Chernobyl, TMI, and Fukushima were not caused by flaws in the physics of nuclear fusion
all these power plants operate on the physics of nuclear
fission ... nuclear fusion plants are non-existent.
Fukishima suffered such catastrophic damage because it was not built to withstand a sizeable force like a tsunami..
Wrong-ish. The backup power generators were flooded and the fuel tanks for them washed away because nobody thought a tsunami of this magnitude was worth considering. Not long before the event some archaeologists found evidence of periodic tsunamis of this magnitude and scheduled a meeting. Tokyo Electric was invited but didn't bother to attend.
I, as something of a supporter of nuclear power at the time believed they hype that an accident of this type was not possible and that loss of electrical power would result in a safe shutdown. Turns out that these old GE reactors (of which we have plenty here in the U.S.) are actually guaranteed to suffer core meltdown if electrical power is not available.
One thing I already knew is that nuclear plants are far more devastating that nuclear bombs. This because a bomb (or warhead or whatever) must be transportable and is thus relatively small. A nuclear power plant has many times more material available to contaminate things. In brilliant designs like the old GE plants store several loads of spent rods on the roof of the building for convenience for the multiple years it takes the spent rods to cool down. If they are not constantly underwater (in pools in the upper parts of the building) they will catch fire and the multitude of reaction isotopes will be vaporized do drift wherever the wind happens to be going.
Anyone worried about 'terrorism' should be plenty concerned about our nuclear facilities. Fortunately the 'terrorist threat' is an almost completely invented by our government to terrorize us sheep so there probably isn't all that much to worry about except for natural disasters and incompetence.
The company that built the plant, I believe, was the same one from TM island where there engineering was also shoddy.
Nope. TMI was a Babbcock & Wilcox pressurized water design. An amazing series of bad luck led to it's partial melt-down, but the POV valve one of the biggies and was known defective. As usual, it was not known to the right sets of people.
iirc, the fukishima companys mistake was not to build the sea wall high enough or strong enough or something like that. They were aware of the potential for this oversight to be dangerous but did nothing to fix it, because money. see or his book 'Vultures' for evidence/further clarification. very damning read.
One interesting thing about TMI, Chernobyl, and Fukushima is that the operators could stare right at giant problems and simply not believe their eyes. Some combination of high levels of indoctrination about the impossibility of a disaster, and the subconscious recognition of what a disaster a disaster actually is and consequent unwillingness to accept reality.
I wonder if the same thing could happen in crypto-currency-land...