Thanks Nemo, just reading your link
You’ll recall that the original South Stream from Russia to the EU was supposed to go through Bulgaria. However, after pressure from Brussels and a visit from McCain, Bulgaria suddenly disallowed South Stream through its territory, in direct opposition to the country’s interests. Who needs $750 mln a year in transit fees, new jobs, heavy gas discounts, business tourism and other perks. But Uncle McCain said no, and Bulgaria replied, ‘how high do you want me to jump?’ As a result, Russia cancelled South Stream.
Hasn't Tony Blair just been appointed a consultant to Yugoslavia, after being instrumental in destroying the place one wonders how the people there would allow this
He will surely try block the South Stream passing through there now that Bulgaria is not an option. Taking into account his ME backers it all seems too cosy, rather that what is in the interests of consumers or development and jobs for the building of this pipeline through these areas you see the usual culprits at play