Here's the progression of all the gold-bug bitcoin naysayers:
1) 2011: "Bitcoin is a silly nerd fad that'll be dead in a month or two."
2) 2012: "Bitcoin has no intrinsic value."
3) 2013: "The government will never let bitcoin survive."
4) 2014: "Bitcoin as a payments technology has value, but the currency won't have lasting value."
Hasn't Peter been saying #4 a bunch lately? Funny - this current trend of former total naysayers talking about how the network/tech has lasting value but the currency doesn't is really dumb. They're so obviously trying to save a little face by giving some grudging kudos to bitcoin, but can't fully admit how wrong they are/were.
I can't wait 'till we get over the false notion that the network/currency-unit are completely distinct and these guys accept the entangled (and valuable) nature of the whole beast.
Edit: Boom. $500 taken out on Bitstamp as I was typing.
For some reason they still don't understand exactly why the bitcoin token cannot be separated from the Bitcoin network. I think they believe that there is a way in which to make them separate entities, thus removing value from the token, but they are misinformed.