it would be awesome if the market would land gpuc/btc so 280x would cost 280.000 gpuc.
But on the main subject I believe that a marketing video could really get things going. If
it looks very professional people will see it and one of the seas of ideas to increase value
is to show people that the creators and their team is professional and believe in their idea.
Whether they are professional (which I do believe they are btw) is beside the point. What
matters is general opinion of the coin. You have to interest them, appeal to them and
make them believe it has a future. If you interest enough people the rest will get interested
due to the amount of people interested--chainreaction--.
Getting a video viral, some articles and maybe some people to talk openly about the coin
on youtube or somewhere though it will happen as soon as people start picking up interest.
Maybe even get a reddit page up (if it isn't) for a bit of buzz. Might be a bit early but it
happened with auroracoin and here back in Iceland people didn't really have any believe in
it and of course considered it a scam. However some random guy started buying pizzas
and delivering them to houses for 4 auroracoins which was like 36 dollars back then and
a lot of people actually caved in and went mining for the sole purpose of getting a "free"
pizza. (That guy must be pretty happy now btw) But it managed in that small way to
get a bit of buzz and get people going. The store is of course going to be the main buzz
here but wasn't the idea of having it open 2 weeks later so that the market will settle down
before it gets up and running. At the moment the opposite is more likely to happen. At
the moment no one is buying and too many are selling but as soon as the store goes
viral everything will get crazy.
I believe we (yes we.. devs, creators and the
community) need to get the value a bit up
before the store launches. And the way to go is videos, articles, getting people to realize
that now is the time to buy because the coin will get more expensive as the store launches.
The coin needs to be more profitable then electricity but more importantly people have to
believe it will because it won't happen any other way. Better yet miners would need to get
some sort of deal (sounds impossible though) to keep everyone from mining more profitable
coins and exchanging over when they have enough for a gpu. Though in theory it sounds
like a good thing you have to remember that a coin needs both its traders and its miners
to work properly.
The funny thing is that a part of me doesn't want the coin to get its value up right away.
I'd just be back to getting less then a 1k gpuc per day with my "fantastic" mining setup.
A little bit of a desperate plea (addresS: GSDyivZQWgRouL9eVSKjU9KRKFWQwtajq2)
If it keeps moving this way and the price goes up I'd get a lot more gpus then in the
other case though it'd be healthier for the coin.
Just had a little idea, might be good, might be bad or even terrible but here it goes.
What if every 5000th block or whatever the miner who found the block would maybe
win a gpu or discount or something that he maybe couldn't trade in exchanges but
would make him bloody happy anyway. I'm assuming that even though people are
assigned to pools it gets written down who gets each block but I don't really know
exactly the program works so this is probably not a doable idea but wanted to share
it anyway. Hopefully I'm being more helpful then a wall of pointless text