1) DNS is not secure, 2) easily blocked and 3) not used to transact millions of dollars worth of currency.
1. Coordinators don't store money 2. DNS stood test of time 3 Nothing blocks up more than BTC.
4. Stop jumping around with vague arguments
Coordinators require trust, which is something cryptocurrencies are striving to get rid of.
No they are not and LN uses hubs so stop shooting yourself in the foot
Separating the currency from the network leads to counterparty risk.
ETH, Ripple, HashGraph are doing just that but stay in the past if you want
PoW has nothing to do with spam transactions. "PoW is stupid" is not a counter-argument.
Again that's not what i read but if you feel that revving the car engine without putting car in gear is not
a counter argument then I cannot help you.
All meaningful BTC hardforks are relying on PoW so far.
Did you decide which ones are "meaningful" and why do you think the others have taken it out
and you also ignore my point about it not being needed in the first place.
Once again, no IOUs. No fake tokens. All very real, time based transactions.
Genuine BTC is in block-chain and changed to them would not help anything to scale so
something must be in these "real, time based transactions " but you don't seem to know
what so i will continue to assume IOU's or fakes
Assuming blockchain sharding relies on coordinators, we have a weak point and needless complexity right there. I do assume though that there are more effective approaches than that.
Then the world must all be wrong, LN must be wrong using hubs and if your looking for "complexity" then look no further than mining
LN is neither a rewrite nor a patch btw, it's simply an additional protocol layer. Much like OMNI and XCP before it. And like HTTP on top of TCP/IP before even that.
I don't mind new protocol to talk to the block chain but that's not what it is and you know it and your comments fly's in the
face of whats being said about the LN saving BTC in fess and dealing with micro-transactions
I'm not sure what you mean by "the reply will be cached". If this still refers to LN, a channel state is maintained, but kept up to date by enforcing state updates by using presigned timelocked transactions.
Comments about caching was in relation to BTC block-chain nodes in groups, nothing at all to do with LN
If this still refers to LN, coins can still be traced back to their origin, even when using LN.
Fine the IOU or Clone or fake has a reference to a wallet in BTC but it's still not the original wallet in the
BC that is being transacted upon so this creates more problems than what it solves during settlement
and is a right budge up and you talk about avoiding "complexity"
You're welcome to fork then
Or contribute to one of the alts that are eying blockchain sharding right now (assuming ETH is not the only one).
Yes lots of forks as others try to cash in on BTC but some are just doing forks to fix what is wrong and are
doing it in a rush. Me myself if i wanted to entice BTC members using air-drops would import the BC into
a completely redesign system and split the block-chain up into more manageable sized sections as has
been good code practice from year dot on any system that needs to scale.
Read up on sybil attacks on why this is a bad idea. Also the whole point of cryptocurrencies is to go trustless. Trying to create a trustee network comes with problems of its own. It's barely working with Root and Intermediary CAs. It becomes even less reliable with incentives to defect, such as the case with digital cash.
Yes we are back to decentralizes and trustless again in LN terms the decentralizes I am talking about is the same as being used
in LN Hubs (CENTRAL POINTS) so that a shoot to your other foot and throwing trust out the window as if it's a some type of religion
is not the answer.
Here we find that the medicine is worse than the disease as implemented in BTC and Ripple establishes trust with nodes as do
web-sites that allow you in and ban you if your start DDOSing them or not doing as you are told. Fantastic
tool trust is and is even used by network switches. Full nodes will need a registration ID and Coordinators will
deal with bad boys so again I say goodbye 51% attack bullshit