.. may i suggest YOU talk to YOUR local grocery store to accept bitcoins. as im pretty sure no on else wil travel all th way to YOUR town to talk to YOUR local grocer..
if YOU want a grocery store near YOU to accept bitcoins, then its kind of obvious that YOU need to help YOURSELF to make things in YOUR town change. YOU live there after all..
i am bringing change to my town. so dont sit there and whing on a forum. instead ask for the best way to introduce it, the bst way to get your grocer to accept it. and dont just hope someone else will change your town while you sit on your sofa. get involved, be the change that you want
You're just being a fucking asshole. Shouldn't you be over in /r/Bitcoin instead?
Of course I've talked to the local grocer! Stop being a fucking asswipe. Oh fuck.. I just don't know why I even bother sometimes. Some Bitcoiners are just such cunts sometimes. You're a great example. Please fuck off and stop being a total jackass. I fucking hate people like you. Fuck off and stop being such a douche. Bitcoin doesn't need you constant "hey! let's fucking shit on everyone all the time every chance we get" nonsense.