Everyone can help by filling this Poloniex form
Data that needs to be filled:
What is the name of the coin? GOLDBLOCKS
What is the coin's symbol? GB
Please link to the announcement page. https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/goldblocks-mandatory-update-to-v1210-5172017-1494362
If the coin has a website, please link it here: http://goldblocks.eu/
If the coin has a block explorer, please link it here: https://cryptogods.net/explorer/goldblocks/
Please explain why you would like to see this coin added to the exchange: Write your own thoughts here
If this coin has any significant innovations over other coins, please elaborate on them here: Write your own thoughts here
Are you the developer of this coin or otherwise affiliated with it? No
Vote for GB on c-cex:
Vote for GB on livecoin.net
Tweet to bittrex exchange:
or slack them: https://bittrex.slack.com/messages/general/