It seems like world moving towards new feodalism where in many countries goverment don't have money to support anything.
So it will create wealth gap and If world start to divided: rich or poor no middle-class then If you have 100,000$ your bank account then you fall into poor category likely.
World moving in situation when poor cant enjoy many things including quality medical service or even security since goverments need to tighten their budget.
World will turn more like los Angeles kind of place where there is Beverly Hills and other areas where there is enough police rescue and medical service for richer areas.
Off course that alone will create unrests of society because many people feel that's not fair as middleclass will likely fall into poor class.
Europe have off course problem they commodities food and better resources cheaper way and more effient yes there is a lot money in europe Banks like UBS but money alone is nothing just causing the inflation If there is no sustaineble sectors involved.
If we continue this way then yes we will have rich and poor no more middleclass.