Growth mindset has been portrayed as something amazing and fixed one is portrayed as a moron here, but I have seen people who have fixed mindset and earn a salary at a company for 40 years and then retire and go on cruise with their spouse and live a happy life, whereas some growth people who wanted more and more, and then ended up crashing and burning and having nothing and maybe even bankrupted beyond repair.
Remember, for every good growth mindset person, there is a bad one waiting around the corner as well, fixed one will not create issues for the world, they will just wake up, shower, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch tv, and sleep for 40 years in a row. That is the most important thing that you need to keep doing.
This would make sure that you have a life that is not too rich and that is sad I agree, but that doesn't mean that you are a moron like this infographic claims basically, you just prefer not to take risks and make sure you are doing fine.
For those who had chosen on having those kind of growth mindset, they didnt really like on what happened into them just incase they did end up miserable.No one really loves on ending up a failure but you do
actually have a point because there are ones who did decide to take some risks and ending up on their life miserable comparing into those people who had decided to work for company for 30-40 years
but actually this had to do in someones fate. Dont know if people do really believe on fate but we know that there are really things in life which arent for us. Come in mind that even to those people who do have that fixed mindset and sticking into their jobs, there are ones who do able to make themselves way more better ex. job promotion, hitting jackpots or contest or whatsoever on which it did result on making huge money
then this is where it do make their lives so much better. This is why its never been that good on making up some conclusions.
You cant blame out other people on having those kind of growth mindset, who doesnt really like on having that different path on taking up into their lives?
We do all want that kind of progress on which it is really just that normal but of course it would really be needing up that risk taking in exchange.