ 88
 [2018-05-09 14:26:09.947] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:26:10.900] New block: 6f2aff3444bee0081a0194601dd57d3f8eec54e8d4e44e232cbffb52e9d425cb... diff 158K
 [2018-05-09 14:26:10.900] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:26:10.901] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:26:14.078] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:26:14.381] (5s):8.399G (1m):7.600G (5m):5.022G (15m):2.145G (avg):9.547Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:26:16.439] New block: 50994b5296cc37d2d5ce0d83b724ad909003c21c6ca2ac2e9282b3378e964c65... diff 158K
 [2018-05-09 14:26:16.439] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:26:16.440] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:26:19.080] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:26:19.719] Network diff set to 148K
 [2018-05-09 14:26:19.719] New block: 0000000000002a9348d1d3b4386b80239b139fcf9780f16dbcbff533e7e7dffb... diff 148K
 [2018-05-09 14:26:19.719] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:26:19.720] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:26:19.970] (5s):4.632G (1m):6.969G (5m):4.931G (15m):2.132G (avg):9.321Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:26:21.019] Device reported nonce: 0ac98150 @ 9c
 [2018-05-09 14:26:21.019] New best share: 107
 [2018-05-09 14:26:21.019] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:26:23.578] New block: 729fe45093a34b8ecdb82a87750279f872dead0da5b33462b631120af5d52336... diff 148K
 [2018-05-09 14:26:23.578] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:26:23.579] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:26:24.080] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:26:24.396] (5s):9.601G (1m):7.553G (5m):5.085G (15m):2.198G (avg):9.435Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:26:29.081] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:26:30.401] (5s):4.746G (1m):6.872G (5m):4.985G (15m):2.183G (avg):9.205Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:26:34.082] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:26:36.024] (5s):2.603G (1m):6.299G (5m):4.894G (15m):2.170G (avg):9.000Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:26:38.484] New block: 7589ed55b8fe79229a42e9d02a4366dbad9c19aff672a1e1aa9e32b4da408545... diff 148K
 [2018-05-09 14:26:38.484] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:26:38.485] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:26:39.082] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:26:39.108] GSD 0: No valid hashes recently, attempting to reset
 [2018-05-09 14:26:39.153] GSD 0 attempted reset got err:(0) LIBUSB_SUCCESS / LIBUSB_TRANSFER_COMPLETED
 [2018-05-09 14:26:41.024] (5s):1.595G (1m):5.832G (5m):4.814G (15m):2.158G (avg):8.824Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:26:44.082] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:26:46.025] (5s):977.3M (1m):5.400G (5m):4.736G (15m):2.146G (avg):8.656Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:26:49.083] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:26:51.025] (5s):598.8M (1m):5.000G (5m):4.659G (15m):2.134G (avg):8.494Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:26:54.083] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:26:56.026] (5s):366.9M (1m):4.630G (5m):4.583G (15m):2.122G (avg):8.338Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:26:57.213] GSD 0: Device failed to respond to restart
 [2018-05-09 14:26:57.267] GSD 0 failure, disabling!
 [2018-05-09 14:26:57.270] GSD 0: set frequency: 100.00 [07 83]
 [2018-05-09 14:26:57.270] GSD 0 TX: 82 07 83 1c
 [2018-05-09 14:26:58.594] GSD 0: Found at 2:2
 [2018-05-09 14:26:58.616] GSD 0 TX: 84 00 00 11
 [2018-05-09 14:26:58.719] GSD 0 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-09 14:26:58.719] Device serial GS-10019494 not responding
 [2018-05-09 14:26:59.084] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:27:01.990] New block: d8d8ee6ff6882ea7976b17913e6ea09b51a446b0c1dc773399b05609d12f014e... diff 148K
 [2018-05-09 14:27:01.990] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:27:01.992] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:27:02.449] (5s):212.9M (1m):4.203G (5m):4.488G (15m):2.107G (avg):8.145Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:27:04.084] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:27:04.307] GSD 0: Found at 2:2
 [2018-05-09 14:27:04.328] GSD 0 TX: 84 00 00 11
 [2018-05-09 14:27:04.430] GSD 0 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-09 14:27:04.430] Device serial GS-10019494 not responding
 [2018-05-09 14:27:08.456] (5s):125.3M (1m):3.838G (5m):4.401G (15m):2.093G (avg):7.973Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:27:09.085] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:27:10.021] GSD 0: Found at 2:2
 [2018-05-09 14:27:10.044] GSD 0 TX: 84 00 00 11
 [2018-05-09 14:27:10.147] GSD 0 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-09 14:27:10.147] Device serial GS-10019494 not responding
 [2018-05-09 14:27:14.085] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:27:14.463] (5s):73.73M (1m):3.504G (5m):4.315G (15m):2.079G (avg):7.808Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:27:15.734] GSD 0: Found at 2:2
 [2018-05-09 14:27:15.757] GSD 0 TX: 84 00 00 11
 [2018-05-09 14:27:15.859] GSD 0 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-09 14:27:15.859] Device serial GS-10019494 not responding
 [2018-05-09 14:27:19.085] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:27:20.469] (5s):43.39M (1m):3.199G (5m):4.231G (15m):2.066G (avg):7.650Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:27:20.812] Network diff set to 157K
 [2018-05-09 14:27:20.812] New block: 000000000000068f7c24928e0adae772a0e479a80a31a8f745dc7c2fef47d649... diff 157K
 [2018-05-09 14:27:20.812] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:27:20.813] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:27:21.348] GSD 0: Found at 2:2
 [2018-05-09 14:27:21.369] GSD 0 TX: 84 00 00 11
 [2018-05-09 14:27:21.470] GSD 0 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-09 14:27:21.470] Device serial GS-10019494 not responding
 [2018-05-09 14:27:24.085] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:27:26.479] (5s):25.53M (1m):2.921G (5m):4.149G (15m):2.052G (avg):7.498Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:27:27.068] GSD 0: Found at 2:2
 [2018-05-09 14:27:27.091] GSD 0 TX: 84 00 00 11
 [2018-05-09 14:27:27.194] GSD 0 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-09 14:27:27.194] Device serial GS-10019494 not responding
 [2018-05-09 14:27:29.085] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:27:29.446] Network diff set to 165K
 [2018-05-09 14:27:29.447] New block: 000000000000112904f3684c301c73b729016bbc6cb32949431cc3e241b533d4... diff 165K
 [2018-05-09 14:27:29.447] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:27:29.448] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:27:32.490] (5s):15.02M (1m):2.666G (5m):4.068G (15m):2.038G (avg):7.352Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:27:32.681] GSD 0: Found at 2:2
 [2018-05-09 14:27:32.703] GSD 0 TX: 84 00 00 11
 [2018-05-09 14:27:32.804] GSD 0 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-09 14:27:32.804] Device serial GS-10019494 not responding
 [2018-05-09 14:27:34.085] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:27:38.392] GSD 0: Found at 2:2
 [2018-05-09 14:27:38.414] GSD 0 TX: 84 00 00 11
 [2018-05-09 14:27:38.500] (5s):8.841M (1m):2.434G (5m):3.989G (15m):2.025G (avg):7.211Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:27:38.517] GSD 0 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-09 14:27:38.517] Device serial GS-10019494 not responding
 [2018-05-09 14:27:39.085] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:27:41.174] New block: e22574f11d9b043fdb72901008500771cbd2ddca5251d3f2d4a9c78402744b67... diff 165K
 [2018-05-09 14:27:41.174] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:27:41.175] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:27:44.003] GSD 0: Found at 2:2
 [2018-05-09 14:27:44.025] GSD 0 TX: 84 00 00 11
 [2018-05-09 14:27:44.086] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:27:44.128] GSD 0 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-09 14:27:44.128] Device serial GS-10019494 not responding
 [2018-05-09 14:27:44.502] (5s):5.203M (1m):2.223G (5m):3.912G (15m):2.012G (avg):7.076Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:27:48.745] Network diff set to 140K
 [2018-05-09 14:27:48.746] New block: 0000000000003df8c7f3ec140f12c22a96a8db659cbb3841da909eee9e8fac09... diff 140K
 [2018-05-09 14:27:48.746] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:27:48.747] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:27:49.086] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:27:49.631] GSD 0: Found at 2:2
 [2018-05-09 14:27:49.653] GSD 0 TX: 84 00 00 11
 [2018-05-09 14:27:49.755] GSD 0 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-09 14:27:49.755] Device serial GS-10019494 not responding
 [2018-05-09 14:27:50.506] (5s):3.062M (1m):2.029G (5m):3.836G (15m):1.998G (avg):6.946Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:27:54.086] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:27:55.181] New block: 152c70f45bb992852d914dc215d2ac1d4fd4fe62e86b5f41a812dac5cea71cae... diff 140K
 [2018-05-09 14:27:55.181] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:27:55.183] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:27:55.345] GSD 0: Found at 2:2
 [2018-05-09 14:27:55.368] GSD 0 TX: 84 00 00 11
 [2018-05-09 14:27:55.470] GSD 0 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-09 14:27:55.470] Device serial GS-10019494 not responding
 [2018-05-09 14:27:56.509] (5s):1.802M (1m):1.853G (5m):3.761G (15m):1.985G (avg):6.821Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:27:59.086] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:28:02.519] (5s):1.060M (1m):1.692G (5m):3.688G (15m):1.972G (avg):6.700Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:28:04.087] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:28:05.840] New block: 00000000000071155a281e43adb552ab0441fae7b4e2464f0507d7cd6fb7768f... diff 140K
 [2018-05-09 14:28:05.840] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:28:05.841] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:28:08.534] (5s):624.1K (1m):1.544G (5m):3.616G (15m):1.959G (avg):6.583Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:28:09.087] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:28:09.149] Network diff set to 113K
 [2018-05-09 14:28:09.149] New block: 0000000000000ae4f23c2adb021bb6851912a9de0cce32fcfb66e9f0a4abd279... diff 113K
 [2018-05-09 14:28:09.149] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:28:09.150] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:28:11.599] New block: 000000000000374a75c73501304388a802eb3e44abe966b81c658b0a814e22dd... diff 113K
 [2018-05-09 14:28:11.599] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:28:11.601] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:28:14.087] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:28:14.551] (5s):367.2K (1m):1.410G (5m):3.546G (15m):1.946G (avg):6.470Gh/s

495461c run
[2018-05-09 20:29:41.321] Started cgminer 4.10.0
 [2018-05-09 20:29:41.707] GSD 0: Found at 2:2
 [2018-05-09 20:29:41.717] GSD 0 TX: 84 00 00 11
 [2018-05-09 20:29:41.819] GSD 0 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-09 20:29:41.819] Device serial GS-10019494 not responding
 [2018-05-09 20:29:41.820] No devices detected!
 [2018-05-09 20:29:41.822] Waiting for USB hotplug devices or press q to quit
 [2018-05-09 20:29:41.822] Probing for an alive pool
 [2018-05-09 20:29:41.823] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:29:42.381] Stratum authorisation success for pool 0
 [2018-05-09 20:29:42.382] Pool 0 stratum+tcp:// alive
 [2018-05-09 20:29:42.595] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 250000
 [2018-05-09 20:29:42.596] Network diff set to 35.7M
 [2018-05-09 20:29:42.596] New block: 0000000000000071452078da460dee8ef5cd1dc3955580840ef22461b0ac3d85... diff 35.7M
 [2018-05-09 20:29:42.823] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:29:42.823] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 20:29:43.437] Network diff set to 122K
 [2018-05-09 20:29:43.437] New block: 0000000000003c8245d67cbdb801129d31e2b70e35d7be8d9667c3ba67aa6525... diff 122K
 [2018-05-09 20:29:43.437] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 20:29:43.438] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 20:29:44.824] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 20:29:47.506] Network diff set to 137K
 [2018-05-09 20:29:47.507] New block: 00000000000018412798cf25a172106d1ef351e3dfc14ea209038da9cfae9eab... diff 137K
 [2018-05-09 20:29:47.507] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 20:29:47.508] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 20:29:47.824] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:29:48.205] GSD 0: Found at 2:2
 [2018-05-09 20:29:48.214] GSD 0 TX: 84 00 00 11
 [2018-05-09 20:29:48.315] GSD 0 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-09 20:29:48.315] Device serial GS-10019494 not responding
 [2018-05-09 20:29:50.834] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 20:29:52.824] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:29:53.908] GSD 0: Found at 2:2
 [2018-05-09 20:29:53.917] GSD 0 TX: 84 00 00 11
 [2018-05-09 20:29:54.018] GSD 0 RX bytes(1):
 [2018-05-09 20:29:54.120] GSD 0 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-09 20:29:54.120] Device serial GS-10019494 not responding
 [2018-05-09 20:29:54.535] Network diff set to 155K
 [2018-05-09 20:29:54.535] New block: 00000000000010e92f8fe9bfd24983184e5257b21b55e5bc4cbb49fba24798b3... diff 155K
 [2018-05-09 20:29:54.535] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 20:29:54.536] Work update message received
Bus 2 Device 2 ID: 10c4:ea60 GekkoScience 2Pac BM1384 Bitcoin Miner inactive
1 total known USB device
 [2018-05-09 20:29:56.845] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 20:29:57.825] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:29:59.533] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - BSC device 2:2
 [2018-05-09 20:29:59.539] See README file included for help
 [2018-05-09 20:29:59.542] GekkoScience detect (2:2) failed to initialise (incorrect device?), resetting
 [2018-05-09 20:29:59.554] failed usb_init
 [2018-05-09 20:30:02.826] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:30:02.847] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 20:30:04.981] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - BSC device 2:2
 [2018-05-09 20:30:04.986] See README file included for help
 [2018-05-09 20:30:04.990] GekkoScience detect (2:2) failed to initialise (incorrect device?), resetting
 [2018-05-09 20:30:05.000] failed usb_init
 [2018-05-09 20:30:06.530] New block: 00000000000005e149455835801d2d1200765fb4129a4c94e384ca69c9789601... diff 155K
 [2018-05-09 20:30:06.530] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 20:30:06.532] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 20:30:07.826] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:30:08.848] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 20:30:10.424] USB init, open device failed, err -3, you don't have privilege to access - BSC device 2:2
 [2018-05-09 20:30:10.426] See README file included for help
 [2018-05-09 20:30:10.428] GekkoScience detect (2:2) failed to initialise (incorrect device?), resetting
 [2018-05-09 20:30:10.430] failed usb_init

2a41ffb run
[2018-05-08 19:32:54.285] Started cgminer 4.10.0
 [2018-05-08 19:32:54.646] GSD 0: Found at 2:2
 [2018-05-08 19:32:54.656] Probing for an alive pool
 [2018-05-08 19:32:54.656] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-08 19:32:54.657] GSD 0 TX: 84 00 04 00
 [2018-05-08 19:32:54.760] GSD 0 RX bytes(1):
 [2018-05-08 19:32:54.862] GSD 0 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-08 19:32:54.862] GSD 0 TX: 84 00 00 11
 [2018-05-08 19:32:54.965] GSD 0 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-08 19:32:54.965] Found 0 chip(s) on GSD 0
 [2018-05-08 19:32:54.966] GSD 0: set frequency: 100.00 [07 83]
 [2018-05-08 19:32:54.966] GSD 0 TX: 82 07 83 1c
 [2018-05-08 19:32:54.967] GSD 0 failure, disabling!
 [2018-05-08 19:32:54.967] GSD 0 TX: 86 10 1a 17
 [2018-05-08 19:32:55.335] Stratum authorisation success for pool 0
 [2018-05-08 19:32:55.335] Pool 0 stratum+tcp:// alive
 [2018-05-08 19:32:55.557] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 250000
 [2018-05-08 19:32:55.657] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-08 19:32:57.658] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-08 19:32:59.934] Network diff set to 162K
 [2018-05-08 19:32:59.934] New block: 5ad594bc1ebe245202a6ddc2b8fd7c048a65482877977c7394438062b88a04b1... diff 162K
 [2018-05-08 19:32:59.936] Work update message received
 [2018-05-08 19:33:00.657] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-08 19:33:00.997] GSD 0: Found at 2:2
 [2018-05-08 19:33:01.006] Hotplug: GekkoScience added GSD 1
 [2018-05-08 19:33:01.007] GSD 1 TX: 84 00 04 00
 [2018-05-08 19:33:01.110] GSD 1 RX bytes(1):
 [2018-05-08 19:33:01.212] GSD 1 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-08 19:33:01.212] GSD 1 TX: 84 00 00 11
 [2018-05-08 19:33:01.314] GSD 1 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-08 19:33:01.314] Found 0 chip(s) on GSD 1
 [2018-05-08 19:33:01.316] GSD 1: set frequency: 100.00 [07 83]
 [2018-05-08 19:33:01.316] GSD 1 TX: 82 07 83 1c
 [2018-05-08 19:33:01.316] GSD 1 failure, disabling!
 [2018-05-08 19:33:01.317] GSD 1 TX: 86 10 1a 17
 [2018-05-08 19:33:03.663] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-08 19:33:05.657] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-08 19:33:06.349] GSD 0: Found at 2:2
 [2018-05-08 19:33:06.358] Hotplug: GekkoScience added GSD 2
 [2018-05-08 19:33:06.359] GSD 2 TX: 84 00 04 00
 [2018-05-08 19:33:06.460] GSD 2 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-08 19:33:06.460] GSD 2 TX: 84 00 00 11
 [2018-05-08 19:33:06.562] GSD 2 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-08 19:33:06.562] Found 0 chip(s) on GSD 2
 [2018-05-08 19:33:06.563] GSD 2: set frequency: 100.00 [07 83]
 [2018-05-08 19:33:06.564] GSD 2 TX: 82 07 83 1c
 [2018-05-08 19:33:06.564] GSD 2 failure, disabling!
 [2018-05-08 19:33:06.564] GSD 2 TX: 86 10 1a 17
 [2018-05-08 19:33:09.532] Network diff set to 180K
 [2018-05-08 19:33:09.532] New block: 0000000000003715e3b2f6c083e49f941779589fe1db0a5622172745474a8379... diff 180K
 [2018-05-08 19:33:09.532] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-08 19:33:09.533] Work update message received
 [2018-05-08 19:33:09.665] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-08 19:33:10.657] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-08 19:33:11.700] GSD 0: Found at 2:2
 [2018-05-08 19:33:11.709] Hotplug: GekkoScience added GSD 3
 [2018-05-08 19:33:11.710] GSD 3 TX: 84 00 04 00
 [2018-05-08 19:33:11.811] GSD 3 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-08 19:33:11.811] GSD 3 TX: 84 00 00 11
 [2018-05-08 19:33:11.913] GSD 3 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-08 19:33:11.913] Found 0 chip(s) on GSD 3
 [2018-05-08 19:33:11.914] GSD 3: set frequency: 100.00 [07 83]
 [2018-05-08 19:33:11.915] GSD 3 TX: 82 07 83 1c
 [2018-05-08 19:33:11.915] GSD 3 failure, disabling!
 [2018-05-08 19:33:11.915] GSD 3 TX: 86 10 1a 17
 [2018-05-08 19:33:14.252] Network diff set to 192K
 [2018-05-08 19:33:14.252] New block: 000000000000278f75aa2040f3348d6b82cd5bd14d66199fb605583bf0adb0dd... diff 192K

Cgminer- ifccd3d run
  [2018-05-09 20:24:14.783] Started cgminer 4.10.0
 [2018-05-09 20:24:15.181] GSD 0: 2Pac BM1384 Bitcoin Miner (10019494)
 [2018-05-09 20:24:15.182] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:00:11
 [2018-05-09 20:24:15.184] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:00:11
 [2018-05-09 20:24:15.385] GSD 0: found 0 chip(s)
 [2018-05-09 20:24:15.387] Probing for an alive pool
 [2018-05-09 20:24:15.388] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:24:15.943] Stratum authorisation success for pool 0
 [2018-05-09 20:24:15.944] Pool 0 stratum+tcp:// alive
 [2018-05-09 20:24:16.158] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 250000
 [2018-05-09 20:24:16.389] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:24:18.390] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 20:24:19.465] Network diff set to 171K
 [2018-05-09 20:24:19.465] New block: 000000000000529fcdbb1498642ab111b9dab2a52e810ecc94263f405c5f922c... diff 171K
 [2018-05-09 20:24:19.467] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 20:24:21.390] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:24:24.399] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 20:24:25.981] New block: c711bea027aafe651529f3255f437d5cdabee54697e7da703b3780ca2794b783... diff 171K
 [2018-05-09 20:24:25.981] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 20:24:25.982] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 20:24:26.390] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:24:26.515] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:00:11
 [2018-05-09 20:24:30.408] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 20:24:31.390] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:24:36.391] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:24:36.434] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 20:24:39.880] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-09 20:24:39.979] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-09 20:24:41.392] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:24:41.576] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 20:24:42.833] GSD 0 RX: 00:00:00
 [2018-05-09 20:24:43.957] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-09 20:24:46.392] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:24:46.443] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 20:24:51.392] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:24:51.600] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 20:24:53.650] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-09 20:24:54.265] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-09 20:24:54.366] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-09 20:24:55.272] New block: 45cdf94088bedc64b5bb70dc0287d8088b397ac22f24e6afa6f4f08590958740... diff 171K
 [2018-05-09 20:24:55.272] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 20:24:55.273] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 20:24:56.393] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:24:56.452] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 20:25:01.393] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:25:01.613] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 20:25:03.018] GSD 0 RX: 02
 [2018-05-09 20:25:03.729] GSD 0 RX: 13:82:90:FF:0F
 [2018-05-09 20:25:03.729] GSD 0 RX: 13:82:90:FF:0F
 [2018-05-09 20:25:03.830] GSD 0 RX: 00:00
 [2018-05-09 20:25:03.932] GSD 0: found 2 chip(s)
 [2018-05-09 20:25:04.046] GSD 0: setting frequency to 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-09 20:25:04.049] GSD 0 TX: 82:07:83:1C
 [2018-05-09 20:25:04.051] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-09 20:25:04.051] GSD 0: sending chain inactive for 2 chip(s)
 [2018-05-09 20:25:04.053] GSD 0 TX: 85:00:00:0F
 [2018-05-09 20:25:04.055] GSD 0 TX: 01:00:00:19
 [2018-05-09 20:25:04.056] GSD 0 TX: 01:80:00:16
 [2018-05-09 20:25:04.056] GSD 0: open cores @ 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-09 20:25:06.393] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:25:06.463] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 20:25:11.180] GSD 0: start work @ 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-09 20:25:11.393] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:25:11.640] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 20:25:16.326] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-09 20:25:16.394] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:25:16.475] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 20:25:19.175] New block: 0000000000001bc02c3757ed52cc34d550d1448f12b7de328df9b2bb0631278f... diff 171K
 [2018-05-09 20:25:19.175] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 20:25:19.176] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 20:25:21.394] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-09 20:25:21.395] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:25:21.642] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 20:25:26.395] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:25:26.490] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 20:25:26.545] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-09 20:25:31.395] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:25:31.639] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-09 20:25:31.659] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 20:25:36.395] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:25:36.504] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 20:25:36.793] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-09 20:25:38.938] Network diff set to 176K
 [2018-05-09 20:25:38.938] New block: 00000000000002f55201bf0b3ca10dd708cbe475c08fcc9e22706b6212440808... diff 176K
 [2018-05-09 20:25:38.938] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 20:25:38.939] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 20:25:41.395] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:25:41.675] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 20:25:41.886] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-09 20:25:46.396] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:25:46.524] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 20:25:47.050] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-09 20:25:51.396] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:25:51.695] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 20:25:52.188] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-09 20:25:52.594] New block: 1e7f838966acb42e0423f471bfad441a6e2e4ffa0f198edda2583f9e5697774f... diff 176K
 [2018-05-09 20:25:52.594] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 20:25:52.595] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.857] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.857] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.857] GSD 0 RX: 09:7F:4A:D0:87
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.857] GSD 0 RX: 19:F1:E1:2F:89
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.857] GSD 0 RX: 04:F6:9A:92:95
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.857] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 04f69a92 @ 15
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.857] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.857] GSD 0 RX: 19:40:3C:63:96
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.857] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 19403c63 @ 16
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.857] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.857] GSD 0 RX: 37:86:8D:C0:89
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.857] GSD 0 RX: 48:75:E2:41:8D
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.857] GSD 0 RX: 1F:9A:7D:A6:9A
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.857] GSD 0 RX: 1B:56:16:98:9B
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.857] GSD 0 RX: 16:3C:FB:08:9C
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.857] GSD 0 RX: 80:0F:00:03:07
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.857] GSD 0: chip reported frequency of 100.00MHz
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.857] GSD 0 RX: B0:B8:A8:F6:9A
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.857] GSD 0 RX: AC:D6:5A:09:9B
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.857] GSD 0 RX: 86:9C:3E:DF:84
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.857] GSD 0 RX: 91:F8:C4:ED:87
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.858] GSD 0 RX: D2:2F:1F:D3:8A
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.858] GSD 0 RX: 82:9C:E3:08:91
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.858] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: 829ce308 @ 11
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.858] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.858] GSD 0 RX: B2:0B:FA:6B:93
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.858] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: b20bfa6b @ 13
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.858] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.858] GSD 0 RX: DA:1B:14:E8:94
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.858] GSD 0: Device reported nonce: da1b14e8 @ 14
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.858] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.858] GSD 0 RX: B7:AB:6F:88:9B
 [2018-05-09 20:25:53.961] GSD 0 RX: 00
 [2018-05-09 20:25:56.397] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:25:56.542] (5s):3.644G (1m):650.5M (5m):140.4M (15m):47.41M (avg):428.8Mh/s
 [2018-05-09 20:25:57.264] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-09 20:26:01.397] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:26:02.399] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-09 20:26:02.550] (5s):1.746G (1m):591.5M (5m):137.6M (15m):47.09M (avg):404.6Mh/s
 [2018-05-09 20:26:05.399] Network diff set to 129K
 [2018-05-09 20:26:05.399] New block: 0000000000002e551346fc9f10cd36913c7e681b63a080971c6e7ac63ed61f7a... diff 129K
 [2018-05-09 20:26:05.399] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 20:26:05.400] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 20:26:06.398] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:26:07.607] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-09 20:26:08.557] (5s):881.0M (1m):538.4M (5m):134.9M (15m):46.78M (avg):382.9Mh/s
 [2018-05-09 20:26:10.413] Network diff set to 139K
 [2018-05-09 20:26:10.413] New block: 0000000000005487897b534e1912771dec2d6d2efe482fd2c30b39dfb6f3a75d... diff 139K
 [2018-05-09 20:26:10.413] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 20:26:10.415] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 20:26:11.398] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:26:12.631] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-09 20:26:13.173] Network diff set to 156K
 [2018-05-09 20:26:13.173] New block: 0000000000003ecc7bd0cb507fcf16d5c6a474b20885e9b8ad3b32fde7b94bc4... diff 156K
 [2018-05-09 20:26:13.173] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 20:26:13.174] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 20:26:13.895] (5s):506.9M (1m):495.8M (5m):132.6M (15m):46.51M (avg):365.5Mh/s
 [2018-05-09 20:26:16.399] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:26:17.811] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-09 20:26:18.579] (5s):315.2M (1m):461.2M (5m):130.6M (15m):46.27M (avg):351.5Mh/s
 [2018-05-09 20:26:19.487] New block: 00000000000039f44a142e8f45f3dac408e1bdac1e31f191cd9561cefd6ec9b8... diff 156K
 [2018-05-09 20:26:19.487] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 20:26:19.488] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 20:26:21.400] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:26:22.931] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-09 20:26:23.917] (5s):181.5M (1m):424.6M (5m):128.3M (15m):45.99M (avg):336.8Mh/s
 [2018-05-09 20:26:26.401] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:26:28.068] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-09 20:26:28.605] (5s):112.8M (1m):395.0M (5m):126.3M (15m):45.76M (avg):324.8Mh/s
 [2018-05-09 20:26:31.401] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:26:33.207] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-09 20:26:33.938] (5s):65.08M (1m):363.7M (5m):124.1M (15m):45.49M (avg):312.2Mh/s
 [2018-05-09 20:26:34.456] Network diff set to 125K
 [2018-05-09 20:26:34.456] New block: 00000000000004627b7daa0b85df8681eaad83734e33cfdc6a8733f6008f61f1... diff 125K
 [2018-05-09 20:26:34.456] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 20:26:34.457] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 20:26:36.402] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:26:37.773] New block: 0000000000003cd6e963e6003a01e3d1dd547c0f8b171f7f8eef5cf4a3f30fab... diff 125K
 [2018-05-09 20:26:37.773] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 20:26:37.774] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 20:26:38.269] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-09 20:26:38.626] (5s):40.46M (1m):338.3M (5m):122.3M (15m):45.25M (avg):302.0Mh/s
 [2018-05-09 20:26:40.590] Network diff set to 152K
 [2018-05-09 20:26:40.590] New block: 0000000000001d3b540c257710d78964b39b79032dd0d95269500f49944ea32a... diff 152K
 [2018-05-09 20:26:40.590] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 20:26:40.591] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 20:26:41.403] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:26:43.324] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-09 20:26:43.950] (5s):23.35M (1m):311.6M (5m):120.1M (15m):44.99M (avg):291.1Mh/s
 [2018-05-09 20:26:46.403] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:26:47.950] Network diff set to 170K
 [2018-05-09 20:26:47.950] New block: 0000000000001ed01b2c52051fcd9e7876456b1dad5a58d2aa5416f504af7dd9... diff 170K
 [2018-05-09 20:26:47.950] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 20:26:47.951] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 20:26:48.452] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-09 20:26:48.649] (5s):14.51M (1m):289.7M (5m):118.3M (15m):44.75M (avg):282.1Mh/s
 [2018-05-09 20:26:51.404] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:26:51.871] Network diff set to 190K
 [2018-05-09 20:26:51.871] New block: 0000000000001fb8cd2ac7be516c0828f830c45f70e7639f26d6751a06740283... diff 190K
 [2018-05-09 20:26:51.871] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 20:26:51.872] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 20:26:53.598] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-09 20:26:53.961] (5s):8.384M (1m):266.9M (5m):116.3M (15m):44.49M (avg):272.6Mh/s
 [2018-05-09 20:26:55.118] New block: 2260b1afd3b928b004118b26bb22ca97352a45915ec285c297ee0f68920c03f7... diff 190K
 [2018-05-09 20:26:55.119] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 20:26:55.120] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 20:26:56.404] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:26:58.176] Network diff set to 207K
 [2018-05-09 20:26:58.176] New block: 00000000000037996acaa6db14dabe22b43b98fa17d202c1a9e3ad590197134e... diff 207K
 [2018-05-09 20:26:58.177] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 20:26:58.178] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 20:26:58.671] (5s):5.207M (1m):248.2M (5m):114.5M (15m):44.26M (avg):264.7Mh/s
 [2018-05-09 20:26:58.680] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-09 20:27:01.404] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:27:03.832] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-09 20:27:03.966] (5s):3.018M (1m):228.7M (5m):112.5M (15m):44.00M (avg):256.3Mh/s
 [2018-05-09 20:27:06.404] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:27:08.697] (5s):1.872M (1m):212.6M (5m):110.8M (15m):43.77M (avg):249.3Mh/s
 [2018-05-09 20:27:08.962] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
 [2018-05-09 20:27:11.405] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 20:27:13.978] (5s):1.089M (1m):195.9M (5m):108.9M (15m):43.52M (avg):241.8Mh/s
 [2018-05-09 20:27:14.109] GSD 0 TX: 84:00:04:00
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
you can append " 2>run.log" at the end of your command line parameters to store the output.

In addition to the log saving above, add "--verbose" parameter and send into a verbose.log file.
I've seen a few fried chips throw out garbage instead of nonces.

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to respond. About 5 minutes after you posted your reply, I plugged in the miner (after its been unplugged for a day) to give you the log and it started showing GH/s. I got excited and let it run to see what would happen. it went up to 15GH/s but after a half hour or so it drop down to about 250 MH/s.

It was producing "Best Shares" but ultimately It wasn't working. I felt like I was on to something so I began troubleshooting. Unfortunately, I overwrote the original run.log when I tried to restart the process.

Since the Hashrate dropped I unplugged/replugged it and restarted it but it was no longer hashing. I then went through a long process of intricate trouble shooting and noticed that If I just unplug and replug the 2pac after restarting or shutting down cgminer, the white light remains solid (even if cgminer is not running) and I never hash.

If I leave the 2pac unplugged for a long period of time and remove the battery on my laptop, The solid green light will turn on when I plug it in and if I start certain cgminers, it will start hashing but usually crash or go down in hashrate to a couple hundred megahashes after about 20 minutes or so.

I started getting different results from different versions of the cgminer links from the OP but none worked. I'm sorry if this is overkill but I figured it would probably be easier to understand what the cause of the issue is if I provided as much information as possible. I will post some here and some in a follow up post as it exceeds the allowed length

b756f23 run [This one was working and then crashed not too long after it started]
[2018-05-09 14:18:26.684] Started cgminer 4.10.0
 [2018-05-09 14:18:27.074] GSD 0: Found at 2:2
 [2018-05-09 14:18:27.097] GSD 0 TX: 84 00 00 11
 [2018-05-09 14:18:27.099] GSD 0 RX: 13 82 90 ff 0f
 [2018-05-09 14:18:27.099] GSD 0 RX: 13 82 90 ff 0f
 [2018-05-09 14:18:27.200] GSD 0 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-09 14:18:27.201] Probing for an alive pool
 [2018-05-09 14:18:27.201] Found 2 chip(s) on GSD 0
 [2018-05-09 14:18:27.203] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:18:27.204] GSD 0 TX: 84 00 04 00
 [2018-05-09 14:18:27.206] GSD 0 RX: 80 0f 00 02 0a
 [2018-05-09 14:18:27.206] GSD 0 RX: 80 0f 00 02 0a
 [2018-05-09 14:18:27.309] GSD 0 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-09 14:18:27.310] GSD 0: set frequency: 50.00 [03 83]
 [2018-05-09 14:18:27.320] GSD 0 TX: 82 03 83 1f
 [2018-05-09 14:18:27.851] Stratum authorisation success for pool 0
 [2018-05-09 14:18:27.852] Pool 0 stratum+tcp:// alive
 [2018-05-09 14:18:28.070] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 250000
 [2018-05-09 14:18:28.202] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:18:30.203] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 14:18:31.109] Network diff set to 124K
 [2018-05-09 14:18:31.110] New block: 0000000000003e31bd7cbff3ccdbccfb9d9ae1293328d8480efff68de1d1e93f... diff 124K
 [2018-05-09 14:18:31.110] Pool 0 now up to date at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:18:31.110] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:18:32.873] GSD 0: set frequency: 56.25 [04 03]
 [2018-05-09 14:18:32.874] GSD 0 TX: 82 04 03 0b
 [2018-05-09 14:18:33.095] GSD 0: set frequency: 62.50 [04 83]
 [2018-05-09 14:18:33.095] GSD 0 TX: 82 04 83 14
 [2018-05-09 14:18:33.194] Network diff set to 102K
 [2018-05-09 14:18:33.194] New block: 00000000000013256317797e28933658ad07585cb8c4f94317d4a8698964d9fd... diff 102K
 [2018-05-09 14:18:33.194] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:18:33.195] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:18:33.202] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:18:33.281] GSD 0: set frequency: 68.75 [05 03]
 [2018-05-09 14:18:33.282] GSD 0 TX: 82 05 03 10
 [2018-05-09 14:18:33.502] GSD 0: set frequency: 75.00 [05 83]
 [2018-05-09 14:18:33.506] GSD 0 TX: 82 05 83 0f
 [2018-05-09 14:18:33.776] GSD 0: set frequency: 81.25 [06 03]
 [2018-05-09 14:18:33.776] GSD 0 TX: 82 06 03 18
 [2018-05-09 14:18:34.004] GSD 0: set frequency: 87.50 [06 83]
 [2018-05-09 14:18:34.004] GSD 0 TX: 82 06 83 07
 [2018-05-09 14:18:34.223] GSD 0: set frequency: 93.75 [07 03]
 [2018-05-09 14:18:34.224] GSD 0 TX: 82 07 03 03
 [2018-05-09 14:18:34.446] GSD 0: set frequency: 100.00 [07 83]
 [2018-05-09 14:18:34.446] GSD 0 TX: 82 07 83 1c
 [2018-05-09 14:18:34.702] GSD 0: set frequency: 106.25 [10 87]
 [2018-05-09 14:18:34.707] GSD 0 TX: 82 10 87 0a
 [2018-05-09 14:18:34.930] GSD 0: set frequency: 112.50 [11 87]
 [2018-05-09 14:18:34.931] GSD 0 TX: 82 11 87 11
 [2018-05-09 14:18:35.150] GSD 0: set frequency: 118.75 [12 87]
 [2018-05-09 14:18:35.150] GSD 0 TX: 82 12 87 19
 [2018-05-09 14:18:35.371] GSD 0: set frequency: 125.00 [09 83]
 [2018-05-09 14:18:35.371] GSD 0 TX: 82 09 83 0a
 [2018-05-09 14:18:35.627] GSD 0: set frequency: 131.25 [14 87]
 [2018-05-09 14:18:35.628] GSD 0 TX: 82 14 87 09
 [2018-05-09 14:18:35.860] GSD 0: set frequency: 137.50 [15 87]
 [2018-05-09 14:18:35.861] GSD 0 TX: 82 15 87 12
 [2018-05-09 14:18:36.081] GSD 0: set frequency: 143.75 [16 87]
 [2018-05-09 14:18:36.082] GSD 0 TX: 82 16 87 1a
 [2018-05-09 14:18:36.113] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 14:18:36.302] GSD 0: set frequency: 150.00 [0b 83]
 [2018-05-09 14:18:36.302] GSD 0 TX: 82 0b 83 19
 [2018-05-09 14:18:36.634] GSD 0 TX: 85 00 00 0f
 [2018-05-09 14:18:36.636] GSD 0 TX: 01 00 00 19
 [2018-05-09 14:18:36.637] GSD 0 TX: 01 80 00 16
 [2018-05-09 14:18:36.637] GSD 0: Ticket mask set to 1
 [2018-05-09 14:18:36.816] Device reported nonce: 1e70df04 @ 9b
 [2018-05-09 14:18:36.816] New best share: 32
 [2018-05-09 14:18:36.816] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:18:37.888] Device reported nonce: 91149181 @ 86
 [2018-05-09 14:18:37.888] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:18:37.935] Device reported nonce: ab4ccfe2 @ 86
 [2018-05-09 14:18:37.935] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:18:38.152] Network diff set to 114K
 [2018-05-09 14:18:38.166] New block: 00000000000051e1e9753f3f5ef584d9f541aab28133765bed12d32f79a3d181... diff 114K
 [2018-05-09 14:18:38.166] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:18:38.167] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:18:38.203] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:18:38.270] Device reported nonce: 2fd0cb0c @ 8a
 [2018-05-09 14:18:38.270] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:18:38.487] Device reported nonce: af6d18a7 @ 8c
 [2018-05-09 14:18:38.487] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:18:38.540] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart
 [2018-05-09 14:18:38.541] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:18:38.647] Device reported nonce: 2fd0cb0c @ 8f
 [2018-05-09 14:18:38.647] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:18:38.921] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart
 [2018-05-09 14:18:38.921] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:18:39.028] Dup Nonce : 2fd0cb0c on GSD 0
 [2018-05-09 14:18:39.365] Device reported nonce: af6d18a7 @ 97
 [2018-05-09 14:18:39.375] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:18:39.581] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart
 [2018-05-09 14:18:39.582] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:18:39.841] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart
 [2018-05-09 14:18:39.842] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:18:40.056] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart
 [2018-05-09 14:18:40.057] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:18:40.440] Device reported nonce: 0fe765ad @ 86
 [2018-05-09 14:18:40.440] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:18:41.077] Device reported nonce: 85378054 @ 8c
 [2018-05-09 14:18:41.078] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:18:41.088] (5s):9.142G (1m):1.224G (5m):255.0M (15m):85.59M (avg):5.998Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:18:41.431] Network diff set to 129K
 [2018-05-09 14:18:41.431] New block: 00000000000081c5b206f38704696f89c040d9a37173779e535d1014acf5efe4... diff 129K
 [2018-05-09 14:18:41.431] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:18:41.432] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:18:41.536] Device reported nonce: 2d193c4b @ 91
 [2018-05-09 14:18:41.536] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:18:41.647] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart
 [2018-05-09 14:18:41.648] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:18:41.750] Dup Nonce : 2d193c4b on GSD 0
 [2018-05-09 14:18:41.918] Device reported nonce: 0f12972b @ 96
 [2018-05-09 14:18:41.918] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:18:42.350] Device reported nonce: 4af4b972 @ 99
 [2018-05-09 14:18:42.351] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:18:42.712] Stratum from pool 0 requested work restart
 [2018-05-09 14:18:42.713] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:18:42.920] Device reported nonce: ab5c3720 @ 81
 [2018-05-09 14:18:42.920] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:18:43.204] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:18:43.661] Device reported nonce: 9ed0fea2 @ 88
 [2018-05-09 14:18:43.669] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:18:43.947] Device reported nonce: 0878882f @ 8b
 [2018-05-09 14:18:43.947] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:18:46.230] (5s):9.342G (1m):1.927G (5m):420.1M (15m):142.1M (avg):7.146Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:18:48.204] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.238] (5s):4.440G (1m):1.752G (5m):411.9M (15m):141.2M (avg):5.360Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.364] Device reported nonce: 1ce65dc1 @ 97
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.364] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.364] Device reported nonce: 1c281ce1 @ 99
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] Device reported nonce: 07cd8dc4 @ 9b
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] Device reported nonce: 2cd0f322 @ 80
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] Device reported nonce: 01119e46 @ 86
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] Device reported nonce: 3c230472 @ 8f
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] Device reported nonce: 328187cf @ 93
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] Device reported nonce: 06f0b4d8 @ 80
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] Device reported nonce: 0614351c @ 8b
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] Device reported nonce: abb9a934 @ 9d
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] Device reported nonce: bef1ac88 @ 81
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] Device reported nonce: 938be40e @ 94
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] Device reported nonce: 9d8c83ef @ 95
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] Device reported nonce: b9198c31 @ 89
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] Device reported nonce: aca3c98e @ 8d
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.365] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.878] Network diff set to 144K
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.878] New block: 00000000000060e43f7ef27dcb54d6a9bcab477c8fcc911b83d5bd44064bb4ad... diff 144K
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.878] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:18:52.879] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:18:53.204] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:18:53.974] Device reported nonce: 3db54ec5 @ 84
 [2018-05-09 14:18:53.974] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:18:53.974] Device reported nonce: 2ae0d907 @ 86
 [2018-05-09 14:18:53.974] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:18:53.974] Device reported nonce: 9ab498ee @ 81
 [2018-05-09 14:18:53.974] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:18:53.974] Device reported nonce: 9b619874 @ 81
 [2018-05-09 14:18:53.974] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:18:53.974] Device reported nonce: a3a757b1 @ 81
 [2018-05-09 14:18:53.974] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:18:54.581] Network diff set to 157K
 [2018-05-09 14:18:54.581] New block: 00000000000072a12eb30aa7b3be112ff65c491bb1527332abbc02407d7bce1a... diff 157K
 [2018-05-09 14:18:54.581] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:18:54.582] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:18:58.205] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:18:58.248] (5s):18.14G (1m):4.189G (5m):964.8M (15m):329.8M (avg):10.01Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:19:02.218] New block: 0000000000005b76dd00356b27ace441e38cd29b11ffe4e9ffafffab3d6a6429... diff 157K
 [2018-05-09 14:19:02.218] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:19:02.219] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:19:03.205] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:19:03.990] (5s):9.771G (1m):3.831G (5m):946.8M (15m):327.7M (avg):8.400Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:19:06.206] Device reported nonce: fd158b24 @ 8e
 [2018-05-09 14:19:06.206] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:19:06.206] Device reported nonce: 498d9e85 @ 97
 [2018-05-09 14:19:06.206] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:19:08.077] Device reported nonce: aa003bf3 @ 89
 [2018-05-09 14:19:08.077] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:19:08.088] (5s):8.123G (1m):3.986G (5m):1.018G (15m):354.7M (avg):8.183Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:19:08.205] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:19:12.549] New block: f2ddda28eb25806cb692be38a4c13968cd6ed431ccea7d914cb840a16e3e4285... diff 157K
 [2018-05-09 14:19:12.549] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:19:12.550] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:19:13.089] (5s):4.976G (1m):3.691G (5m):1.002G (15m):352.8M (avg):7.271Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:19:13.206] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:19:18.091] (5s):3.049G (1m):3.418G (5m):985.8M (15m):350.8M (avg):6.542Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:19:18.207] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:19:19.127] Device reported nonce: 9328c433 @ 88
 [2018-05-09 14:19:19.127] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:19:19.127] Device reported nonce: 872cce4d @ 9c
 [2018-05-09 14:19:19.127] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:19:20.994] Device reported nonce: 00000016 @ 8b
 [2018-05-09 14:19:20.994] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:19:20.994] Device reported nonce: 1ce18a87 @ 80
 [2018-05-09 14:19:20.994] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:19:23.207] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:19:23.264] Device reported nonce: 098ef8e1 @ 82
 [2018-05-09 14:19:23.264] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:19:23.271] (5s):5.504G (1m):3.803G (5m):1.109G (15m):396.3M (avg):6.707Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:19:23.764] Device reported nonce: 00000094 @ 91
 [2018-05-09 14:19:23.764] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:19:24.128] Device reported nonce: b4d17097 @ 8a
 [2018-05-09 14:19:24.128] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:19:24.595] Device reported nonce: 278fac50 @ 8b
 [2018-05-09 14:19:24.595] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:19:24.595] Device reported nonce: 2b64d4c3 @ 8d
 [2018-05-09 14:19:24.595] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:19:24.595] Device reported nonce: 87c4c21b @ 8c
 [2018-05-09 14:19:24.595] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:19:28.208] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:19:28.288] (5s):7.575G (1m):4.176G (5m):1.232G (15m):441.5M (avg):6.861Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:19:30.618] Device reported nonce: 0000003f @ 80
 [2018-05-09 14:19:30.618] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:19:30.619] Device reported nonce: aaf524ae @ 85
 [2018-05-09 14:19:30.619] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:19:31.909] Device reported nonce: b30a2832 @ 88
 [2018-05-09 14:19:31.910] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:19:31.910] Device reported nonce: ad834257 @ 8d
 [2018-05-09 14:19:31.910] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:19:31.910] Device reported nonce: bc007c54 @ 8d
 [2018-05-09 14:19:31.910] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:19:33.208] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:19:34.296] (5s):7.586G (1m):4.457G (5m):1.349G (15m):486.1M (avg):6.887Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:19:34.825] Device reported nonce: 2a039a28 @ 8d
 [2018-05-09 14:19:34.825] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:19:34.825] Device reported nonce: a05b599b @ 8e
 [2018-05-09 14:19:34.825] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:19:37.526] Device reported nonce: 3e4e1af6 @ 88
 [2018-05-09 14:19:37.526] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:19:38.208] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:19:40.305] (5s):5.526G (1m):4.436G (5m):1.406G (15m):511.3M (avg):6.671Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:19:43.209] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:19:45.723] Device reported nonce: 001809e7 @ 89
 [2018-05-09 14:19:45.723] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:19:45.729] (5s):3.623G (1m):4.201G (5m):1.410G (15m):517.7M (avg):6.315Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:19:46.606] Device reported nonce: 99b7851d @ 94
 [2018-05-09 14:19:46.606] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:19:48.210] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:19:48.452] New block: debd55d7be63f9af28a785ac45794671fb4836c8d85e08c61f29fab6a8d07a5f... diff 157K
 [2018-05-09 14:19:48.453] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:19:48.453] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:19:49.900] Device reported nonce: 28c0ed8a @ 92
 [2018-05-09 14:19:49.900] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:19:49.900] Device reported nonce: 0f4e4009 @ 94
 [2018-05-09 14:19:49.900] New best share: 81
 [2018-05-09 14:19:49.900] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:19:49.900] Device reported nonce: 287797a9 @ 96
 [2018-05-09 14:19:49.901] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:19:49.901] Device reported nonce: 3a99db53 @ 98
 [2018-05-09 14:19:49.901] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:19:49.901] Device reported nonce: 9756909e @ 9b
 [2018-05-09 14:19:49.901] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:19:50.018] Device reported nonce: 3056922b @ 80
 [2018-05-09 14:19:50.018] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:19:50.111] (5s):8.604G (1m):4.851G (5m):1.587G (15m):581.7M (avg):6.711Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:19:53.210] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:19:55.113] (5s):5.271G (1m):4.492G (5m):1.561G (15m):578.5M (avg):6.325Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:19:58.211] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:19:59.806] Device reported nonce: 88039623 @ 90
 [2018-05-09 14:19:59.806] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:20:00.335] (5s):3.611G (1m):4.268G (5m):1.562G (15m):584.6M (avg):6.059Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:20:00.610] Device reported nonce: 81193f47 @ 97
 [2018-05-09 14:20:00.610] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:20:02.263] Device reported nonce: 9fd3e7c5 @ 91
 [2018-05-09 14:20:02.263] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:20:02.625] Device reported nonce: 19c17199 @ 93
 [2018-05-09 14:20:02.625] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:20:02.625] Device reported nonce: aadf6bc5 @ 95
 [2018-05-09 14:20:02.625] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:20:03.211] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:20:03.791] Device reported nonce: a7478c1e @ 80
 [2018-05-09 14:20:03.791] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:20:06.344] (5s):5.531G (1m):4.532G (5m):1.672G (15m):628.2M (avg):6.126Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:20:06.354] New block: eac340df04dc218cb2f7b579c1e7e0cfcc2a5f71706d6b3f2c0efa9bcd61dcc0... diff 157K
 [2018-05-09 14:20:06.354] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:20:06.360] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:20:08.212] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:20:09.539] Device reported nonce: 8c941c06 @ 9c
 [2018-05-09 14:20:09.539] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:20:12.357] (5s):3.427G (1m):4.250G (5m):1.668G (15m):633.5M (avg):5.855Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:20:13.213] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:20:18.034] Device reported nonce: b617ee54 @ 82
 [2018-05-09 14:20:18.034] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:20:18.034] Device reported nonce: 8e00d399 @ 89
 [2018-05-09 14:20:18.034] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:20:18.044] (5s):3.327G (1m):4.146G (5m):1.693G (15m):648.5M (avg):5.708Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:20:18.214] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:20:19.313] Device reported nonce: 0a6d31e6 @ 90
 [2018-05-09 14:20:19.314] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:20:19.314] Device reported nonce: 029e0a90 @ 91
 [2018-05-09 14:20:19.314] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:20:19.314] Device reported nonce: a056c243 @ 93
 [2018-05-09 14:20:19.314] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:20:20.635] Device reported nonce: 0ccfb29e @ 87
 [2018-05-09 14:20:20.635] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:20:21.818] Device reported nonce: 06000000 @ 8d
 [2018-05-09 14:20:21.818] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:20:22.423] Device reported nonce: ba5d6691 @ 8b
 [2018-05-09 14:20:22.423] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 14:20:22.977] New block: b1c5b016b647f1a14d4049f3e34bb666b0515cbc0a142336ac20ad3caff019b2... diff 157K
 [2018-05-09 14:20:22.977] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:20:22.978] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:20:23.214] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:20:24.375] (5s):5.569G (1m):4.524G (5m):1.826G (15m):700.9M (avg):5.840Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:20:28.215] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:20:30.383] (5s):2.643G (1m):4.112G (5m):1.791G (15m):696.3M (avg):5.553Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:20:30.585] Device reported nonce: 0e9e6474 @ 9e
 [2018-05-09 14:20:30.585] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:20:31.810] Device reported nonce: d3a8ff0e @ 8a
 [2018-05-09 14:20:31.810] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:20:32.140] Device reported nonce: 03a246b6 @ 8e
 [2018-05-09 14:20:32.140] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:20:32.140] Device reported nonce: 9bb37ea4 @ 8f
 [2018-05-09 14:20:32.140] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:20:33.216] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 14:20:33.394] Network diff set to 115K
 [2018-05-09 14:20:33.394] New block: 00000000000027895e542f1be779b052838a1b9da3455d9c60ceee3a423170b7... diff 115K
 [2018-05-09 14:20:33.394] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:20:33.395] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:20:34.364] Device reported nonce: 2e6dfdb0 @ 84
 [2018-05-09 14:20:34.364] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:20:35.389] Device reported nonce: 0cce54c9 @ 8b
 [2018-05-09 14:20:35.389] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:20:35.397] (5s):6.831G (1m):4.595G (5m):1.931G (15m):749.4M (avg):5.739Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 14:20:36.001] Device reported nonce: 39268e72 @ 93
 [2018-05-09 14:20:36.002] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 14:20:36.766] Network diff set to 127K
 [2018-05-09 14:20:36.766] New block: 00000000000076e26a6be68d37d2df696ff673ee9068cddc28aec01bdb3a3c1e... diff 127K
 [2018-05-09 14:20:36.766] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 14:20:36.767] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 14:20:37.546] Device reported nonce: 9aa5ce67 @ 9f

b756f23 run first run
[2018-05-09 03:49:45.524] Started cgminer 4.10.0
 [2018-05-09 03:49:45.900] GSD 0: Found at 2:2
 [2018-05-09 03:49:45.935] GSD 0 TX: 84 00 00 11
 [2018-05-09 03:49:46.035] GSD 0 RX bytes(1):
 [2018-05-09 03:49:46.137] GSD 0 RX bytes(2):
 [2018-05-09 03:49:46.239] GSD 0 RX bytes(3):
 [2018-05-09 03:49:46.340] GSD 0 RX bytes(2):
 [2018-05-09 03:49:46.441] GSD 0 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-09 03:49:46.441] Device serial GS-10019494 not responding
 [2018-05-09 03:49:46.443] No devices detected!
 [2018-05-09 03:49:46.443] Waiting for USB hotplug devices or press q to quit
 [2018-05-09 03:49:46.443] Probing for an alive pool
 [2018-05-09 03:49:46.443] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:49:47.465] Stratum authorisation success for pool 0
 [2018-05-09 03:49:47.465] Pool 0 stratum+tcp:// alive
 [2018-05-09 03:49:47.679] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 250000
 [2018-05-09 03:49:48.444] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:49:50.446] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 03:49:50.965] Network diff set to 230K
 [2018-05-09 03:49:50.965] New block: 664df0ac50821f23fc03a1d64044b786b44f4fef856afaedcee6fe45f7be80bd... diff 230K
 [2018-05-09 03:49:50.970] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 03:49:52.789] New block: f720b6063a6f6a9c2c658861366b402b199a90a638187cb18aff6ffacaceee7c... diff 230K
 [2018-05-09 03:49:52.789] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 03:49:52.790] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 03:49:53.444] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:49:53.798] GSD 0: Found at 2:2
 [2018-05-09 03:49:53.833] GSD 0 TX: 84 00 00 11
 [2018-05-09 03:49:53.857] GSD 0 RX: 13 82 90 ff 0f
 [2018-05-09 03:49:53.857] GSD 0 RX: 13 82 90 ff 0f
 [2018-05-09 03:49:53.959] GSD 0 RX bytes(1):
 [2018-05-09 03:49:54.062] GSD 0 RX bytes(1):
 [2018-05-09 03:49:54.163] GSD 0 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-09 03:49:54.163] Hotplug: GekkoScience added GSD 0
 [2018-05-09 03:49:54.164] Found 2 chip(s) on GSD 0
 [2018-05-09 03:49:54.167] GSD 0 TX: 84 00 04 00
 [2018-05-09 03:49:54.267] GSD 0 RX bytes(4):
 [2018-05-09 03:49:54.360] GSD 0 RX: 00 00 00 00 80
 [2018-05-09 03:49:54.360] GSD 0 RX: 0f 00 02 0a 80
 [2018-05-09 03:49:54.360] GSD 0 RX: 0f 00 02 0a 00
 [2018-05-09 03:49:54.461] GSD 0 RX bytes(3):
 [2018-05-09 03:49:54.563] GSD 0 RX bytes(0):
 [2018-05-09 03:49:54.563] GSD 0: set frequency: 50.00 [03 83]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:54.564] GSD 0 TX: 82 03 83 1f
 [2018-05-09 03:49:55.903] GSD 0: set frequency: 56.25 [04 03]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:55.903] GSD 0 TX: 82 04 03 0b
 [2018-05-09 03:49:56.049] GSD 0: set frequency: 62.50 [04 83]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:56.049] GSD 0 TX: 82 04 83 14
 [2018-05-09 03:49:56.228] GSD 0: set frequency: 68.75 [05 03]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:56.228] GSD 0 TX: 82 05 03 10
 [2018-05-09 03:49:56.372] GSD 0: set frequency: 75.00 [05 83]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:56.372] GSD 0 TX: 82 05 83 0f
 [2018-05-09 03:49:56.453] (5s):0.000 (1m):0.000 (5m):0.000 (15m):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s
 [2018-05-09 03:49:56.551] GSD 0: set frequency: 81.25 [06 03]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:56.551] GSD 0 TX: 82 06 03 18
 [2018-05-09 03:49:56.733] GSD 0: set frequency: 87.50 [06 83]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:56.733] GSD 0 TX: 82 06 83 07
 [2018-05-09 03:49:56.879] GSD 0: set frequency: 93.75 [07 03]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:56.879] GSD 0 TX: 82 07 03 03
 [2018-05-09 03:49:57.058] GSD 0: set frequency: 100.00 [07 83]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:57.059] GSD 0 TX: 82 07 83 1c
 [2018-05-09 03:49:57.241] GSD 0: set frequency: 106.25 [10 87]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:57.241] GSD 0 TX: 82 10 87 0a
 [2018-05-09 03:49:57.423] GSD 0: set frequency: 112.50 [11 87]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:57.423] GSD 0 TX: 82 11 87 11
 [2018-05-09 03:49:57.569] GSD 0: set frequency: 118.75 [12 87]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:57.569] GSD 0 TX: 82 12 87 19
 [2018-05-09 03:49:57.751] GSD 0: set frequency: 125.00 [09 83]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:57.751] GSD 0 TX: 82 09 83 0a
 [2018-05-09 03:49:57.935] GSD 0: set frequency: 131.25 [14 87]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:57.935] GSD 0 TX: 82 14 87 09
 [2018-05-09 03:49:58.080] GSD 0: set frequency: 137.50 [15 87]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:58.080] GSD 0 TX: 82 15 87 12
 [2018-05-09 03:49:58.263] GSD 0: set frequency: 143.75 [16 87]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:58.263] GSD 0 TX: 82 16 87 1a
 [2018-05-09 03:49:58.407] GSD 0: set frequency: 150.00 [0b 83]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:58.407] GSD 0 TX: 82 0b 83 19
 [2018-05-09 03:49:58.445] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:49:58.625] GSD 0: set frequency: 156.25 [18 87]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:58.625] GSD 0 TX: 82 18 87 0c
 [2018-05-09 03:49:58.770] GSD 0: set frequency: 162.50 [19 87]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:58.770] GSD 0 TX: 82 19 87 17
 [2018-05-09 03:49:58.953] GSD 0: set frequency: 168.75 [1a 87]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:58.953] GSD 0 TX: 82 1a 87 1f
 [2018-05-09 03:49:59.098] GSD 0: set frequency: 175.00 [0d 83]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:59.098] GSD 0 TX: 82 0d 83 09
 [2018-05-09 03:49:59.278] GSD 0: set frequency: 181.25 [1c 87]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:59.278] GSD 0 TX: 82 1c 87 0f
 [2018-05-09 03:49:59.459] GSD 0: set frequency: 187.50 [1d 87]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:59.459] GSD 0 TX: 82 1d 87 14
 [2018-05-09 03:49:59.603] GSD 0: set frequency: 193.75 [1e 87]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:59.603] GSD 0 TX: 82 1e 87 1c
 [2018-05-09 03:49:59.785] GSD 0: set frequency: 200.00 [07 82]
 [2018-05-09 03:49:59.785] GSD 0 TX: 82 07 82 11
 [2018-05-09 03:50:00.014] GSD 0 TX: 85 00 00 0f
 [2018-05-09 03:50:00.015] GSD 0 TX: 01 00 00 19
 [2018-05-09 03:50:00.017] GSD 0 TX: 01 80 00 16
 [2018-05-09 03:50:00.017] GSD 0: Ticket mask set to 3
 [2018-05-09 03:50:00.233] Device reported nonce: 3d4653f0 @ 9a
 [2018-05-09 03:50:00.233] New best share: 5
 [2018-05-09 03:50:00.233] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:50:00.719] Device reported nonce: 19ed3069 @ 81
 [2018-05-09 03:50:00.719] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:50:00.719] Device reported nonce: ac47f5ea @ 9e
 [2018-05-09 03:50:00.719] New best share: 7
 [2018-05-09 03:50:00.719] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:50:02.433] Device reported nonce: 9c447a1d @ 90
 [2018-05-09 03:50:02.433] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:50:02.433] Device reported nonce: acb0cc32 @ 93
 [2018-05-09 03:50:02.433] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:50:02.441] (5s):11.18G (1m):1.370G (5m):283.8M (15m):95.16M (avg):6.136Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:50:03.445] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:50:05.896] New block: 891c4e340788dca24227d7ae36a0d82ca47ce758ac812d9bb147c872b829755d... diff 230K
 [2018-05-09 03:50:05.896] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 03:50:05.896] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 03:50:06.372] Device reported nonce: 355f6900 @ 89
 [2018-05-09 03:50:06.372] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:50:08.446] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:50:08.465] (5s):6.541G (1m):1.498G (5m):334.0M (15m):113.4M (avg):5.148Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:50:10.233] Device reported nonce: 92b28094 @ 93
 [2018-05-09 03:50:10.233] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:50:13.446] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:50:13.903] Device reported nonce: 27c81845 @ 87
 [2018-05-09 03:50:13.903] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:50:13.903] Device reported nonce: 15dcd163 @ 91
 [2018-05-09 03:50:13.904] New best share: 15
 [2018-05-09 03:50:13.904] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:50:13.904] Device reported nonce: 2d460636 @ 97
 [2018-05-09 03:50:13.904] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:50:13.904] Device reported nonce: 9302d749 @ 9e
 [2018-05-09 03:50:13.904] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:50:13.907] (5s):6.381G (1m):1.895G (5m):440.4M (15m):150.7M (avg):5.397Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:50:15.207] Device reported nonce: 3bb2aa82 @ 97
 [2018-05-09 03:50:15.207] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:50:16.892] Device reported nonce: 00000029 @ 96
 [2018-05-09 03:50:16.892] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:50:17.964] Device reported nonce: 9b971a92 @ 85
 [2018-05-09 03:50:17.964] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:50:18.447] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:50:18.476] (5s):13.50G (1m):3.363G (5m):772.6M (15m):263.9M (avg):8.008Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:50:23.448] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:50:24.479] (5s):6.723G (1m):3.060G (5m):757.5M (15m):262.2M (avg):6.674Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:50:28.448] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:50:30.483] (5s):3.207G (1m):2.783G (5m):742.6M (15m):260.4M (avg):5.721Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:50:31.191] New block: c368c681833b2361ed032c536b2fce9d343a1d5fa528de985f8f412d7a27cdb6... diff 230K
 [2018-05-09 03:50:31.191] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 03:50:31.192] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 03:50:32.695] Device reported nonce: e195ad81 @ 88
 [2018-05-09 03:50:32.695] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:50:33.448] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:50:34.012] Device reported nonce: 8fb71004 @ 88
 [2018-05-09 03:50:34.012] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:50:36.487] (5s):4.337G (1m):3.048G (5m):840.3M (15m):296.6M (avg):5.721Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:50:36.885] Device reported nonce: 15bff959 @ 88
 [2018-05-09 03:50:36.885] New best share: 164
 [2018-05-09 03:50:36.885] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:50:38.449] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:50:41.891] (5s):4.343G (1m):3.066G (5m):881.8M (15m):313.9M (avg):5.464Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:50:41.891] New block: f92d95e6a824b3c82ec6f6f8447b7d324cff499d181a281cd6a99795c8bed0b7... diff 230K
 [2018-05-09 03:50:41.891] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 03:50:41.892] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 03:50:43.449] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:50:43.672] Device reported nonce: ac9e1800 @ 9e
 [2018-05-09 03:50:43.673] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:50:46.497] (5s):3.886G (1m):3.110G (5m):924.7M (15m):331.2M (avg):5.326Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:50:48.449] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:50:52.503] (5s):1.870G (1m):2.828G (5m):906.6M (15m):329.0M (avg):4.827Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:50:53.450] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:50:57.795] New block: 9fc005a4a5dea448a079d7ac4394fa14557085a61371fbdc30503d4ccec814bb... diff 230K
 [2018-05-09 03:50:57.795] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 03:50:57.795] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 03:50:58.450] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:50:58.508] (5s):954.9M (1m):2.575G (5m):888.8M (15m):326.9M (avg):4.413Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:50:59.374] GSD 0: No valid hashes recently, attempting to reset
 [2018-05-09 03:50:59.464] GSD 0 attempted reset got err:(0) LIBUSB_SUCCESS / LIBUSB_TRANSFER_COMPLETED
 [2018-05-09 03:51:02.362] New block: d2cadfba97bf4185c585e5a77bad5718d8702362af7929388331169a4e4c97bd... diff 230K
 [2018-05-09 03:51:02.362] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 03:51:02.363] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 03:51:02.836] Device reported nonce: 1a8e83cc @ 97
 [2018-05-09 03:51:02.836] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:51:03.450] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:51:04.514] (5s):1.620G (1m):2.594G (5m):927.2M (15m):343.6M (avg):4.290Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:51:05.255] Device reported nonce: 0cee0cad @ 89
 [2018-05-09 03:51:05.255] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:51:05.255] Device reported nonce: 2bc2cb22 @ 8e
 [2018-05-09 03:51:05.255] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:51:05.255] Device reported nonce: bdb2275b @ 90
 [2018-05-09 03:51:05.255] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:51:08.450] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:51:08.928] Device reported nonce: b3b424b0 @ 80
 [2018-05-09 03:51:08.928] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:51:09.731] Device reported nonce: 3b96a7e0 @ 89
 [2018-05-09 03:51:09.731] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:51:09.736] (5s):9.787G (1m):3.712G (5m):1.193G (15m):436.6M (avg):5.071Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:51:13.451] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:51:14.524] (5s):6.056G (1m):3.447G (5m):1.174G (15m):434.2M (avg):4.789Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:51:18.244] Device reported nonce: 9a946f6c @ 94
 [2018-05-09 03:51:18.244] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:51:18.452] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:51:19.692] Device reported nonce: 20c0e32d @ 82
 [2018-05-09 03:51:19.692] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:51:19.698] (5s):6.780G (1m):3.708G (5m):1.267G (15m):469.8M (avg):4.894Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:51:22.079] Device reported nonce: 002db05e @ 89
 [2018-05-09 03:51:22.079] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:51:23.331] Device reported nonce: 002c2d27 @ 95
 [2018-05-09 03:51:23.331] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:51:23.453] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:51:24.535] (5s):6.703G (1m):3.961G (5m):1.360G (15m):505.2M (avg):5.005Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:51:24.991] New block: 42cb3022f84327629488fd394c9f778d1812d0c624cd3b59821b2cefb2109b0a... diff 230K
 [2018-05-09 03:51:24.991] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 03:51:24.991] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 03:51:26.904] Device reported nonce: 9805494d @ 81
 [2018-05-09 03:51:26.904] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:51:28.454] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:51:30.543] (5s):4.516G (1m):3.856G (5m):1.389G (15m):520.8M (avg):4.879Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:51:31.062] Device reported nonce: 0d9ff346 @ 87
 [2018-05-09 03:51:31.062] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:51:31.062] Device reported nonce: a29c29e4 @ 8d
 [2018-05-09 03:51:31.062] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:51:31.062] Device reported nonce: 94a96180 @ 99
 [2018-05-09 03:51:31.062] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:51:31.062] Device reported nonce: af39c34c @ 99
 [2018-05-09 03:51:31.062] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:51:33.454] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:51:36.070] (5s):9.783G (1m):4.586G (5m):1.589G (15m):593.5M (avg):5.267Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:51:38.454] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:51:40.108] Device reported nonce: 158b73db @ 95
 [2018-05-09 03:51:40.108] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:51:40.108] Device reported nonce: 18eaf134 @ 8a
 [2018-05-09 03:51:40.108] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:51:40.108] Device reported nonce: 964420b4 @ 8f
 [2018-05-09 03:51:40.108] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:51:40.108] Device reported nonce: a9dc3c8e @ 92
 [2018-05-09 03:51:40.108] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:51:40.108] Device reported nonce: a942eed5 @ 86
 [2018-05-09 03:51:40.108] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:51:42.558] (5s):10.00G (1m):5.390G (5m):1.833G (15m):683.8M (avg):5.720Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:51:43.402] New block: 09c4d3b015f2922b9d1f3669fa902e32975ce71d4fcf4a6e9b2d32fd4bf63be6... diff 230K
 [2018-05-09 03:51:43.402] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 03:51:43.403] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 03:51:43.455] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:51:47.582] Device reported nonce: 6a91978a @ 9a
 [2018-05-09 03:51:47.582] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:51:47.587] (5s):7.089G (1m):5.243G (5m):1.860G (15m):699.0M (avg):5.623Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:51:48.456] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:51:52.568] (5s):4.347G (1m):4.856G (5m):1.830G (15m):695.2M (avg):5.397Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:51:53.457] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:51:54.865] Device reported nonce: 1f799698 @ 8b
 [2018-05-09 03:51:54.865] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:51:54.865] Device reported nonce: 0b89829a @ 93
 [2018-05-09 03:51:54.865] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:51:54.865] Device reported nonce: 8d70ed9b @ 82
 [2018-05-09 03:51:54.865] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:51:54.865] Device reported nonce: ac9b8e9e @ 91
 [2018-05-09 03:51:54.865] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:51:54.865] Device reported nonce: f7e2b591 @ 8c
 [2018-05-09 03:51:54.865] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:51:54.865] Device reported nonce: 5e718f83 @ 97
 [2018-05-09 03:51:54.865] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:51:57.810] New block: 874f7ac150b26abf9666519350b3ab9003c05c700726ee239ff86fb15c518eac... diff 230K
 [2018-05-09 03:51:57.810] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 03:51:57.810] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 03:51:58.457] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:51:58.575] (5s):10.03G (1m):5.949G (5m):2.129G (15m):804.2M (avg):5.940Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:52:03.458] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:52:03.583] Device reported nonce: 88c67202 @ 87
 [2018-05-09 03:52:03.583] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:03.583] Device reported nonce: 9b70b8aa @ 8d
 [2018-05-09 03:52:03.583] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:03.591] (5s):8.536G (1m):6.018G (5m):2.207G (15m):837.7M (avg):5.974Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:52:08.459] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:52:08.584] (5s):5.232G (1m):5.573G (5m):2.171G (15m):833.1M (avg):5.761Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:52:08.608] Device reported nonce: 0037611c @ 9a
 [2018-05-09 03:52:08.608] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:52:13.460] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:52:13.796] (5s):5.063G (1m):5.406G (5m):2.190G (15m):847.3M (avg):5.673Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:52:13.982] New block: 0b2e0baf1ed411dbf1df01cc22b5444ee18cae1f26ab8788585099b0d511301d... diff 230K
 [2018-05-09 03:52:13.982] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 03:52:13.983] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 03:52:15.441] Device reported nonce: 39029a20 @ 81
 [2018-05-09 03:52:15.441] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:52:15.441] Device reported nonce: 073118e2 @ 86
 [2018-05-09 03:52:15.441] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:52:15.441] Device reported nonce: 0ef6a389 @ 8d
 [2018-05-09 03:52:15.441] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:15.441] Device reported nonce: b8ebd066 @ 84
 [2018-05-09 03:52:15.441] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:52:15.441] Device reported nonce: 913ab4d9 @ 9c
 [2018-05-09 03:52:15.441] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:15.441] Device reported nonce: a97abc04 @ 81
 [2018-05-09 03:52:15.441] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:18.461] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:52:18.596] (5s):12.03G (1m):6.577G (5m):2.493G (15m):956.6M (avg):6.178Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:52:22.827] Device reported nonce: 349ed4c7 @ 9e
 [2018-05-09 03:52:22.827] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:52:22.827] Device reported nonce: 0decb7e3 @ 84
 [2018-05-09 03:52:22.827] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:52:22.827] Device reported nonce: 27db1d92 @ 87
 [2018-05-09 03:52:22.827] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:52:22.827] Device reported nonce: 1c801321 @ 89
 [2018-05-09 03:52:22.827] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:22.827] Device reported nonce: 3cf41773 @ 89
 [2018-05-09 03:52:22.827] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:22.827] Device reported nonce: 3984a407 @ 8d
 [2018-05-09 03:52:22.827] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:22.827] Device reported nonce: 21d0c1c3 @ 8f
 [2018-05-09 03:52:22.827] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:22.827] Device reported nonce: 00748fae @ 91
 [2018-05-09 03:52:22.827] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:22.827] Device reported nonce: 32ec4734 @ 99
 [2018-05-09 03:52:22.827] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:22.827] Device reported nonce: 88522c15 @ 9e
 [2018-05-09 03:52:22.827] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:22.827] Device reported nonce: 833f94ef @ 85
 [2018-05-09 03:52:22.827] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:23.461] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:52:24.600] (5s):21.93G (1m):8.858G (5m):3.063G (15m):1.158G (avg):7.150Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:52:28.461] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:52:30.606] (5s):10.42G (1m):8.053G (5m):3.003G (15m):1.151G (avg):6.886Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:52:33.461] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:52:34.077] Device reported nonce: 3aae0f2a @ 85
 [2018-05-09 03:52:34.077] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:52:34.077] Device reported nonce: 216c97ab @ 92
 [2018-05-09 03:52:34.077] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:52:34.077] Device reported nonce: 135fceb2 @ 81
 [2018-05-09 03:52:34.077] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:52:34.077] Device reported nonce: 2388648f @ 86
 [2018-05-09 03:52:34.077] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:52:34.077] Device reported nonce: 1bb862d9 @ 89
 [2018-05-09 03:52:34.078] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:34.078] Device reported nonce: 9458388b @ 94
 [2018-05-09 03:52:34.078] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:52:34.078] Device reported nonce: b75826c8 @ 80
 [2018-05-09 03:52:34.078] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:52:34.078] Device reported nonce: a8a42e30 @ 83
 [2018-05-09 03:52:34.078] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:52:34.078] Device reported nonce: b06c4ed8 @ 85
 [2018-05-09 03:52:34.078] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:52:34.078] Device reported nonce: 85b97944 @ 9a
 [2018-05-09 03:52:34.078] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:34.078] Device reported nonce: 9ed77036 @ 8b
 [2018-05-09 03:52:34.078] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:36.611] (5s):24.12G (1m):10.24G (5m):3.565G (15m):1.352G (avg):7.763Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:52:37.309] Device reported nonce: 1e840fe4 @ 84
 [2018-05-09 03:52:37.309] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:37.309] Device reported nonce: 14a8ff50 @ 85
 [2018-05-09 03:52:37.309] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:37.309] Device reported nonce: 34a01489 @ 96
 [2018-05-09 03:52:37.309] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:37.309] Device reported nonce: 87734f6a @ 86
 [2018-05-09 03:52:37.310] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:37.310] Device reported nonce: 8a390b62 @ 94
 [2018-05-09 03:52:37.310] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:38.461] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:52:42.316] (5s):21.74G (1m):10.68G (5m):3.779G (15m):1.438G (avg):8.003Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:52:43.397] New block: 6577bd1f3367a7ff202514c29d40a95704eb015d44236d5bd6551482c9f1401e... diff 230K
 [2018-05-09 03:52:43.397] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 03:52:43.397] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 03:52:43.462] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:52:46.336] Device reported nonce: a88b570f @ 8f
 [2018-05-09 03:52:46.336] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:48.462] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:52:48.624] (5s):11.36G (1m):9.918G (5m):3.757G (15m):1.447G (avg):7.818Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:52:50.639] Device reported nonce: 47df9b1a @ 8d
 [2018-05-09 03:52:50.640] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:52:50.640] Device reported nonce: e8708295 @ 9e
 [2018-05-09 03:52:50.640] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:52:53.462] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:52:53.539] Device reported nonce: 2dfb5261 @ 81
 [2018-05-09 03:52:53.539] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:53.539] Device reported nonce: 15ec065d @ 89
 [2018-05-09 03:52:53.539] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:53.539] Device reported nonce: b481dd80 @ 86
 [2018-05-09 03:52:53.539] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:52:53.546] (5s):14.29G (1m):10.49G (5m):3.978G (15m):1.534G (avg):8.074Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:52:55.046] New block: da31dcd2de94eaf6e2c825bbdc25cba06670fd0ac12f2823a5518e9225c78f51... diff 230K
 [2018-05-09 03:52:55.047] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block at height 0
 [2018-05-09 03:52:55.047] Work update message received
 [2018-05-09 03:52:58.463] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:52:58.546] (5s):8.758G (1m):9.712G (5m):3.913G (15m):1.526G (avg):7.862Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:53:03.464] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:53:03.547] (5s):5.366G (1m):8.993G (5m):3.850G (15m):1.517G (avg):7.660Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] Device reported nonce: 2c3a6317 @ 9a
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] Device reported nonce: 3a6e5b93 @ 9e
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] Device reported nonce: 27938c8b @ 8e
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] Device reported nonce: 3d7bad64 @ 93
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] Device reported nonce: 3dbac285 @ 9a
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] Device reported nonce: 2be111c0 @ 81
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] Device reported nonce: 8f50d7e2 @ 99
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] Device reported nonce: 9fb42509 @ 80
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] Device reported nonce: 870dedef @ 89
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] Device reported nonce: a61a18b0 @ 89
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] Device reported nonce: 98b26380 @ 8d
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] Device reported nonce: 9c03c489 @ 97
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] Device reported nonce: b55f319e @ 9c
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] Device reported nonce: b7e427c5 @ 9c
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] Device reported nonce: aca9ea62 @ 97
 [2018-05-09 03:53:06.425] GSD 0: Share above target
 [2018-05-09 03:53:08.464] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:53:08.645] (5s):22.80G (1m):12.15G (5m):4.626G (15m):1.793G (avg):8.752Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:53:11.530] Device reported nonce: 000017ba @ 9a
 [2018-05-09 03:53:11.530] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:53:13.465] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:53:14.650] (5s):12.81G (1m):11.32G (5m):4.592G (15m):1.800G (avg):8.581Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:53:18.465] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:53:20.366] Device reported nonce: 9b3ab17f @ 90
 [2018-05-09 03:53:20.366] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:53:20.366] Device reported nonce: 9d20891d @ 9c
 [2018-05-09 03:53:20.366] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:53:20.370] (5s):9.491G (1m):10.86G (5m):4.618G (15m):1.827G (avg):8.511Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:53:23.465] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:53:25.372] (5s):5.815G (1m):10.06G (5m):4.543G (15m):1.817G (avg):8.315Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:53:26.690] Device reported nonce: d3238205 @ 83
 [2018-05-09 03:53:26.690] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:53:28.466] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:53:30.665] (5s):4.629G (1m):9.510G (5m):4.521G (15m):1.825G (avg):8.194Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:53:33.467] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:53:36.671] (5s):2.393G (1m):8.662G (5m):4.432G (15m):1.813G (avg):7.979Gh/s
 [2018-05-09 03:53:38.468] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
 [2018-05-09 03:53:39.930] Device reported nonce: 029421c9 @ 86
 [2018-05-09 03:53:39.930] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:53:39.930] Device reported nonce: 4b9d26b6 @ 98
 [2018-05-09 03:53:39.930] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:53:39.930] Device reported nonce: 08930a5e @ 88
 [2018-05-09 03:53:39.930] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:53:39.930] Device reported nonce: f2940d94 @ 95
 [2018-05-09 03:53:39.930] GSD 0: invalid nonce - HW error
 [2018-05-09 03:53:41.936] Device reported nonce: 8e95225c @ 9f

I have more run logs from the past 2 days but eventually I decided to just run it for each and send the most recent because too much time was going by. If anyone can help with this I would be very grateful and I apologize if I have posted more logs than required
hero member
Activity: 699
Merit: 666
... and one other reads the USB but turns it OFF as soon as I start mining.

Sounds like you have the right driver.  
The chips might not be happy due to lack of power.
Can you grab and post the first 50 or so line on startup to a forum "code" block.

you can append " 2>run.log" at the end of your command line parameters to store the output.

I should have finish reading before replying.

Not sure if it makes a difference but the green light turns on once I plug the miner in but when I start the program it turns Solid white. I read that could be a fried chip but cgminer reads-

GSD 0: found 2 chip(s)

In addition to the log saving above, add "--verbose" parameter and send into a verbose.log file.
I've seen a few fried chips throw out garbage instead of nonces.
Activity: 12
Merit: 0


sorry ignore my typo. not even sure what i was trying to type with ish

i wonder... if you can get it to work with one of the drivers but its going to OFF, perhaps it's something to do with you command that your using.. does yours look something like this:

cgminer.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -u zbw123.worker1 -p x --gekko-2pac-freq 200

I had the frequency placed before the Stratum, after "cgminer.exe". I had a variation of that layout before and just changed my .bat file to match yours but cgminer still starts the miner, OFF, and even after I enable it, no hashrate is shown or shares submitted. My MHz are properly being read but no hashes, shares submitted, and I get continuous: stratum from pool 0 detected new block height at 0.

Not sure if it makes a difference but the green light turns on once I plug the miner in but when I start the program it turns Solid white. I read that could be a fried chip but cgminer reads-

GSD 0: found 2 chip(s)

For what it's worth, I also tried using it with AwesomeMiner because it seems to link things pretty smoothly but not sure how to find the Hostname or IP for my 2Pac. So there's that lol

Is there maybe an updated, compiled version of cgminer or BFGminer for windows 10 with gekkoscience 2Pac ready to go?
Activity: 114
Merit: 0

ish driver?
I downloaded Zadig and installed the driver. When that didnt work with anything I started doing more research and found people talking about CP210x and so I downloaded it and tried that too no avail. I've uninstalled and reinstalled USB drivers with with no change at all.

The 6 different windows downloads give me different results. Some can't find the USB, 1 leaves the USB as ZOMBIE despite troubleshooting it as recommended in the first post, and one other reads the USB but turns it OFF as soon as I start mining. I am able to Enable it, and although it seems to be doing something, the hashrate remains 0.00H and under pool info states: "Work Templates received: 6, Items Worked On: 2, Discarded Work Due To New Blocks: 51" but those results vary but usually only increase the "discarded work" AND there are no shares being submitted. What is the ish Driver?

sorry ignore my typo. not even sure what i was trying to type with ish

i wonder... if you can get it to work with one of the drivers but its going to OFF, perhaps it's something to do with you command that your using.. does yours look something like this:

cgminer.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -u zbw123.worker1 -p x --gekko-2pac-freq 200
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
Hi guys,
Noob here so please be nice.

Sorry but I'm late to the party  Cry .

I have windows 10 and zero experience/skill in compiling. I have tried the 6 designated windows build downloads in the first post and have been through almost every post on this thread but I cannot get the miner to run. Is there an updated version of the miner that is already put together for the 2PAC?

Most if not all of the more recent posts are for the Raspberry Pi or Linux and I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction for getting this thing working. Thank you in advance.

Hi nolo. You definitely got the ish driver installed?


ish driver?
I downloaded Zadig and installed the driver. When that didnt work with anything I started doing more research and found people talking about CP210x and so I downloaded it and tried that too no avail. I've uninstalled and reinstalled USB drivers with with no change at all.

The 6 different windows downloads give me different results. Some can't find the USB, 1 leaves the USB as ZOMBIE despite troubleshooting it as recommended in the first post, and one other reads the USB but turns it OFF as soon as I start mining. I am able to Enable it, and although it seems to be doing something, the hashrate remains 0.00H and under pool info states: "Work Templates received: 6, Items Worked On: 2, Discarded Work Due To New Blocks: 51" but those results vary but usually only increase the "discarded work" AND there are no shares being submitted. What is the ish Driver?
Activity: 114
Merit: 0
Hi guys,
Noob here so please be nice.

Sorry but I'm late to the party  Cry .

I have windows 10 and zero experience/skill in compiling. I have tried the 6 designated windows build downloads in the first post and have been through almost every post on this thread but I cannot get the miner to run. Is there an updated version of the miner that is already put together for the 2PAC?

Most if not all of the more recent posts are for the Raspberry Pi or Linux and I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction for getting this thing working. Thank you in advance.

Hi nolo. You definitely got the ish driver installed?

Activity: 12
Merit: 0
Hi guys,
Noob here so please be nice.

Sorry but I'm late to the party  Cry .

I have windows 10 and zero experience/skill in compiling. I have tried the 6 designated windows build downloads in the first post and have been through almost every post on this thread but I cannot get the miner to run. Is there an updated version of the miner that is already put together for the 2PAC?

Most if not all of the more recent posts are for the Raspberry Pi or Linux and I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction for getting this thing working. Thank you in advance.
Activity: 114
Merit: 0
GekkoScience 2Pac BM1384 hello everyone so if you turn on the white light you can throw away nothing to do? GekkoScience 2Pac BM1384

If the white light is flashing, it's hashing. This is good.
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
GekkoScience 2Pac BM1384 hello everyone so if you turn on the white light you can throw away nothing to do? GekkoScience 2Pac BM1384
Activity: 114
Merit: 0
i'm pleased to report its running great. i increased the voltage pot on two sticks.

currently i'm restarting every 59 minutes. i might now try and push that to every few hours and see where that takes me.

thanks everyone
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