Hello Loyce,
I am extremely grateful that you took your time to point this out, i am extremely grateful.
After request another deposit for 0.0014.
Below i answer all the questions.
Localxe Userid : Loyce
Localxe btcAddress : 37zgL5rwXmF7hHMkxkf74uqokdFHo1mxzr
Some questions
1. Why does the deposit address expire so soon? 2 weeks would be more standard for an exchange, 15 hours is very short.
This i will work on right away and get the developers to fix this and make the deposit as long as 2 weeks, if there is a reason why they did not do this in the first place i would also want to know and consider the options. I have taught about this but i was waiting to know if i was the only one thinking the same way, but here you prove me right.
2. Why do I have to set the deposit amount before depositing, and why are "incorrect amounts" not processed? People make mistakes with the amount they send, especially if a wallet/service takes the fee off the amount they send.
Incorrect amount will be processed but manually, the amount you deposit will eventually show up but might not get credited instantly only manually it will, i spoke with the team about this too, and we have been trying to correct this and our dev will fix this soon with the best solution necessary.
Some comments
1. The confirmation email was labeled Spam in gmail.
This hurts me badly, because it is not good for our reputation as well as our customers, i think this happened at the bot sending out emails malfunctioned and sent out dozens of emails once a verification request is sent, and i am working with the hosting company to rectify this part and the devs right now is working on fixing the email bot problems.
2. The confimation link has only a 5 digit number as identifier, usually a much longer code is used against brute-forcing.
Thank you for this suggestion and i will take this advise serious!.
3. The ToS says I must accept it before I can register an account. However, the site doesn't ask me to accept or even read anything when I Sign Up.
This should be an easy one, willl be fixed asap
4. I can't find anything about Withdrawal fees. When I click "Withdraw", it says: "You don't have sufficient BTC funds". Fees should be published before depositing.
Notice that when you click withdraw, it shows you
Enter Bitcoin Value:
Withdraw Fee:
0.000575 BTC
1.00057500 BTC.
Do check again after you have funds to notice this.
5. You're going to want to restrict this giveaway to a certain account level (Activity, Rank or Merit), and reject users with red trust. Without those restrictions, you can expect many cheaters.
I noticed that the first few people had red tagged on them, and i will fix this too
6. I'm not sure if this is the right board to post on, but I wouldn't know which board fits it better either.
Since this is the service section i think it fits right, and i looked it up this is where all the services with payment goes to.
Thanks ones again