Since the first day I been here? Why you like me so much gweedo? I still think you like me
Wait you never posted in my thread did you see the beautiful web site I made you LOL did you ever learn PDO or did your fake PTS stop that LOL
Dude I still think your a scammer, and foolish people who buy your bonds, are dumber than a bag of rocks. I think puffin is your alt account so yea, def don't even care for you, but your the pussy here, you have to lock your threads. What I am always right, and you be bankrupted soon, I can see it.
Puffn want to make a trip to NC or SC coast for a pic? Lmfao, I hold my ID you hold yours? No fuck it Ill go where you are and we will go where ever gweedo wants us to near your hose we will hold ID'S up and get a great picture lol. I need a good trip to SC, GO ECU lol if you did not now SC VS ECU this weekend lol. Gweedo anything you ask is my command.... lmfao your lame... come knock on my door or send a detective or something you lame ass I done with you.
LMAO detectives LOL dude your not even worth the time of me, to come knock on your door, plus I think it is illegal to hit a handicap kid LOL, when is your gf going to be making coins on you could pay more for your dividend even thou I seen hotter LMAO so don't expect much LOL
Also you never commented on my site you had so much to say when I didn't have a site and now your quite so yea I know your kind. You talk so much shit yet your the biggest pussy here.