
Topic: GOP: Obama's Failed Economy after 5 Years - page 2. (Read 1674 times)

sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
I like economics and think we are fortunate we have had better economic policy since the Great Recession than our European friends who followed the austerity path to repeated recessions and negative growth. Did you know that the IMF predicts negative economic growth in several European nations this year, while US growth should be between 3-4%?

Not bad at all for the US. You have to love the innovation here, it is so much a part of our national character.

An economy that doubled the number of Americans on food stamps because they are living at or below the poverty level while the rich on wall street are making billions by the day? Below is a report on the jobs created by obama and while you're proud of it I am sure those part time workers would rather be working full time.
Recovery Being Hurt by Too Many Temp and Low-paying New Jobs, Says Fed Banker
A member of the Federal Reserve Board is complaining that too many of the new jobs created since the recovery began are low-wage, part-time, temporary, or all three.
Speaking last week at a conference in Washington, D.C., Fed Governor Sarah Raskin said, “Flexible and part-time arrangements can present great opportunities to some workers, but the substantial increase in part-time workers does raise a number of concerns.” These include, she said, a lack of benefits, lower pay rates, and, often, no sick or personal days off.
Two-thirds of the jobs lost in the recession, she said, “were in moderate-wage occupations, such as manufacturing, skilled construction, and office administration jobs.” But fewer than a quarter have come back. “Recent job gains,” she observed, “have been largely concentrated in lower-wage occupations such as retail sales, food preparation, manual labor, home health care, and customer service.”
Furthermore, Raskin said, employers are increasingly turning to temporary — “contingent” — workers because of the flexibility they offer. During the recession, 10% of the jobs lost were temp. However, 25% of the jobs created since the recovery began have been temp.

Who benefits by part time and contingent jobs sana? That would be the employer and he makes those gains of the backs of the worker and you lefties are damned proud of it? And then you tell those workers they have to buy obamacare on their cut wages so they can have a policy they can't afford for the deductibles for?
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
It really is amusing, the desperation in you.....
I think none of those are actually "jobs" bills. All are tax cuts and regulation eliminations.
You THINK? Is that supposed to be an educated response Sana? To have the resources right in front of you and refuse to read the information and form an educated opinion and instead opt to offer a negative opinion based on "I think" isn't a rebuttal or a defense for obama, its merely anti gop whining. And BTW tax cuts create jobs, that's a proven fact For a reference see the state of NY add offering 10 years of no state taxes for companies that move there. Did the liberal state of NY do that to make the rich richer?
Now, do you have an educated opinion on any of those bills including your reasoning that shows why tax cuts don't create jobs? I would ask you to list a few of the plans obama has presented to congress to create jobs and stimulate the economy but he hasn't provided any. And of course that is bush's fault just like everything else.
For once you are correct...None of those bills do anything other than cut taxes and reduce regulations. Thank you for the correction.
I also agree that some tax cuts can create jobs, though many absolutely not. When Bush cut taxes, jobs did not follow. When the feds had tax forgiveness for International corporations, the corporations pocketed the profits. And while a tax cut may create a job it often does so at a net loss to funding government.
The Bush tax cuts resulted in deficits that have lasted forever (not helped by putting the costs of two wars on a credit card).
I noted a few of the Presidents jobs proposal above, you should take a minute and read.
Regarding the NY tax cuts, keep in mind that states set and change tax rates frequently. to balance growth with funding necessary services. there is not "right formula" for state taxes, just adjustment to their realities of growth and budgeting.
Activity: 3066
Merit: 1147
The revolution will be monetized!
He stole billions to pay out fradulant bankers, F him.

The banker bailout was the biggest financial crime ever committed in recorded history. Hundreds of billions of tax payer money used to rescue the corrupt bankers. Not only the Democrats, but the establishment Republicans also supported that measure. So I won't be saying that Obama was responsible for it.  Angry

The bailout was BEFORE he was in office. Not that I'm satisfied with Obama's response. I also think it was one of the biggest crimes in history. He should have had them swing in the town square for their negligence. But to blame Obama?? Where did you ever get that?
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
It really is amusing, the desperation in you.....
I like economics and think we are fortunate we have had better economic policy since the Great Recession than our European friends who followed the austerity path to repeated recessions and negative growth. Did you know that the IMF predicts negative economic growth in several European nations this year, while US growth should be between 3-4%?
Not bad at all for the US. You have to love the innovation here, it is so much a part of our national character.
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
It really is amusing, the desperation in you.....
I think none of those are actually "jobs" bills. All are tax cuts and regulation eliminations.
You THINK? Is that supposed to be an educated response Sana? To have the resources right in front of you and refuse to read the information and form an educated opinion and instead opt to offer a negative opinion based on "I think" isn't a rebuttal or a defense for obama, its merely anti gop whining. And BTW tax cuts create jobs, that's a proven fact For a reference see the state of NY add offering 10 years of no state taxes for companies that move there. Did the liberal state of NY do that to make the rich richer?
Now, do you have an educated opinion on any of those bills including your reasoning that shows why tax cuts don't create jobs? I would ask you to list a few of the plans obama has presented to congress to create jobs and stimulate the economy but he hasn't provided any. And of course that is bush's fault just like everything else.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
Having plans means nothing if you haven't got the power to implement them. okay, we should certainly give him a chance to further prove that, given enough time, he can indeed be considered the worst president based on the time he had to accomplish it. We don't have to prejudge this based on his not having had enough time yet to qualify and use the experience we have already witnessed. He can still do more damage.
His plan to save our economy was the stimulus plan, that failed. So what other plan did he have for the economy ? When did he have a budget that passed the senate ? What plan does he have for keystone ? What plan did he have to deal with Syria and the chemical weapons and why did that plan fail? What plan does he have for the current attack on iraq ? Other than to order his team to come up with options while he plays golf, what plan does he have? What plan does he have for the border and the tens of thousands of illegal aliens coming here to get the amnesty obama promised them? What are the plans to employ all those illegal aliens so they aren't on welfare living off the tax payers who are already taxed to the max? You claim he had so many plans that would save our economy and get it going so name a few dd.  Or perhaps you could take a few of the jobs bills the House passed and explain why the senate has refused to address them and then post the jobs bills the senate passed and show how many of those are sitting in the House. Put your money where your mouth is instead of passing off the old talking point lies.

40 Jobs Bills – Passed in House – NOW Stuck In Senate!

40 Jobs Bills are Stuck in the Senate!!!

House Republicans have passed 40 jobs bills that are currently stuck in the Democrat controlled Senate.

Empower Small Business Owners
Small business owners are being bogged down by burdensome regulations from Washington that prevent job creation and hinder economic growth. We must remove onerous regulations that are redundant, harm small businesses, and impede private sector investment and job creation.

Review of Federal Regulations
H. Res. 72 – Passed by the House (391-28) on February 11, 2011

Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act
H.R. 872 – Senate has taken no action to date

Energy Tax Prevention Act
H.R. 910 – Senate has taken no action to date

Disapproval of FCC’s Net Neutrality Regulations
H.J. Res. 37 – Senate has blocked a companion measure by a vote of 46-52

Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act
H.R. 2018 – Senate has taken no action to date

Consumer Financial Protection & Soundness Improvement Act
H.R. 1315 – Senate has taken no action to date

Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act
H.R. 2587 – Senate has taken no action to date

Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts on the Nation Act
H.R. 2401 – Senate has taken no action to date
I think none of those are actually "jobs" bills. All are tax cuts and regulation eliminations.
If the goal is to make the rich richer, these bills could do that very well. Is that a good goal?
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
Truth is I think the President has done a good job on the economy with zero help from republicans.

But truth is you really don't care about income just like to attack the president on any issue. I had little doubt you would have no offer of ideas.
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
Having plans means nothing if you haven't got the power to implement them. okay, we should certainly give him a chance to further prove that, given enough time, he can indeed be considered the worst president based on the time he had to accomplish it. We don't have to prejudge this based on his not having had enough time yet to qualify and use the experience we have already witnessed. He can still do more damage.
His plan to save our economy was the stimulus plan, that failed. So what other plan did he have for the economy ? When did he have a budget that passed the senate ? What plan does he have for keystone ? What plan did he have to deal with Syria and the chemical weapons and why did that plan fail? What plan does he have for the current attack on iraq ? Other than to order his team to come up with options while he plays golf, what plan does he have? What plan does he have for the border and the tens of thousands of illegal aliens coming here to get the amnesty obama promised them? What are the plans to employ all those illegal aliens so they aren't on welfare living off the tax payers who are already taxed to the max? You claim he had so many plans that would save our economy and get it going so name a few dd.  Or perhaps you could take a few of the jobs bills the House passed and explain why the senate has refused to address them and then post the jobs bills the senate passed and show how many of those are sitting in the House. Put your money where your mouth is instead of passing off the old talking point lies.

40 Jobs Bills – Passed in House – NOW Stuck In Senate!

40 Jobs Bills are Stuck in the Senate!!!

House Republicans have passed 40 jobs bills that are currently stuck in the Democrat controlled Senate.

Empower Small Business Owners
Small business owners are being bogged down by burdensome regulations from Washington that prevent job creation and hinder economic growth. We must remove onerous regulations that are redundant, harm small businesses, and impede private sector investment and job creation.

Review of Federal Regulations
H. Res. 72 – Passed by the House (391-28) on February 11, 2011

Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act
H.R. 872 – Senate has taken no action to date

Energy Tax Prevention Act
H.R. 910 – Senate has taken no action to date

Disapproval of FCC’s Net Neutrality Regulations
H.J. Res. 37 – Senate has blocked a companion measure by a vote of 46-52

Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act
H.R. 2018 – Senate has taken no action to date

Consumer Financial Protection & Soundness Improvement Act
H.R. 1315 – Senate has taken no action to date

Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act
H.R. 2587 – Senate has taken no action to date

Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts on the Nation Act
H.R. 2401 – Senate has taken no action to date
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
Just curious since you express interest in income inequality and cite Obama as part of the problem. What solutions do you advance for this issue? What is it Obama should be doing here specifically?
Oh, I bet you are curious...  It helps distract you from the fact you are a blind partisan who can't actually defend Obama or his economic policy failures. I was all set to hear your solutions.

1. Try to lower the unemployment rate.

2. Try to lower the medical insurance premiums, and make them at par with the rates in EU.

3. Don't waste trillions of $$$ on waging wars. Instead, use that money to give education and employment to the poor people.
Your right on lower the premium medical insurance.....but on the war part...that won't happen soon...USA will alway be "in war" with someone.
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
Just curious since you express interest in income inequality and cite Obama as part of the problem. What solutions do you advance for this issue? What is it Obama should be doing here specifically?
Oh, I bet you are curious...  It helps distract you from the fact you are a blind partisan who can't actually defend Obama or his economic policy failures.  
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
Just curious since you express interest in income inequality and cite Obama as part of the problem. What solutions do you advance for this issue? What is it Obama should be doing here specifically?

Here is what he should be doing:

1. Try to lower the unemployment rate.

2. Try to lower the medical insurance premiums, and make them at par with the rates in EU.

3. Don't waste trillions of $$$ on waging wars. Instead, use that money to give education and employment to the poor people.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
Just curious since you express interest in income inequality and cite Obama as part of the problem. What solutions do you advance for this issue? What is it Obama should be doing here specifically?
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
Top 1 percent incomes grew by 31.4 percent while bottom 99 percent incomes grew only by 0.4 percent from 2009 to 2012,” said a September report by Emmanuel Saez, a left-wing economist at the University of California’s Berkeley campus.
Indeed, and the Republican response was to shut down the government rather than raise taxes on the top 1% who profited.

So you just have to wonder, does this mean Republicans hated the income inequality, or that they loved it?
Well, he got quite a few tax hikes passed in particular on the    It doesn't appear they have done one whit to change the trajectory of the rich being the only group getting richer.
So do the Dem hate income inequality, or you all just love your failed policies so much that no matter how much they don't accomplish your druthers you still want to advance them anyway?     
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
The first supposed fix is an $25 billion extension of unemployment benefits for people who have been jobless for at lest six months. The second supposed fix is a boost in the national minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 per hour.

Well these are far from his only economic development plans. Republicans refused the unemployment extension while at the same time complaining about the unemployed...does that mean they have empathy for the unemployed, or they are totally insincere.

BTW, extending unemployment stimulates the economy as every economist knows. Republicans oppose the concept.

Raising the minimum wage will remove 900,000 people from poverty...republicans hate that too.


The president wants to re-invest in our crumbling Infrastructure, in part because it so badly needs investment, in part for global competiveness, and in part to create long-lasting good jobs. It also happens that the incredibly low interest on monmey would make the investment as good as it gets. Republicans, no interest.

The president has helped grow the energy industry, making solar and wind more affordable for consumers and increasing fleet milage for cars to reduce oil imports. That has resulted in auto innovation unlike anything seen in generations. Republicans wanted the auto industry shut down.

Some forget that Republicans favor nothing that generates jobs...nothing. Republicans have supported no bills that could get through congress that creates jobs, nothing.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
Indeed, and the Republican response was to shut down the government rather than raise taxes on the top 1% who profited.
So you just have to wonder, does this mean Republicans hated the income inequality, or that they loved it?

It is not as simple as this. The top 1% are already paying taxes at a higher proportion when compared to the others. However, a part of their income (Dividends, Capital Gains.etc) are taxed at a lower rate. This is because of the fact that the capital amount is already taxed once by the government and they can't tax it again and again. If the Capital Gains are taxed at the same rate as income, then no one will invest in Equities and the market will collapse.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
Top 1 percent incomes grew by 31.4 percent while bottom 99 percent incomes grew only by 0.4 percent from 2009 to 2012,” said a September report by Emmanuel Saez, a left-wing economist at the University of California’s Berkeley campus.
Indeed, and the Republican response was to shut down the government rather than raise taxes on the top 1% who profited.

So you just have to wonder, does this mean Republicans hated the income inequality, or that they loved it?
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250

The GOP, the right, and most of the other Obama haters keep claiming that after 5 1/2 years, Obama is the one responsible for our less than great economy. They claim that any excuses do not matter, because the 5 1/2 years has been more than enough to fix everything with the right plans.
I can only point out that if a long time as president is the only factor we need to consider in evaluating a president's performance, then Obama cannot yet be considered our worst president on the economy. Bush II had 8 years to give us a great economy. How were things after his 8 years? Let's see how it compares after Obama's 8 years.

To be clear, I believe a president cannot be judged solely by how things are going after X number of years. You need to consider the entire hand he was dealt. At a minimum, one must recognize that economies do have cycles, some with bigger swings than others.

Obamacare has proved so disastrous to President Barack Obama that he’s going to begin the New Year by shooting political nails into his head.

He’ll try to distract the public from his painful Obamacare takeover by doing something even more painful — showing how he has mismanaged the economy and left 20 million Americans unemployed or underemployed amid a Wall Street boom.

Of course, in the run-up to the 2014 election, he’ll try to blame his mismanagement on the GOP’s post-2010, partly-effective opposition to his post-2008 regulations and policies.

The daring “you’re-responsible-for-my-failed-policies” strategy, however, depends utterly on cooperation from the establishment media. So it is being pitched as a noble campaign against unfairness, or “economic inequality.”

“I believe this is the defining challenge of our time,” Obama declared in a December speech, which was delivered while Obamcare sank his poll ratings below 40 percent. “It drives everything I do in this office,” he announced Dec. 4, two week before he jetted off for a two week golfing vacation in Hawaii.

“There is no greater challenge this country has than income inequality, and we must do something about it,” Senate Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid also said in December.

The “something” Obama and Reid are offering consists of two small steps.

The first supposed fix is an $25 billion extension of unemployment benefits for people who have been jobless for at lest six months. The second supposed fix is a boost in the national minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 per hour.

Obama doesn’t have much else to distract Americans before they go to the polls and — if current polls were to hold steady — elect GOP majorities in the House and the Senate.

Obamacare has delivered commercial health-care policies to 2 million customers out of a population of 310 million, but also cancelled policies held by 5 million Americans. The network is expected to spur more public opposition in 2014 as Americans recognize the limits on their increasingly expensive Obama-approved insurance policies.

Foreign policy doesn’t bear mentioning. Al-Qaida is overrunning cities in Iraq that were guarded until Obama pulled U.S. forces out a more peaceful Iraq in 2010. The Arab world is sucked into the merciless civil war in Syria, and the supposed nuclear deal with Iran has stalled.

Immigration policies could spur increased Latino turnout if Democrats can paint the GOP as racist for opposing the Senate’s very unpopular immigration bill that would double the inflow of immigrants and guest workers into a stalled economy.

But economic inequality is also a tough sell when Obama has been in the White House for five years, and the Democrats have controlled the Senate on each and every day of his tenure.

He’s overseen the “Quantitative Easing” policy that spiked Wall Street stocks owned by wealthy Americans, and touted the various economic and immigration policies that have frozen poorer Americans’ income.

“Top 1 percent incomes grew by 31.4 percent while bottom 99 percent incomes grew only by 0.4 percent from 2009 to 2012,” said a September report by Emmanuel Saez, a left-wing economist at the University of California’s Berkeley campus.

Read more:
sr. member
Activity: 994
Merit: 441
Having plans means nothing if you haven't got the power to implement them. okay, we should certainly give him a chance to further prove that, given enough time, he can indeed be considered the worst president based on the time he had to accomplish it. We don't have to prejudge this based on his not having had enough time yet to qualify and use the experience we have already witnessed. He can still do more damage.
sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 250
Thinking U.S. Presidents run the United States is like thinking Ronald McDonald runs the McDonald's Corporation.

Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
He stole billions to pay out fradulant bankers, F him.

The banker bailout was the biggest financial crime ever committed in recorded history. Hundreds of billions of tax payer money used to rescue the corrupt bankers. Not only the Democrats, but the establishment Republicans also supported that measure. So I won't be saying that Obama was responsible for it.  Angry
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