I think this could be a great idea but we are missing something in this IPO. I also invest in the IPO but seems that I will not take any profit from that. With the quantity of coins that will be available from the mining the coin will have a low value.
Who wins with this it's only the coin developers. We need a win-win situation. How we can reach this. The ideia to start a business selling cheap graphics cards is good but the investors needs some returns. My idea is the take the IPO not for the coins but for the company. We have to look to this like shares on the company. Because we are investing for the CEO purchase a large quantity of graphics cards and the selling and the profits only goes to the CEO. You can take 50% or 60% of the company and the IPO is for the 50% or 40%. You need to decide this quantities. But needs to be fair for both parties.
We are investing to start the business with our money so we need some kind of return.
We also can go on with the GPUcoin but this is a different situation because will take long time until the coin reach a stable value.
Think about this, because we have to look at this as a distributed company. Of course the shares owners will contribute to the company because will be the interest of each one of us.
I think this is better than contribute to take only some premined coins. The money will go to the CEO and only the CEO will have the profits of selling graphics cards... The IPO investor will only take worthless coins...
I hope you understood my point of view about it
What are you asking or proposing? Instead of taking premined coins you would rather have an equity position in the company? LLCs can have shareholders, but I doubt that you would get your investment percentage. Managing member can claim his time investment plus and capital, so many be he says the funds raised are equal to 1/2 of the business, top investor here is at 10% of the company so they would profit 5%. At the end of the year there are going to be many writeoffs (managing members time will be paid as a salary, warehouse costs, electric, phone, ect...) so not sure there will really be enough profits to spread around for a year or two. He will still be limited in volume by current assets and ability to acquire more video cards. $40k in video cards really is not that many.
I like your idea as an IPO investor myself, but I am not sure another option would be more profitable. lets help promote this coin, use its services, and let demand drive the price up several fold, that would be way more profitable,, for a few years I would be.