
Topic: [GMC] GameCredits • A Multi-Platform Gaming Currency [GMC] - page 40. (Read 188424 times)

Activity: 47
Merit: 0
I thought we resolved this already last week? Unconfirmed blocks from 10 days ago on Would be great to get these green finally.  Shocked

20479   2015-05-04 04:40:08   Fee   Unconfirmed         1083837   0.01314181
20478   2015-05-04 04:40:08   Credit   Unconfirmed         1083837   0.87612062
19119   2015-05-03 05:17:03   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082911   0.01414757
19118   2015-05-03 05:17:03   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082911   0.94317148
19110   2015-05-03 05:15:06   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082909   0.03714989
19109   2015-05-03 05:15:06   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082909   2.47665928
19103   2015-05-03 05:12:04   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082908   0.06090935
19102   2015-05-03 05:12:04   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082908   4.06062339
19096   2015-05-03 05:11:02   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082907   0.06712142
19095   2015-05-03 05:11:02   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082907   4.47476126
19089   2015-05-03 05:10:06   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082906   0.06085526
19088   2015-05-03 05:10:06   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082906   4.05701755
19084   2015-05-03 04:52:05   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082902   0.05476190
19083   2015-05-03 04:52:05   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082902   3.65079365
19079   2015-05-03 04:52:02   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082901   0.05243161
19078   2015-05-03 04:52:02   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082901   3.49544073
19074   2015-05-03 04:44:09   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082899   0.04673591
19073   2015-05-03 04:44:09   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082899   3.11572700
19069   2015-05-03 04:44:06   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082898   0.05310694
19068   2015-05-03 04:44:06   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082898   3.54046243
19064   2015-05-03 04:43:02   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082896   0.04909471
19063   2015-05-03 04:43:02   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082896   3.27298050
19059   2015-05-03 04:38:03   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082894   0.07302632
19058   2015-05-03 04:38:03   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082894   4.86842105
19054   2015-05-03 04:29:03   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082887   0.05389908
19053   2015-05-03 04:29:03   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082887   3.59327217
19049   2015-05-03 04:25:08   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082885   0.05429336
19048   2015-05-03 04:25:08   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082885   3.61955758
19044   2015-05-03 04:21:07   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082883   0.06060606
19043   2015-05-03 04:21:07   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082883   4.04040404
19039   2015-05-03 04:21:04   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082882   0.06724684
19038   2015-05-03 04:21:04   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082882   4.48312236
19034   2015-05-03 04:18:03   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082880   0.05550000
19033   2015-05-03 04:18:03   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082880   3.70000000
19029   2015-05-03 04:16:04   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082879   0.05293241
19028   2015-05-03 04:16:04   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082879   3.52882704
19024   2015-05-03 04:07:04   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082874   0.06182213
19023   2015-05-03 04:07:04   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082874   4.12147506
19019   2015-05-03 04:06:04   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082872   0.05482456
19018   2015-05-03 04:06:04   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082872   3.65497076
19014   2015-05-03 04:04:04   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082870   0.04509018
19013   2015-05-03 04:04:04   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082870   3.00601203
19009   2015-05-03 03:57:03   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082867   0.05588553
19008   2015-05-03 03:57:03   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082867   3.72570195
19004   2015-05-03 03:54:03   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082865   0.06225296
19003   2015-05-03 03:54:03   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082865   4.15019763
18999   2015-05-03 03:53:03   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082864   0.05948276
18998   2015-05-03 03:53:03   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082864   3.96551724
18994   2015-05-03 03:39:07   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082850   0.04815789
18993   2015-05-03 03:39:07   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082850   3.21052632
18989   2015-05-03 03:30:03   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082846   0.06018519
18988   2015-05-03 03:30:03   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082846   4.01234568
18984   2015-05-03 03:25:05   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082842   0.06762295
18983   2015-05-03 03:25:05   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082842   4.50819672
18979   2015-05-03 03:23:03   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082841   0.07261273
18978   2015-05-03 03:23:03   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082841   4.84084881
18974   2015-05-03 03:19:05   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082838   0.06540698
18973   2015-05-03 03:19:04   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082838   4.36046512
18969   2015-05-03 03:12:04   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082830   0.06510417
18968   2015-05-03 03:12:04   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082830   4.34027778
18964   2015-05-03 03:11:03   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082829   0.06872990
18963   2015-05-03 03:11:03   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082829   4.58199357
18959   2015-05-03 03:08:04   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082824   0.05938416
18958   2015-05-03 03:08:04   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082824   3.95894428
18954   2015-05-03 02:59:02   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082820   0.06830855
18953   2015-05-03 02:59:02   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082820   4.55390335
18949   2015-05-03 02:50:07   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082817   0.05189635
18948   2015-05-03 02:50:07   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082817   3.45975680
18944   2015-05-03 02:48:06   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082815   0.06085479
18943   2015-05-03 02:48:06   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082815   4.05698583
18939   2015-05-03 02:47:03   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082814   0.05544216
18938   2015-05-03 02:47:03   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082814   3.69614370
18934   2015-05-03 02:45:04   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082813   0.03761444
18933   2015-05-03 02:45:04   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082813   2.50762920
18917   2015-05-03 02:29:05   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082803   0.04963235
18916   2015-05-03 02:29:05   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082803   3.30882353
18912   2015-05-03 02:29:03   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082802   0.05371353
18911   2015-05-03 02:29:02   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082802   3.58090186
18907   2015-05-03 02:25:08   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082799   0.05357143
18906   2015-05-03 02:25:08   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082799   3.57142857
18902   2015-05-03 02:23:02   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082798   0.06107143
18901   2015-05-03 02:23:02   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082798   4.07142857
18897   2015-05-03 02:11:05   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082792   0.05697880
18896   2015-05-03 02:11:05   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082792   3.79858657
18892   2015-05-03 02:09:07   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082791   0.06904332
18891   2015-05-03 02:09:07   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082791   4.60288809
18887   2015-05-03 02:09:02   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082790   0.06545858
18886   2015-05-03 02:09:02   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082790   4.36390533
18882   2015-05-03 02:03:04   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082788   0.05575540
18881   2015-05-03 02:03:04   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082788   3.71702638
18877   2015-05-03 02:02:06   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082787   0.05530576
18876   2015-05-03 02:02:06   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082787   3.68705036
18872   2015-05-03 02:02:03   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082786   0.05402542
18871   2015-05-03 02:02:03   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082786   3.60169492
18865   2015-05-03 01:52:03   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082783   0.05766387
18864   2015-05-03 01:52:03   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082783   3.84425826
18858   2015-05-03 01:48:03   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082781   0.06083514
18857   2015-05-03 01:48:03   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082781   4.05567568
18851   2015-05-03 01:46:07   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082780   0.05571605
18850   2015-05-03 01:46:07   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082780   3.71440363
18844   2015-05-03 01:46:04   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082779   0.05740433
18843   2015-05-03 01:46:04   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082779   3.82695508
18837   2015-05-03 01:41:02   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082777   0.06270903
18836   2015-05-03 01:41:02   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082777   4.18060201
18830   2015-05-03 01:40:06   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082776   0.06177829
18829   2015-05-03 01:40:06   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082776   4.11855273
18823   2015-05-03 01:34:04   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082771   0.05738164
18822   2015-05-03 01:34:04   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082771   3.82544262
18816   2015-05-03 01:19:03   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082762   0.06279950
18815   2015-05-03 01:19:03   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082762   4.18663304
18809   2015-05-03 01:03:03   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082751   0.07110826
18808   2015-05-03 01:03:03   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082751   4.74055093
18802   2015-05-03 00:59:03   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082750   0.06910995
18801   2015-05-03 00:59:03   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082750   4.60732984
18795   2015-05-03 00:58:03   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082749   0.06846910
18794   2015-05-03 00:58:03   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082749   4.56460674
18788   2015-05-03 00:46:05   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082743   0.06130198
18787   2015-05-03 00:46:05   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082743   4.08679870
18781   2015-05-03 00:42:07   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082742   0.04847934
18780   2015-05-03 00:42:07   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082742   3.23195571
18774   2015-05-03 00:42:04   Fee   Unconfirmed         1082740   0.03417019
18773   2015-05-03 00:42:04   Credit   Unconfirmed         1082740   2.27801254
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1022
Anarchy is not chaos.
any explanation dev, why gmc disabled at bittrex??
did they already contact you?

Can't speak for the whole team, but they haven't contacted me. chain is fine, so it can't be that.

Yup, everything looks fine, must be Bittrex running a maintenance. Also no contact have been made from their side.
Everything is ok,just is back.
yeah, market is open but wallet still disable
look at this picture i take

Wallet maintenance, that's what markets do. They're politics on announcing wallet maintenance pretty much vary. I saw Poloniex usually do that but sometimes issues happen and are resolved without the need of an announcement.

Our wallet is stuck on 1081022

2015-05-07 05:08:43 connect() to failed after select(): Connection refused (111)
2015-05-07 05:08:50 socket recv error Connection timed out (110)
2015-05-07 05:08:51 connect() to failed after select(): Connection refused (111)
2015-05-07 05:09:04 ProcessBlock: ORPHAN BLOCK 0, prev=597d9585bfdb5adf3d36c5d8a61f80a7f04219da9be203c07a555af3521c36eb
2015-05-07 05:09:05 ERROR: ProcessBlock() : block with too little proof-of-work
2015-05-07 05:09:05 ProcessBlock: ORPHAN BLOCK 1, prev=2a500cb328259f31344ecb36af58f4508acbca20a04acf1dd6b86f6da6c63101
2015-05-07 05:09:05 ProcessBlock: ORPHAN BLOCK 2, prev=1398140882494351adddd6e2ade7c458777bcc1ad1be5822aea9e43d00a62dc9
2015-05-07 05:09:05 ProcessBlock: ORPHAN BLOCK 3, prev=03a0c475ca01f3c262fb306826805e43fd337b4358f9efcd8dd52970ef8d2814

trying to resync but its taking a very long time.

PS.  If anyone can provide a bootstrap that would really help.  This wallet is constantly forking and getting stuck and we dont understand why.


It's a bit behind where you're stuck but should speed up the process. I wish I knew what was going on, but I'm not having any problems with any of my chains Sad (I'm running three: Block explorer, pool, and personal wallet. Al without trouble.)

I have a script that will constantly update the bootstrap. Over the weekend, I will make a page and make it downloadable for everyone. I need to determine the interval, but I think daily is good for now.
hero member
Activity: 937
Merit: 1000
any explanation dev, why gmc disabled at bittrex??
did they already contact you?

Can't speak for the whole team, but they haven't contacted me. chain is fine, so it can't be that.

Yup, everything looks fine, must be Bittrex running a maintenance. Also no contact have been made from their side.
Everything is ok,just is back.
yeah, market is open but wallet still disable
look at this picture i take

Wallet maintenance, that's what markets do. They're politics on announcing wallet maintenance pretty much vary. I saw Poloniex usually do that but sometimes issues happen and are resolved without the need of an announcement.

Our wallet is stuck on 1081022

2015-05-07 05:08:43 connect() to failed after select(): Connection refused (111)
2015-05-07 05:08:50 socket recv error Connection timed out (110)
2015-05-07 05:08:51 connect() to failed after select(): Connection refused (111)
2015-05-07 05:09:04 ProcessBlock: ORPHAN BLOCK 0, prev=597d9585bfdb5adf3d36c5d8a61f80a7f04219da9be203c07a555af3521c36eb
2015-05-07 05:09:05 ERROR: ProcessBlock() : block with too little proof-of-work
2015-05-07 05:09:05 ProcessBlock: ORPHAN BLOCK 1, prev=2a500cb328259f31344ecb36af58f4508acbca20a04acf1dd6b86f6da6c63101
2015-05-07 05:09:05 ProcessBlock: ORPHAN BLOCK 2, prev=1398140882494351adddd6e2ade7c458777bcc1ad1be5822aea9e43d00a62dc9
2015-05-07 05:09:05 ProcessBlock: ORPHAN BLOCK 3, prev=03a0c475ca01f3c262fb306826805e43fd337b4358f9efcd8dd52970ef8d2814

trying to resync but its taking a very long time.

PS.  If anyone can provide a bootstrap that would really help.  This wallet is constantly forking and getting stuck and we dont understand why.

sr. member
Activity: 439
Merit: 288
any explanation dev, why gmc disabled at bittrex??
did they already contact you?

Can't speak for the whole team, but they haven't contacted me. chain is fine, so it can't be that.

Yup, everything looks fine, must be Bittrex running a maintenance. Also no contact have been made from their side.
Everything is ok,just is back.
yeah, market is open but wallet still disable
look at this picture i take

Wallet maintenance, that's what markets do. They're politics on announcing wallet maintenance pretty much vary. I saw Poloniex usually do that but sometimes issues happen and are resolved without the need of an announcement.
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
any explanation dev, why gmc disabled at bittrex??
did they already contact you?

Can't speak for the whole team, but they haven't contacted me. chain is fine, so it can't be that.

Yup, everything looks fine, must be Bittrex running a maintenance. Also no contact have been made from their side.
Everything is ok,just is back.
yeah, market is open but wallet still disable
look at this picture i take
sr. member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
member of GameCredits Dev team
any explanation dev, why gmc disabled at bittrex??
did they already contact you?

Can't speak for the whole team, but they haven't contacted me. chain is fine, so it can't be that.

Yup, everything looks fine, must be Bittrex running a maintenance. Also no contact have been made from their side.

Everything is ok,just is back.

sr. member
Activity: 439
Merit: 288
any explanation dev, why gmc disabled at bittrex??
did they already contact you?

Can't speak for the whole team, but they haven't contacted me. chain is fine, so it can't be that.

Yup, everything looks fine, must be Bittrex running a maintenance. Also no contact have been made from their side.
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1022
Anarchy is not chaos.
any explanation dev, why gmc disabled at bittrex??
did they already contact you?

Can't speak for the whole team, but they haven't contacted me. chain is fine, so it can't be that.
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
any explanation dev, why gmc disabled at bittrex??
did they already contact you?
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1022
Anarchy is not chaos.

It's hard to get block confirmations to get paid out on your pool
I like it cos it's in UK. The other one is in Singapore but confirmations are reached in reasonable time.
Any suggestion?  Wink

PM me with details, so nothing private gets exposed. On my side, payouts appear to be working fine. A couple days ago, the block index got all screwed up, and that was about when you joined, so I'm HOPING that the problem has been resolved. There were around a thousand transactions that didn't get properly credited at first, but they're all correct now according to the logs. At any rate, we'll get you properly paid.
Activity: 47
Merit: 0

It's hard to get block confirmations to get paid out on your pool
I like it cos it's in UK. The other one is in Singapore but confirmations are reached in reasonable time.
Any suggestion?  Wink
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1022
Anarchy is not chaos.
Evening GMC people Cheesy

Periodically over the next couple of days, the GMC! pool will be in maintenance mode. I'm adding some functionality and tweaking the settings. During this, the miners and shares will be fine, but there will be times when the front end will either be incorrect or unreachable. I don't anticipate any problems with mining, but if you see stats being out of whack, don't panic Cheesy

I am going to add IRC functionality, probably change the logos, possibly add a forum, and try to make the home page a bit more interesting. All of this is cosmetic and does not affect the actual mining in any way.

Just for the sake of safety, and this should be the case whether or not maintenance is happening, you should ALWAYS have a failover pool set up. As I'm new to this particular coin's community, I have little idea of the general expertise of the miners. If the above and below are obvious to you, just pretend I wasn't talking to you Cheesy

If anyone has any troubles setting up their miners or reaching the pool for any reason, never hesitate to contact me in PM. Also ask your fellows. There are some very helpful people here. I'm personally quite familiar with cgminer and sgminer and can help with issues that may arise in it's use. Also Gridseed and Zeusminer ASIC machines. BFGminer has always given me issues, though it works well for others. I'm afraid I can't be much help there.

To those of you who have already joined the pool, Thank you! To those who haven't, come in, the water's fine Cheesy
Activity: 1876
Merit: 1014
what's the coin now ?any news ?

All technical issues (aside from some trivial ones) have been fixed. We're up on at least two exchanges, and we're working on some crazy shit behind the scenes.

That being said, I would like ideas from the community about how we might get GMC integrated into various gaming platforms, gambling sites, or anything else to get the marketing side rolling. We have a lot of ideas in the core team, but without the community, we are only a few people.

As we go forward, it appears I am going to be one of the key communications people. I won't ever shoot down an idea without serious consideration.

And as usual, it's YOUR coin. Do what thou wilt to promote it and implement it. If the Foundation likes your idea and is able to do so, we'll likely back your play, and we certainly won't stand in your way.

I think the success of this coin relies on the implementation of it into online games. The foundation's main focus could be to persuade and help game developers to implement the coins into their games. Also giving them a certain amount of the coin as a reward for implementing it might help.
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1022
Anarchy is not chaos.
For reasons unknown, the pool got screwed up yesterday. I have put everything back as it's supposed to be, and the self checks are passed.

I am not sure what happened, but if any of you notice the pool misbehaving in any way, please shoot me a PM here. I will be adding a chat box to the pool in the future, but that's fairly far down my extensive to-do list. I'm almost always logged in to BCT, so I'll get PM's here in short order.

Sorry for the inconvenience. I do my best to run a good pool, but this is the first time I've run a public pool Tongue
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1022
Anarchy is not chaos.
what's the coin now ?any news ?

All technical issues (aside from some trivial ones) have been fixed. We're up on at least two exchanges, and we're working on some crazy shit behind the scenes.

That being said, I would like ideas from the community about how we might get GMC integrated into various gaming platforms, gambling sites, or anything else to get the marketing side rolling. We have a lot of ideas in the core team, but without the community, we are only a few people.

As we go forward, it appears I am going to be one of the key communications people. I won't ever shoot down an idea without serious consideration.

And as usual, it's YOUR coin. Do what thou wilt to promote it and implement it. If the Foundation likes your idea and is able to do so, we'll likely back your play, and we certainly won't stand in your way.
sr. member
Activity: 532
Merit: 250
what's the coin now ?any news ?
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1022
Anarchy is not chaos.
hero member
Activity: 937
Merit: 1000
Looks like the coin has forked again... Dev, can you please provide a bootstrap?   We have disabled the wallet until we are back on the correct fork.


I can't do it today, as I am up to my eyeballs, but I can make you a bootstrap. It's been on my to do list anyway.

However, I'm not seeing any forking with the new client. Can you give us some details, please?

I've deleted the chain and currently resyncing from scratch, so I don't have the exact block number anymore, but our blockchain basically started rejecting blocks with too little proof.

new best=a7cb18858ca68f1f34eb7c08def0ceed4e790549c1560ba6e2e643d484038f1e  height=1072687

looks like multiple clients are stuck in multiple places

gmccoin getpeerinfo| grep hei
        "startingheight" : 1070497,
        "startingheight" : 1070306,
        "startingheight" : 1091630,
        "startingheight" : 1073298,
        "startingheight" : 1073298,

gmccoin getblockhash 1073283

It synced up to here and stopped again... If a solution isn't found I am delisting the coin.  I have spent a better part of 4 weeks trying to get this back online and healthy.


Are you running version .0.9.4 or higher?

If not, you WILL have issues. I currently have three daemons running on two servers, all with no issues, all synced from zero. One is the block explorer at, the other is the daemon for the pool at, both of which can be publicly viewed. My personal wallet as well, syncs without issue. If the version number is correct, then I really don't know. I'm making a bootstrap very soon (later today) and will see to it that you have the link. But it should sync from zero without issue, other than it will occasionally freeze in the ~500,000 range, in which case restarting the daemon cures it. It might do that two or three times before fully syncing, but that's the ONLY issue I've had, and frankly haven't seen that since we got the client generally released last week.

I appreciate your efforts, and we'll do our damnedest to resolve it. If you'd like to communicate with me directly, send me a PM and I will give you my Skype ID. You might also want to contact Coinsolidation, as he did the recoding.

EDIT: Try commenting out your addnodes and putting this line in :
That's the Block Explorer's daemon.

EDIT 2: Bootstrap is done, being tested right now. As soon as I'm certain all is well with it, I'll put a link up, and have Shavers update the OP.

    "version" : 90400,
    "protocolversion" : 70005,
    "walletversion" : 60000,

running the latest version as far as i can tell.  I'm resynced again, and in line with the blockexplorer.  Will reopen wallet and market.  I've added you as a node ... Let's see if it will stay synced.


Activity: 1372
Merit: 1022
Anarchy is not chaos.
Looks like the coin has forked again... Dev, can you please provide a bootstrap?   We have disabled the wallet until we are back on the correct fork.


I can't do it today, as I am up to my eyeballs, but I can make you a bootstrap. It's been on my to do list anyway.

However, I'm not seeing any forking with the new client. Can you give us some details, please?

I've deleted the chain and currently resyncing from scratch, so I don't have the exact block number anymore, but our blockchain basically started rejecting blocks with too little proof.

new best=a7cb18858ca68f1f34eb7c08def0ceed4e790549c1560ba6e2e643d484038f1e  height=1072687

looks like multiple clients are stuck in multiple places

gmccoin getpeerinfo| grep hei
        "startingheight" : 1070497,
        "startingheight" : 1070306,
        "startingheight" : 1091630,
        "startingheight" : 1073298,
        "startingheight" : 1073298,

gmccoin getblockhash 1073283

It synced up to here and stopped again... If a solution isn't found I am delisting the coin.  I have spent a better part of 4 weeks trying to get this back online and healthy.


Are you running version .0.9.4 or higher?

If not, you WILL have issues. I currently have three daemons running on two servers, all with no issues, all synced from zero. One is the block explorer at, the other is the daemon for the pool at, both of which can be publicly viewed. My personal wallet as well, syncs without issue. If the version number is correct, then I really don't know. I'm making a bootstrap very soon (later today) and will see to it that you have the link. But it should sync from zero without issue, other than it will occasionally freeze in the ~500,000 range, in which case restarting the daemon cures it. It might do that two or three times before fully syncing, but that's the ONLY issue I've had, and frankly haven't seen that since we got the client generally released last week.

I appreciate your efforts, and we'll do our damnedest to resolve it. If you'd like to communicate with me directly, send me a PM and I will give you my Skype ID. You might also want to contact Coinsolidation, as he did the recoding.

EDIT: Try commenting out your addnodes and putting this line in :
That's the Block Explorer's daemon.

EDIT 2: Bootstrap is done, being tested right now. As soon as I'm certain all is well with it, I'll put a link up, and have Shavers update the OP.

hero member
Activity: 937
Merit: 1000
Looks like the coin has forked again... Dev, can you please provide a bootstrap?   We have disabled the wallet until we are back on the correct fork.


I can't do it today, as I am up to my eyeballs, but I can make you a bootstrap. It's been on my to do list anyway.

However, I'm not seeing any forking with the new client. Can you give us some details, please?

I've deleted the chain and currently resyncing from scratch, so I don't have the exact block number anymore, but our blockchain basically started rejecting blocks with too little proof.

new best=a7cb18858ca68f1f34eb7c08def0ceed4e790549c1560ba6e2e643d484038f1e  height=1072687

looks like multiple clients are stuck in multiple places

gmccoin getpeerinfo| grep hei
        "startingheight" : 1070497,
        "startingheight" : 1070306,
        "startingheight" : 1091630,
        "startingheight" : 1073298,
        "startingheight" : 1073298,

gmccoin getblockhash 1073283

It synced up to here and stopped again... If a solution isn't found I am delisting the coin.  I have spent a better part of 4 weeks trying to get this back online and healthy.

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