I was just playing Hi-Lo, making small dollar bets, if it's 5 number card I select higher card and win, if it's 10 number then I go with 'low' and win.
Then I was greeted with Ace card, minimal possibility for equal card right (i.e, Ace), so I go all in, and guess what happens, the result is Ace means I lost the bet.
Then I have all sorts of thoughts blaming casino, like do they manipulate the result of the game when user goes all in. I am sure they are all fair, it's just that the possibility of losing the game may be minimal but it's never 0.
I do end up with exactly same thought when ever I play a casino game or slot game until I end up with an empty bankroll, and not just when I go all in and loss it, but I quite agree with you, the feeling is always different when you've been playing, losing and winning some bets, but the moment you decide to bet all you account balance, you lose it, it's always feels like the casino was actually waiting for you to bet all or go all in so that they can take all your money at once
But the truth remains that, no matter how fair a casino is, the chances the gambler have at winning is always way lower than the chances he or she has at losing, this simply means that, a gambler stands more chances of losing his or she game, than winning it, even though some will always say that the chance of winning and losing is always 50/50, this is a lie, for if it was so, good number of us will be winning most of the games we play.
And do you know what is even more annoying in this scenario?, it is when you playing a casino game (for example), and you keep winning bet after bet, you keep winning in a roll, you feel like luck have found you, and to maximize that luck for the moment it will last, you decided to go all in so as to easily double your bankroll, and then, just that very bet, you lose, all your money gone, you can't keep play anymore unless you make a new deposit, this is the most annoying thing in I experience at times when playing casino or slot games.