I knew nothing of economics, trading or anything before I learned about bitcoin. I still view it as an experiment both, in and of itself, and for me personally. Even if the value goes to zero and I get no direct material profit it is still a net positive for me based on that alone. Some people like to show up an shit on speculators but after my experiences here I think that what they do is the epitome of top-down psychological research.
I said it once before, this is the most interesting experiment around and will continue to attract people who like that kind of thing the longer it persists. Thanks local experts.
Yes, Bitcoin is a fun experiment but the principles and theorems of human action still apply.
Markets are markets and based on
Human Action. If you have not read Mises's magnum opus then I would highly recommend doing so to get a better understanding of why humans do what they do.
For speculators it is not so much top-down as bottom up. Among individuals there is information asymmetry and individual human action is generally done with intention to bring about some ends. Often, that ends is generally designed to improve the individual actor's circumstances. Each individual has access to information in different degrees and they always know something better than other individuals do (if only their own preference; but it could be as simple as the best route from point A to B, how to design a turbine engine, etc.). So, what the pricing mechanism does is tease out information from the marketplace.
And, ultimately, those speculators who are more accurate at prognosticating the future profit.
Your experimenting with Bitcoin is a great example of someone learning how the principles of human action work in an extremely raw environment (lack of govt. regulation). Of course, all govt. regulation does is create inefficiencies in the market which speculators and entrepreneurs are able to take advantage of and make tons of money. This experience and knowledge you gain from experimenting with Bitcoin, assuming you learn some correct principles (hence why I recommend reading Human Action), will help you make more accurate economic and financial prognostication decisions throughout your life. And who does not like being able to accurately and correctly prognosticate?