I really did find Obama a very good president of USA and he may not be the best but he still did some good work during his years of presidency. Trump looks like a man who wants to do everything for himself rather than the country and most celebs have already posted hate tweets for him. Is he really that bad? I don't find his IVs making any sense though.
Did you give the post above by Spendulus a miss, a good president would not of imposed all that on human beings.
I always found Obama to be an outright liar.
He was and still is a disgusting man, who never had the cahones to stand up for his beliefs, he was a total failure in foreign policies.
I shall always remember him for this statement (I will close Guantánamo) he never even tried.
I read that but I can't believe that he used to assassinate any person as per his convenience. His IVs never were threatening or cruel as compared to Trump but still only his own country citizens would be knowing him better. There are lot of conspiracies that make us believe the politicians were involved in war but many people who had Obama as a president said that America was a safer place during his period. It's upto us what we want to believe at the end.
If Obama were a good person, he wouldn't have even run for president, because he is not qualified, Constitutionally. His birth certificate is faked. So, if he lied there, he would lie anywhere, and only if you followed his life right with him 247 would you ever be able to tell what the truth was.
Who is a good person when rules allow a leader to rob the TAXES?..
would you like to make 250k a year or 100 million?..The 100 million please
Will i go to jail?..Nope your the leader just pardon yourself
Now if this is politics will it ever change?..Only the Voters can change the law to stop it
To make ones life rich so my family can do well and live the best life is what humans strive for?..
So when a human gets showered with money 99% of humans will take it..
You know money makes your life better why wouldn't you want the best life if it's offered or easy to get..
It's the rules that need changing so politicians have no way of making money..
The only money they should make is the wages they get off the government job they have..
My take on trump is a guy who as got it all the only thing he now wants is a statue of how good he done for his nation..
To be remembered forever as a good president like..GEORGE WASHINGTON.. LINCOLN..
He hates to be hated ?..So he needs to do good to not be hated..
I feel like i know what type of guy he is and your safe i promise..
But 1 thing you all need to promise is GIVE THE GUY A CHANCE
Trump knows he as got so many people wanting him to fail .HE WILL SHUT YOU ALL UP