I just saw a post asking if girls are in the cypto world and am forced to make a post about this because of some comments I read... I want to make it clear that there are actually girls in the crypto world and am definitely proud to be one of the and No! no one actually led me into it, I just came across Bitcoin some time in 2016 and being a very inquisitive person I made my research and fell in love with crytocurrency, however I have made some mistakes while investing especially when I first started but they have only made me better and I didn't let my emotions drive me. Maybe it's because I believe a girl can do almost anything a guy can do too if not all. Although I find it hard explaining to my fellow female friends about cryptocurrency, they all claim it looks like German to them and only a few have been able to adopt it but I can boldly say most of my male friends in crptocurrency were encouraged by me including my brother. But I don't see any reason why a female can't invest in cryptocurrency and I do not think this is something about gender as I know people(males) who are still scared to invest in cryptocurrency so I think it's more like a personal thing and decision.
Am so sure there are females in this forum like me, pls do signify...may God bless our hustle.
"It looks German"? What an odd thing to say.
Although I can understand your frustration, I'm sorry to say, but does male/female even matter?
If you bring gender wars to crypto than that is just going to be unnecessary stress.
The only thing that matters are the numbers; and they don't care if you are a boy or girl.
But, with that being said, I do have colleagues who are female and invest in crypto.
One of the more interesting things that happened lately, is that one of my students, a 16 year old girl, starting investing at the beginning of the school year (aug 2017) and has already turned .2 btc into 6btc. Incredibly impressive.
On the other hand, a male coworker of mine bases his profile around eth and has turned 12eth into 84eth in the same amount of time.
Does that mean that men are better than women at crypto trading?
Ugh, why would I even waste my time asking such a meaningless question?