Our generation does not have the same opportunities as the previous generation; it is difficult not to be concerned about the future and angry about the past.
It is normal to see more Millennials living with their parents than with roommates. Marriage, having children and buying a house has to be delayed longer than before; according to the seniors, we are the ones to blame along with other things they say like lazy. No matter where you are, it seems this generation has to try harder to achieve less than any generation before. Rent/mortgage could consume half of the income; jobs are unstable if you can find one and probably you are overqualified for it.
In order to have a decent life, we have to live with DEBT, to study we have to take a student loan and probably many of us won’t be able to retire until we are 75. Salaries have declined and entire sectors have disappeared. At the same time, the cost of living has increased. It is clear that there are not enough opportunities for all of us.
Are we the ones to blame? Is the previous generation to blame? Do we have to adapt our lifestyle? Is the government capable to do something?
seriously??...this is without a doubt, the most coddled generation in history, the incessant whining is a dead giveaway...so you have it harder than the depression generation?...who had debt to the point that millions of people were kicked out into the street....who had to live with ACTUAL hunger....who had to beg for any job...and took it thankfully...I see the millennial generation as the first generation that have become so entangled in the safety net, that they actually believe that there is no hope...and im just talking about one past generation in America....if you have a student loan, then you went to college...that puts you WELL within the top 1% of the world as far as opportunity goes...the vast, overwhelming majority of the world lives on about ONE usd per day...try that
edit: and btw, if you are intelligent enough to blame the educational system or your parents, then you are intelligent enough to go on youtube and within a month watch every video from one university on business, economics, marketing etc...seriously, im not trying to be a dick, but all you need is an idea, a couple dollars and some business sense and you can be the next mark Cuban...oh yeah, and patience too...good luck