Sometimes I don't have much sympathy for the victims of such scams. Giveaway scams are always going after people who are greedy or don't know much about crypto.
There's no problem whether your sympathizing them or not, and TBH, I don't as well, but on the other hand, those who are getting scammed are the ones who don't have any experience of getting scammed whatsoever, and let's admit it. There are times where the only way for us to learn is thru experiencing, and this is one of them. Getting scammed once is still ok, but getting scammed twice or thrice then you already have a problem - huge problem.
I still remember the NFT game Axie Infinity where they are giving too much money for the players that it came to the point where it wasn't sustainable because players are literally getting free money just by playing the game for a few hours, then afterwards they changed the way people can earn. What's my point? Like what others already said here, there's no free lunch everywhere.
Scammers are more deceiving now that they are already using AI that's why we need to stay vigilant at all times, and not get attracted by things like this. Now greedy people, and newbies will be having a hard time distinguishing which is legit or which is not, so I guess the best thing to do is to just ignore those giveaways. Well if you're curious then be careful I guess.
It's important to help victims as a way of sympathizing with them by sharing methods or contributing to threads like this, as nobody can be too careful enough. Even an admin can fall for scam. Although, they're multiple ways these things happen, and I understand nobody would sympathize with a victim of a scam that promises them 3k BTC. But all form of scam still falls under the same category. And also gets us sad along the line. Since it's not the fault of some, calming them and helping out wouldn't be a bad idea.
No such thing as free lunch, look at the new method Twitter is paying influencers to participate in the revenue generated on the platform. Recently, I saw a fresh update regarding the kind of posts influencers have to make to be eligible for the funds. You'd notice that they'll begin to tighten it and make it more difficult for influencers to reach the earning threshold. I'm saying this, in line with your Idea with Axie infinity, which are not scam projects, but when it comes to money it's never too easy to get. That's why people must stay clear of easy money making methods as It could be a scam method. Since, many newbies think of the internet as an easy place to make money, the market for scammers will continue growing. With enormous different ideas. These ideas also make it possible for them to gain recurring victims, as not every victim gets wiser after getting scammed the first time. Hence, awareness can save a newbie.