The weird thing about getting rich in Bitcoin is, it's not even particularly attractive to cash out large amounts - even right now - unless you have a specific purchase in mind. If you had $1 million in BTC, why would you convert even a third of that into fiat just to store it in a bank account where it can get frozen
This conclusion comes from seeing Bitcoin as a reserve asset (one that I very much share). Today US Treasury debt is the reserve asset to own, and the problem with fiat is you can't really "own" debt because a public or individual can choose to refuse to pay. (As the next generation should do if they are smart).
I should note that when I said you wouldn't want much of your wealth in fiat, I was speaking from the point of view of being afraid of being too heavily invested in Bitcoin. Like the situation where you a $1 million in Bitcoin and only $20,000 in fiat. If Bitcoin somehow fails, you instantly become a meek peon again, financially. So you'd put some decent chunk, like maybe half, into dollars so that in case of Bitcoin failure you still have half a mil in the bank. That I guess most smaller investors imagine they will do if they win big in bitcoins.
Good points.
I would add that there are a lot of other options besides 'fiat' and 'BTC' for wealth storage. Real property, commodities, education, a multitude of traditional instruments, etc. More clever and well off persons will be considering and balancing many of these.
Fully agree, this is the rebalancing argument. Yes other assets have issues, but it never makes sense to keep 99% of your wealth in one asset, be it gold, land, fiat, stocks, etc.
If BTC continues to go up, it will make sense for many long term believers to sell a little from time to time and rebalance into other assets and remain diversified. Even gold bugs say you shouldn't hold more than 10% in gold, with BTC I think we can go higher than that, but when you get to over 50% in Bitcoin consider selling a little and buy other assets that yield.