On a slightly more serious note, it's getting embarrassing to read so many sob stories about people who got "scammed" by MNW. I can only hope that these people will eventually learn their lesson, go to Gambler's Anonymous, or do whatever it takes to wean themselves off that urge to make retarded bets. I mean seriously, first they get taken for a ride by that Sea-man dude/tte, then they try to 'hedge' their losses by taking
another gamble?
Seriously? I don't know how they do it... There's gotta be money in it
somewhere... It's my view that MNW has done a huge favour to the community with his prank.
Yes, sometimes people take risks in certain situations, particularly when there is lots of money to be made. Also, people make bets when bets are offered by seemingly semi-rational people, with an expectation of payment. This should surprise no one- oh, except for the endless parade of patronizing pissants who continue to make threads reminding this community that scams are in fact "learning lessons" for gambling "addicts". People have made lots of money with bitcoin, and all of it has been a GAMBLE. It almost seems like these people who so enjoy shouting from mountaintops about the gambling addicts of bitcoinworld with their proclivity for ponzi schemes are doing so in the same way SA liberals started screaming like zoo monkeys when bitcoin hit $2 a year ago.
Are people at fault for investing far more than they were prepared to lose in a potential ponzi scheme? Of course. Or for buying a sports car ahead of time on money expected to be paid by MNW? Yes. But the deluge of spam posts, all of which possess an underlying distaste for the gambling nature of bitcoin, are nothing more than the embittered "I told you so's" by individuals who, like SA goons, are petrified by anything with higher returns than a mutual fund, and yet were too afraid to bet their own 401k money on the pro side of pirate default bets. And the notion therefore, that MNW is somehow absolved of his sins because of this community's taste for gambling (and hookers! and blow!) is about as reliable as these risk-averse forum members making similar remarks months (years?) ago about this unrecognized (deflationary! illegal!) currency named bitcoin, in posts since deleted, and in wallet.dats since hastily filled, as they realize that a risk is a risk, an opportunity to make money and to lose money-- nothing more.