i'm using the term "democratic" in its purest sense in that Bitcoin does not allow any one group to steal from another thru the inflation tax. how difficult is that to understand?
Because what you describe is certainly not democratic. What Bitcoin actually is is: honest, free of coercion, voluntary, sovereign and regulated by market consumers, none of which is synonymous with democratic.
democratic [dem-uh-krat-ik] Origin
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/democraticdem·o·crat·ic [dem-uh-krat-ik]
1. pertaining to or of the nature of democracy or a democracy.
2. pertaining to or characterized by the principle of political or social equality for all: democratic treatment.
3. advocating or upholding democracy.
4. (initial capital letter) Politics.
a. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the Democratic party.
b. of, pertaining to, or belonging to the Democratic-Republican party.
dem·o·crat·ic (dm-krtk)
1. Of, characterized by, or advocating democracy: democratic government; a democratic union.
2. Of or for the people in general; popular: a democratic movement; democratic art forms.
3. Believing in or practicing social equality: "a proper democratic scorn for bloated dukes and lords" (George du Maurier).
4. Democratic Of, relating to, or characteristic of the Democratic Party.
And before you make a post saying Bitcoin is democratic because of socio-economic or political equality of all it's users I really hope you realize that actually is not the case. Bitcoin users much like people in general aren't equal, they aren't even equally bound by Bitcoin's rules since those mining hold the power to change their rule enforcement to favor one group over the other.
The only thing the people equally have is the freedom to start using Bitcoin, that's it and there's nothing democratic about that.