Our problem however, is that most humans are not ready to transition to the Knowledge Age work and they will continue to demand debt and Industrial Age jobs (or the government to subsidize failure to obtain such a job).
i foresee a leveling out of resources and wealth due to the transparency of information access facilitated by the Internet. this can't be stopped despite the state's resistance.
The only way we cross the chasm without falling into an totalitarian abyss along the way, is a newly designed crypto-currency for the fledgling Knowledge Age that can resist attack by the State because the People implicitly (due to their self-interest in debt and subsidies) demand the State to maintain a monopoly on force.
i agree and think Bitcoin is it.
Dont you think there's something off, as in your brain, in you continually berating me about thousands of years of sheeples being manipulated, no chance that Bitcoin can change anything, yet you coming in here and telling us that for $10000 you will let us in on your altcoin that WILL change everything?
When debate on the merits has been conceded, the loser often resorts to character assassination.
Bitcoin will surely change some things, and I assert not all for the better. I never claimed Bitcoin was a /dev/null event and in fact argued that it is a monumental event.
I doubt anything I or others might attempt would change everything. Experiments are experiments. And I have no delusion about changing everything. I might hope to make some positive contribution if after more thought it is concluded that moving forward is viable and wise.
I support Bitcoin because for every 100 masses we introduce to crypto-currency, maybe 1 will awaken and be an important ally. I have repeatedly said I support spreading Bitcoin because it adds to the capital base (remember capital is not money, but the productive capacity).
I view Bitcoin as the scattershot coin (assuming iCe et al lose[1]). I entertain the hope and ideas about potential anonymity and decentralized focused altcoin(s) that serve vertical (hopefully horizontal growth) markets.
In short, "you can't do just one thing" and this applies to anything TPTB create as well. There is always a reactive force and seepage.
[1] I have entertained the thought that Coinbase, Paypal, etc might prefer a 1MB limit because it would push transactions to offchain. But I doubt that is their overriding calculus.
Edit: the many readers I and others have been able to touch (including our dialogue here) is one of the seepage effects Bitcoin is causing. I do not assert that Bitcoin has no positive effects. I've been derogatory on the overriding effect of Bitcoin on the masses. You are correct to call me out and get me to clarify this point.
what a bunch of dissembling, conflicted, and illogical bullshit.
Apparently the concept is too complex for your mind.
It is quite simple actually.
The internet and Bitcoin are platforms for spreading information, but the masses are not aligned to global monetary optimization because their daily priorities are else where. Thus they easily throw their support to the wrong "solutions", e.g. the massive outpouring of emotions and support for FCC regulation of Net Neutrality (which the mass media propaganda fed to the idealistic masses).
And Bitcoin doesn't have the design which resists on its own. It requires mass diligence.
Very simple. Don't know why you can't wrap your mind around it.