This post comes from THE BIBLE. Meaning if you are christian and believe in the bible, then you CANNOT doubt this. It says in the bible that god is BOTH good and evil. Meaning all good and evil things come from god. Satan never created evil, he just ran with it(god created evil according to the bible)
Isaiah 45:7 "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."
That's a translation. NIV 1984 says:
The point is, there is a lot of understanding that a person needs to see, to understand what is really being said. This one passage doesn't explain it all.
The structure of the universe is such that God is almighty in it. He controls all. But how does He do it? He does it by giving various amounts freedom to His creatures - angels, devils, and man. Yet the freedom that God gives them induces God to move in the way that He does, because He controls all. Nothing can be done without Him doing it.
The result of the evil that man and the devil induced God to bring about through the nature of the way the universe is built, is the thing that caused Jesus, the Son of God to die the death for all people. Jesus essentially upheld a corrupt universe that would gone out of existence instantaneously when the devil and people did the first evil. The universe would have been destroyed because God doesn't have anything to do with evil. The promise of sacrifice of Jesus changed things so that in the eyes of God, evil is accepted as good temporarily.
In the coming resurrection, good people will be separated from evil people. The evil people will be destroyed along with this evil universe. See the lake of fire in the Revelation.
There won't be any evil following that. And, since evil will have been destroyed permanently, there won't ever be any remembrance of it. Isaiah 65:17:
Evil, having to do with this universe, just like time has to do with this universe, will be gone along with time when the universe is destroyed. Since time will be gone, there will never have been any evil. There won't be such a thing as "have been."