I mentioned crowds deliberately. It's not difficult to see what the 'rape game' is or how it is played, and it sucks. I've no question that it is associated with certain Arab (or more broadly ME and NA) cultures and socio-economic strata within them. In a bit of searching I did not see any indication of it being a problem in Indonesia which is the most populous Muslim nation, and I have a difficult time believing that almost any mainstream Islamic religious entities endorse it. Thus, my skepticism that it is valid to link 'Taharrush' directly to Islam or Muslims. Unless, of course, one is interested in mixing in a healthy dose of religion into what is destined to become a pretty ugly cultural clash.
Ideally the problems that the Europeans have with immigrants would have been solved by dissolving the EU and telling Brussels to stick their stupid policies up their asses, but that bird has flown. There finally seems to be enough spine to talk about giving some of the worst of the bunch the boot right back to where they came from. I hope that augmenting this would be giving the citizens the ability to defend themselves. It would make my day to see some woman shoot about six of these fuckers dead in one batch.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_statistics#IndonesiaThe United Nations Multi-country Study on Men and Violence studied three different sites of Indonesia (Jakarta, rural Java, and Jayapura). In the rural area, the lifetime prevalence of perpetration of rape towards a female/females was 19.5% and gang rape 7%. When rapists were asked why they perpetrated their last non-partner rape, 76.5% of the men in the three areas averaged cited sexual entitlement, 55.2% entertainment-seeking, and 29.7% anger/punishment.
dont think they call group rape taharrush in indonesia
And what was the percentage of them who cited the Koran?
Actually, 1/5 of women over a lifetime is not really that bad of a statistic. It's still to much, but seems lower than I would have guessed given that it is a populous country with various types of turmoil which crop up from time to time (low grade insurgencies, pogroms against the ethnic Chinese, etc.)
If there were such problems in my area which the 'authorities' were unable to manage, local people would and I'd do my part. Being an atheist, it cannot have anything to do with religion specifically, though of course my own outlook on right and wrong is shaped by society and that does have a religious aspect (which is more Christian than anything else to be fair.) I happen to be a white guy, but I don't expect that other races would have any different behavior than myself if they were in my situation.
At the end of the day I do not deny that religion can influence behavior in statistically noticeable ways, and Islam has what I consider to be an inferior outlook toward gender issues than some other religions. It could play a role in the goings-on in Europe but I consider it to be a modest role compared to other factors. OTOH, bringing a religious component into the struggles that Western Europe is facing will almost certainly detract from an effective resolution and will degrade and blight all religions that are involved. It seems to me that it would not take much retardation to push Christianity back to a state where it compared unfavorably to Islam of today. Getting a 'Holy War' going might seem like quick-n-dirty solution and it might be less work, but Christians should think long and hard about whether it is a healthy thing for their cause. I suspect that in the end it will not (and even as an atheist I would be unhappy to see that happen for several reasons.)