Thats a vid from Egypt Tahirplace 2013, its a reporter from the Netherlands who got raped there.
Darn! It's so difficult to keep all these Rape Jihad cases straight!
And then there's all those they are trying to hide from us.
And then there is the actual reality.
http://billmuehlenberg.com/2016/01/11/islam-and-rape-jihad/...So let me return to the contentious quote, which came from Daniel Greenfield: “Mohammed had told his men that the majority of those condemned to hell are women (Bukhari 2:24:541), that they could rape non-Muslim women (Koran 4:24) and that women who weren’t wearing Hijabs or Burkas were fair game (Koran 33:59). This isn’t an aberration. This is Islam.”
There is nothing amiss in what he said here. Let me just focus on sura 4:24. Context of course is vital, and this sura is about women, as the title makes clear. The preceding verse discusses who the Muslim man is permissible to marry and/or have sex with.
Just as an example, let me offer three translations (based on the three Korans I have), and see how each one offers the phrase in question:
-“Also (prohibited are) women already married, except those whom your right hand possess”
-“Also married women, except those who you own as slaves”
-“You are also forbidden to take in marriage married women, except captives who you own as slaves”
As can be seen, the three differ slightly, but even so, all three make it clear that sexual rights are granted to Muslim men with their slave girls. And given that not too many captive women would readily consent to such sex, we are talking about forced sex – or rape.
As Robert Spencer notes:
Muhammad allowed for rape – at least in certain circumstances. I have already noted that the Qur’an permits Muslim men to have intercourse with their slave girls as well as their wives. . . . Numerous hadiths make it clear that these slave girls were usually the captives of war. Muhammad himself did not disdain to find wives and consorts this way. After one successful battle, he told one of his fellows, “Go and take any slave girl.”
Or as Egyptian born Nonie Darwish puts it:
In the famous story cited in the previous chapter, which resulted in the Qur’anic verse upon which laws on slave wives would be based, after one battle, “some of the winning Muslim soldiers did not like to rape the captive women in front of their husbands.” The story clearly shows that raping captive women in front of their husbands was a condoned military tactic and there was no punishment for it. Tragically, we have seen the tactic in the Sudan and other contemporary tribal conflicts in Muslim lands. This contradicts Islam’s claim for respect for women.....